Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 8/20 at 2:22pm: does salmon depend on webfinger, or is it an optional pluggable component? or can we use indieauth instead to make it URL based identity/discovery, rather than using .well-known and email addresses?
barnabywalterstantek_ (underscore?): awkward question. Salmon defines webfinger as the standard way of getting hold of a public key, but for magic signatures the transport doesn't matter
barnabywaltersso yes, we could easily re-jig things to require less faffing around. webfinger should in theory work with real URLs as well as email address-like identifiers, but there's not an awful lot of reason to perform all the LRDD lookups/parsing and such crap -- apart from backwards compatibility with statusnet
tantek_barnabywalters - let's minimize the faffing about with LRDD / webfinger and use the minimal indie URL-centric approach - as that's more of an indieweb way of doing things
barnabywalterstantek_: looking forward to it! Not sure if adactio is going to let brennannovak transfer his dConstruct ticket to me but I'm coming up regardless
barnabywalterstantek_: well, the my main argument against *web*finger IDs is: it's *web*finger, on the indie*web*, so why are we using an email-like *internet* id?!
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: tantek_: well, my main argument against *web*finger IDs is: it's *web*finger, on the indie*web*, so why are we using an email-like *internet* id?!