#tantekshould notes really have "Tweet" buttons? or should they have "Retweet" buttons (which just retweet the tweet that you sent out originally as the copy of the note)
#tantekI'm waiting for Hormel to start posting promoted tweets about Spam, then the circle will be complete.
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#tantekin all this discussion on how to post peer to peer comments, assuming we solve (have solved?) the first level of comments on posts, at some point we may want to consider how to solve the comments on comments on posts threading thing.
#tanteki.e. how does one pingback not only a post, but a specific comment on a post?
#tantekor if you pingback to a post on someone's blog, which is of object-type "comment", then how do we propagate that pingback up to the original post as being re: a specific other comment on that post?
#tanteknow the question is whether any blog software pingback endpoints pay attention to the fragid and use it as such
#tantekwhich begs another question, since the comment is being created originally on another site and being syndicated into (onto?) the original post via pingback, who creates the "comment-id" in the subsequent markup? the blog software hosting the original post?
#aaronpkoh good point... technically the content is from the author's site
#tantekthe comment-id could be automatically generated from the permalink of the comment on the commenter's own site!
#tanteke.g. if aaronparecki.com/2012/232/note/2 was a comment, then as a local id on the post itself, it could be: id="comment-aaronparecki-com-2012-232-note-2"
#aaronpkshouldn't the ping be sent to the author's site tho?
#tantekif you're writing the comment, then the metaweblog *post* is sent to your site, which then sends a pingback to the original post's site with the permalink of your comment post.
#aaronpkok, and then say you reply to my comment. shouldn't your reply ping my site since I commented?
#tantekthen the original post's site creates a local representation of that comment, inside an <article id="…"> element where the id is as described above, so that someone who wants to comment on *your* comment, would pingback per the pingback URL with fragid you suggested.
#tantekright, there are two pingbacks that must occur on comments on comments
#tantekthe first, is as you say, the comment on the comment must pingback the comment post.
#aaronpkso the source URL needs to be noted when the copy of the comment is brought in
#tantekso your site, with the comment, passes along a pingback to the permalink to your comment on the original post
#tantekand the comment on comment site also sends a direct pingback to the original post with pingback URL with fragid
#tantekby "source URL" if you mean "where the pingback came from" then yes, and always. technically that should be the actual permalink for the comment
#tantekfor the tweet button question, I decided to *only* put a tweet button on my articles for now, not my notes. I figured when in doubt, go with less UI until you have a good reason (use-case) to do otherwise.
#aaronpkvery, but if I don't, then they put in the page URL
#aaronpkthat's not a bad approach. I did get the "retweet" one working great if my post has a tweet id
#tanteki'm still leaning towards note posts having more of an RT button than a Tweet button
#aaronpkbut if I don't have a tweet ID stored, then it falls back to a regular tweet button
#tantekyeah, my HTML5+hAtom storage keeps track of the syndicated out tweet id for each note
#tantekso it would be relatively easy to display an RT tweet action for my notes that have been tweeted out
#tantekbecause the lack of a tweet means that either a) I haven't officially "published" the note yet (including sending PuSH notification) or b) when I published the note, the twitter API had a failure (maybe Twitter was down)
#tantekwhich means it will get sent out when twitter is up again
#tantekbut if twitter is down, then there is no point in showing a tweet button anyway
#tantekso I decided, no tweet id, means don't show any kind of tweet action button
#tantek(assume no tweet id means either a) I haven't published it so why would I want anyone to tweet it, or if b) it's because twitter is down, then any tweet action button would be useless anyway
#aaronpkthe posts would be out of order then, does that matter?
#tantekthe "order" in a feed shouldn't matter, since anyone who cares about "order" should be resorting according to whatever order they want (e.g. published date, updated date etc.)
#aaronpkalright -- just launched updated tweet buttons for articles and notes! and if there is no tweet-id, you get a regular tweet button but it auto-shortens the text and includes the link, see: http://aaronparecki.com/2012/231/note/5
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#tantekbtw - create a private test twitter account ;)
#tantekhmm - so why isn't there a tweet id in that case?
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#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 17 minutes ago: I went with the proposed geo microformat from here: http://microformats.org/wiki/geo-brainstorming since I wanted the display version to be "Portland, OR" and not the coordinates
#tanteksomeone proposed using data-* attributes with microformats? that's expressly forbidden by the HTML5 spec, and in our FAQ on the matter as well.
#aaronpkI don't know if it was from a microformats reference, it may have been from some other reference I found
#tantekaaronpk - what's odd about that jkprime permalink is that the "minimap" embed still makes it look like it's from the middle of the word "Portland" and then implies something about the polygon is special.
#tantekTufte would be ripping these map displays to shreds
#aaronpkyea I agree. you can't put the user icon pointing to a specific part of the map unless you're actually talking about that point specifically.
#tantekat least for compatibility reasons, with the "q" param
#tantekif so, it wouldn't be unreasonable to spec parsing/inspection of such URLs for the lat/long
#tantekand in microformats2, we could even do so at least halfway by using a u-geo property, which would indicate to a microformats2 parser to get the value of the geo property from the URL of the element, e.g. the href on an <a> element.
#tantekthen interpreting that URL becomes a client specific task
#aaronpkyes, tantek and I have been talking about the metaweblog API over the last couple days
#barnabywalterstantek: I plan to add that too, but want to be able to mount my articles as a virtual filesystem first
#tantekI know it may be "old school", but metaweblog API is fairly well supported by various blogging clients (some open source, like the WordPress iOS client)
#tantekok, have started updating geo-brainstorming per our discussion aaronpk
#barnabywaltersit's essentially xmlrpc with public key verification
#tantekthat's the simplest summary of salmon I've heard to date
#barnabywalterstantek: the official site is so obfusticated. once I've implemented it I plan on writing a proper explanation, implementation details and tutorial
#barnabywaltersotherwise only hard-core fsw people will ever bother implementing it :|
#tantekbarnabywalters - I gave up on trying to understand the spec and all the things it depends on.
#aaronpkdoesn't really solve the spam problem tho, since it seems like anyone can sign a request easily
#barnabywaltersyep, but if the request is signed by someone on your whitelist, you don't have to make a request to their site each time you get a notification
#tantek!tell barnabywalters does salmon depend on webfinger, or is it an optional pluggable component? or can we use indieauth instead to make it URL based identity/discovery, rather than using .well-known and email addresses?
#tantekthat has a lot more than is needed for generic public keys
#tantekhowever by publishing an hCard with public keys in the same way as documented in the examples there, it enables use of hCard public key for both Salmon, and potentially WebID
#tantekin that regard, the W3C's WebID could build upon existing relmeauth + hCard key publishing practices