#aaronpkit does mean I have an API for my site now, so I can make a web interface next
#tantekwhat protocol does app.net use for posting? did they implement a standard like AtomPub or the MetaWeblog API? or did they create their own snowflake API?
#tantekso it seems to me that there's a lack of vision for app.net
#tantekthat pattern, "they made their own, but they are actively taking suggestions" does not bode well
#tanteke.g. same mistake with identity, they made their own (namespace of @-usernames), instead of using a standard (URLs - e.g. with IndieAuth, or email addresses - e.g. with Persona/BrowserID)
#tantekso I'm waiting for the first such aggregation service that is smart enough and has enough vision to "just say no" to "make their own", and instead finds and uses the standard building block for each aspect
#aaronpkyea, status.net is the epitome of standards put together into a working product
#tantekwe already have enough snowflakes (in APIs, identity, etc.)
#tantekso when there's yet another one, it's like, yawn
#tantekanyway, status.net proved that you don't need to create yet another aggregator that syndicates stuff in - you can simply subscribe *directly* to original real time sources, and use their remote permalinks as actual permalinks (instead of creating duplicates)
#tantekso it seems app.net is pursuing a bit of an obsolete model in that regard
#tantekunless the "country club version of Twitter" was the point of it
#tantekthis is the kind of plug-and-play basic understanding of how all these standards work that is missing from any kind of app.net vision - and it's anywhere from frustrating to saddening.
#tantekso if we get our indieweb sites right, we *should* be able to just use an "off the shelf" standards-compliant client like the WordPress iOS client
#tantekand the wordpress folks are all very pro-indieweb too
#tantekso if we come up with an AtomPub or Metaweblog API extension for "checkins" - they might be willing to add it (or accept patches) to the iOS app
#tantekespecially if paired with a WordPress plugin that *accepts* checkins via such protocol extension
#tantekso that's the right way to think about these things
#tantekuse the existing standards-supporting clients etc., and extend the protocols openly to support new use-cases.
#tanteknot, invent a new service / clone of Twitter, invent a new client just for said new service, then work hard to re-implement existing functionality in those clones
#aaronpkis xml-rpc just so out of style that that's what's preventing people from building on the wordpress/metaweblog standards?
#tantekyeah? did you port my ellpsize function from cassis.js or write a new function?
#aaronpkI forgot to check if you'd made one already. but I have mine set up to preserve hashtags instead of trimming them off the end which was a common error case I was seeing in my first version
#tantekspecifically the "ellipsize_to_word" function
#tantekhah - you ask me for Falcon open source and then forget to check it :P
#tantekthe other Falcon function in cassis.js that's got a lot of intelligent details in it is "auto_link"
#tantekI decided to create a separate function "tw_text_proxy" to "fake" what Twitter does with URLs in order to do more precise ellipsing.
#aaronpkwe need a sentence or two people can put on their site in place of a comment form explaining why there is no comment form
#tantekI actually didn't want to corrupt my nice generic ellipsize_to_word function with special code just for Twitter's weirdness
#tantekso instead, the logic of ellipsing and taking into account Twitter's text expansion/compression due to URLs, is done by the calling code
#tantekaaonpk - or the comment form only appears if you sign-in with your own site, and the sites support site-to-site publishing of comments and then pingbacks.
#tanteke.g. if I sign-in to your site with my personal domain, and my personal site supports metaweblog API, then I should see a comment box *on your post on your site*
#aaronpkthat's an interesting idea. I think a good start is just a paragraph of text tho :)
#tantekthen if I post a comment *on the comment UI on the post on your site* - it should simply act like a blogging client posting "comment-type" post on *my* site, which should then pingback to the post on your site, thereby causing it to appear there in-line!
#tantekif we can get this all working, especially with "the other end" being a wordpress blog, that is, being able to use any wordpress blog to comment on *your site* (aaronparecki.com) - then that is worth proposing a session at a WordCamp for.