tantekaaronpk - I know you said you were working on a different post for marking up dates for blog posts - but do you mind changing the <abbr> markup in your post? The primary problem is that that use, with title="2012-08-12T09:00:00-0700", is a known accessibility/usability problem.
tantekas your post has been quite well referenced / debated (e.g. on HackerNews), I'm worried even leaving that markup snippet there may lead to it being copy/pasted by others
Alex_Lykosi'm in no way an excellent web designer, haha. in fact most of my site i got designed by a guy free, and i've just been altering the design over the years
aaronpkCan I do <span class="dtstart"><span class="value" title="2012-08-12T09:00:00-0700">12 hours ago</span></span> or can I do something with just one element?
aaronpkso for the non-<time> version, it would be <span class="published"><span class="value" title="2012-08-12T09:00:00-0700">12 hours ago</span></span>
tantekthe element with class="value-title" MUST be the first child of the element you're using for the microformats property, and in order for the tooltip to not display / be spoken, you must put only a plain space " " in that first child span. The plain space *is* required for maximum robustness with various markup transformation systems/services, e.g. Tidy, some CMSs etc.
tantektook a lot of iterating / testing by BenWard and myself to figure all that out as far as what would work in actual implementation/production/user situations
tantekI included both the hAtom microformats and h-entry microformats2 property class names to help start encouraging people in the microformats2 direction
aaronpkwell I tend to use docs as a reference rather than a tutorial, so organizing things by use case is helpful. i.e. having a section dedicated to displaying dates with microformats would be better than having information about dates scattered across a couple pages and sections
aaronpkI didn't notice the date example in "#using_value-title_to_publish_machine-data" until you linked me to it, because I assumed the "#Date_and_time_values" had all the info I needed
tantekor perhaps grouping by use-cases first, and then in later sections, the individual technologies can be described in more precise detail (e.g. for parsers)
tantek1. use class="dt-published published" instead of "published dt-published" - putting the prefixed version of the classname first helps identify both of them as microformats class names.
tantek3. in "What next?" replace the second bullet with a recommendation to use the <time> element, and if you can't use HTML5, then use value-class-pattern as you've documented.
aaronpkstill trying to figure out how to get the code snippets to scroll horizontally when they are too wide. adding all those classes made the lines too wide :)
tantek!tell barnabywalters - what kind of PHP code/classes/functionality are you working on sharing? I'm curious how much (if any) could be redone/refactored as functional CASSIS (rather than classes). See http://cassisproject.com/ for more info on CASSIS.