#indiewebcamp 2012-08-29
2012-08-29 UTC
Alex_Lykos joined the channel
Alex_Lykos i am back, and all moved in to college
tantek I'm guessing though that for something like hCard, the "examples/explanations organized by use-case" should still come *after* the complete summary table of rows of hCard properties, type of data for each, and brief definition (which links to a more thorough prose definition later in the spec after all the examples). Is that a reasonable guess? (ok to not be sure, I can try it out and you can let me know how it looks to you in pract

tantek tell !barnabywalters - heads-up: http://http://test.waterpigs.co.uk/ just gave me: Fatal error: Class 'barnabywalters\VCard\VCard' not found in /home/barnabywalters/sites/waterpigs.co.uk/www/live/app/libs/CardDavAuthorization.php on line 57

tantek !tell barnabywalters - heads-up: http://http://test.waterpigs.co.uk/ just gave me: Fatal error: Class 'barnabywalters\VCard\VCard' not found in /home/barnabywalters/sites/waterpigs.co.uk/www/live/app/libs/CardDavAuthorization.php on line 57

dascher joined the channel
tantek the logged-out state works though: http://test.waterpigs.co.uk/

xtof_fr, dascher, edrex, Alphi, tantek and barnabywalters joined the channel
Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 37 minutes ago: - what kind of PHP code/classes/functionality are you working on sharing? I'm curious how much (if any) could be redone/refactored as functional CASSIS (rather than classes). See http://cassisproject.com/ for more info on CASSIS.

Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 20 minutes ago: - heads-up: http://http://test.waterpigs.co.uk/ just gave me: Fatal error: Class 'barnabywalters\VCard\VCard' not found in /home/barnabywalters/sites/waterpigs.co.uk/www/live/app/libs/CardDavAuthorization.php on line 57

barnabywalters bother. First casualty of the big switch to composer!

barnabywalters tantek: most of what I've been packaging up for composer are old classes for pinging PuSH servers and dealing with caldav and vcard (yuk. They are hideous)

barnabywalters not stuff I've written, just stuff I've tweaked and changed so it works with PSR0 autoloading

Alphi joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: logging in to http://test.waterpigs.co.uk should work okay now

Alphi, edrex, stereoket and barnabywalters joined the channel
@superfeedr Awesome #Github org that groups a lot of nice #indieweb #federatedweb libs: https://t.co/pourdKyO
@edsu OpenStreetMap's trajectory is such an inspiring story about collaboration and innovation on the Web. #indieweb http://t.co/MlrbdDaO
Alex_Lykos and xtof_fr joined the channel
barnabywalters hey tantek — just writing some link finding code based on your auto_link cassis function

barnabywalters just thinking about microsyntax and URLs

barnabywalters currently if I write @tantek.com it detects it as a twitter username @tantek

barnabywalters so is using the @ microsyntax for people-URLs more important than twitter compatibility?

barnabywalters meh, I'm not looking to auto link stuff, just trying to find URIs, so I'll ignore the @s for the moment

barnabywalters aaronpk: found some ancient pages in the statusnet wiki which relate to discovery flow: http://status.net/wiki/OStatus/Structure http://status.net/wiki/OStatus/PuSH_consumer

barnabywalters just adding the links to our wiki page…

barnabywalters and there's an old revision which is quite informative: http://status.net/wiki/index.php?title=OStatus/Implementation_plan&oldid=7430

@knudmoeller OpenStreetMap an inspiring story about collaboration and innovation on the Web. #indieweb #opendata http://t.co/MBbvP7yC /via @edsu
dascher joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: right now I'm not unduly worried about auto-linking, I'm just creating an array of all the addresses in a given piece of text

barnabywalters for pinging with pingback or salmon

barnabywalters s/or/and

tantek so @tantek.com should hyperlink the whole thing to http://tantek.com/ and ideally look up the URL in a local cache (cache misses should retrieve the representative hCard from the URL) to get the person's name & logo (icon/avatar) to display inline.

barnabywalters tantek: that's stage two :)

aaronpk I still need to add the appropriate microformats to this, but I have a table mapping @usernames to domains which I use, see: http://aaronparecki.com/2012/186/note/7

barnabywalters are caches out of cassis' scope?

barnabywalters aaronpk: I've been thinking about implementing the inverse of that for syndication - write @real.url and have it changed to a twitter handle when syndicated to twitter

barnabywalters aaronpk: isn't that a bit redundant?

barnabywalters IMO if the @ microsyntax is displayed, the text following it should be a machine readable value

barnabywalters tantek: and will stay that way I hope, unless someone can think of a *really* clever way to do persistent storage across all the contexts in which cassis might be used

barnabywalters I totally agree an @name doesn't have to link to twitter, but why ambiguate it by adding arbitrary usernames which might be inconsistent across servers?

barnabywalters tantek: provided sufficient markup is provided on the client side I can see there being an advantage to that

barnabywalters I see that as being purely an authoring UX thing

barnabywalters just as fetching hcard data is a display UX thing

barnabywalters My ideal flow would be the following:

barnabywalters 1. In my authoring app, I type a note containing the text @aaron

barnabywalters 1. I only know one aaron who has a domain, so my script notes that @aaron = aaron.pk

barnabywalters 1. When displayed, it is replaced with "Aaron Parecki" and marked up with uf2

tantek hence I ended up saying this: "Perhaps the time really has come for an open source indieweb-based person-auto-complete input box." here: http://branch.com/b/when-and-why-post-on-branch-instead-of-your-own-site#528k1eck-b0

tantek BTW the copy a permalink UI on branch is something worth checking out. hover over the little chain link icon in the top right of a comment, watch the "5 days ago" appear, click it, watch a little div show up with the URL selected and the instructions to "Press cmd-C to copy a link to this post."

barnabywalters we should distill this into a wiki page

barnabywalters too much here in IRC gets lost into the logs

barnabywalters Loqi: WTF are you on about?

barnabywalters tantek: ooh, yeah, the permalink copying UI is nice

barnabywalters tantek: agreed that autocomplete-whilst-typing is hugely beneficial

barnabywalters their feedback box is cool too

barnabywalters not sure about their "You can embed a branch on your site so we're not a content farm" argument though

barnabywalters ++

barnabywalters I have been forced to think about server side vs client side a lot whilst developing my new system

barnabywalters my aim is for the site to be a mostly RESTful HTTP API

barnabywalters on almost any page you can get the data as json or atom through Accept: headers or just sticking .json on the end of the URI

barnabywalters and the backend is built to only support that architecture

barnabywalters so it's easy for me to see what *should* be implemented on the server side and what needs to be done client side

barnabywalters that's pretty much what I have ended up doing

barnabywalters I don't have to code a new JSON template each time

barnabywalters unless I want to do something special with the JSON

barnabywalters what happens is this:

barnabywalters 1. Router receives URI request

barnabywalters 2. Router asks model for the data corresponding to that request

barnabywalters 3. The router parses the data into whatever view is required based on the request type

barnabywalters so it's bastardised MCV, where the router does all the work and the controller doesn't have much control over how the data is displayed

barnabywalters actually, it's not really MCV at all

barnabywalters tantek: I got tired with implementing this stuff in CodeIgniter. So much DRY violation

barnabywalters lol

barnabywalters will do — in fact I've just started using cassis in it's entirety

barnabywalters previously I had just swiped a couple of functions

barnabywalters I am using the latest copy, although it's manually downloaded, not through git (can't handle submodules)

barnabywalters it'd be nice to install it through composer

barnabywalters composer packages don't have to be PSR-0 namespaced blah blah etc

barnabywalters in fact, a lot of them aren't and don't say so :|

barnabywalters hence all my recent forking activity

barnabywalters tantek: incidentally, how *is* falcon structured? I hear something about a hAtom+html store every now and again but there's nothing on your wiki covering how falcon actually works

tantek http://tantek.com/w/Falcon has all the docs so far

barnabywalters tantek: that's great, but doesn't actually cover how falcon *works* :)

spinnerin joined the channel
@evanpro "Chopped up or Cloned: You Choose" http://t.co/w6R1xWrS #fsw #indieweb
barnabywalters fair enough! What does the hAtom+HTML5 store look like and how does falcon map URIs to a particular bit of the store?

tantek, Alex_Lykos_, dascher, tantek_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
Alex_Lykos_ joined the channel
tantek_ joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: awesome. Another question it might be useful to answer would be "Why isn't this open source" and/or "How can I set up something similar?"

barnabywalters on a different note: I have started my Salmon odyssey

tantek joined the channel
@snarfed_org @superfeedr @indiewebcamp nice github group! feel free to add my ostatus-unofficial suite of projects: https://t.co/of2JTn1g
tantek barnabywalters, ok, I believe the answers to your questions are fairly complete - let me know if you think I missed something: http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/21743425/Falcon#FAQ

dascher joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
tantek !tell barnabywalters great post! http://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/chopped-up-cloned-you-choose

Alex_Lykos o-o
Alex_Lykos why am i alex lykos
Alex_Lykos i thought my name was wesley on this server
spinnerin joined the channel
Loqi joined the channel