2012-08-30 UTC
tantek and dascher joined the channel
# 00:11 aaronpk tantek: have you considered publishing bookmarks on your own site? actually, precursor question: what do you use for bookmarks?
# 00:13 aaronpk I like collecting links of interesting things I find, I often use it as a reference
# 00:15 tantek I've started to copy/paste links of articles I've read into my personal log (text files) along with everything else I get "done" from my to-do lists / next-actions etc.
# 00:15 tantek but I don't feel like spamming the world with it
# 00:15 aaronpk I use it more as "I have read this and you might think it's interesting too"
# 00:16 aaronpk or "I read the first paragraph and want to come back and revisit later"
# 00:16 tantek if I think a link is interesting enough to share, I do one of the following:
# 00:16 tantek 1) if it's REALLY interesting to LOTS of people I know across communities, I'll post a note with short comment
# 00:16 tantek 2) if it's of interest only to one particular community of folks, I'll paste it into that community's IRC channel
# 00:17 tantek 3) if it's a good resource/reference for a particular community/topic, I'll edit the respective wiki page and add it there.
# 00:18 aaronpk interesting that those three use cases are ordered by amount of activation energy required
# 00:18 tantek are they? the paste in IRC channel use (middle one) is easiest / lowest energy for me
# 00:19 aaronpk for me #1 is easier since I have a simple web form for posting now
# 00:19 tantek and then if people seem to like it / respond, then I might post a note to my site with commentary
# 00:19 tantek so what's the difference between "bookmarking" and posting a note with a link in it to "check this out"
# 00:20 aaronpk I think posting a note with text other than the note itself is only something I'd do with <5% of the things I currently bookmark. That would be me being really excited about sharing something I found.
# 00:21 tantek "posting a note with text other than the note itself" ??
# 00:21 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: I think posting a note with text other than the link itself is only something I'd do with <5% of the things I currently bookmark. That would be me being really excited about sharing something I found.
# 00:22 tantek that makes no sense to me - most of the time that I log a link, I also log the title of the article / page
# 00:22 tantek (I use full text search in the Finder - what was that link I saw / read about topic foo?)
# 00:22 aaronpk But the majority of things I bookmark I just want to collect in a place to review later, also I tag them with a few words to find them later
# 00:23 aaronpk not a to-do list, but if I'm trying to remember that site I found last week about X because I'm working on X again, I go back to my bookmarks
# 00:24 tantek why go back to your bookmarks? why not search everything you've read/done?
# 00:24 tantek if I'm working on X, I want my search to show me everything I've touched about X
# 00:24 tantek "just bookmarks" seems like a kinda useless filter
# 00:25 aaronpk but sometimes my browser history has too much information, like sites I visited that didn't contain relevant information. So when I do find the thing I was looking for I bookmark it
# 00:26 tantek bookmarking could be useful if it would clone the page for me as I saw it
# 00:26 tantek in an internet archive compatible web archive format
# 00:26 aaronpk but I use it more for things I find visually interesting, not text content
# 00:27 tantek 1. state of the page when you read it (HTML+CSS+images, etc.)
# 00:27 tantek 2. state of your browsing environment when you used it (device, display, dimensions, network speed, browser/engine version, potentially connectivity, etc.)
# 00:28 tantek I only really care about an internet archive compatible web archive format
# 00:28 tantek of course I wonder how well those do with "responsive layout"
# 00:28 tantek anyway - the full archive would be useful for:
# 00:29 tantek (being ok with viewing condition alterations)
# 00:29 tantek short of such archives of the pages - I haven't "bookmarking" itself useful really
# 00:30 aaronpk but you do have something you do in place of bookmarking which is collecting text files of links?
# 00:30 tantek been meaning to write a favelet to do that for me automatically
# 00:30 tantek no the text files are just personal log files
# 00:31 tantek so "read this: URL" is just another few lines in it
# 00:32 tantek I keep the legacy date in there for additional searchability
# 00:33 tantek I'm more collecting citations than bookmarks - if that makes any sense
# 00:33 aaronpk that's fascinating. can you give other examples of content types you put in the logs?
# 00:34 tantek so far today I have logs of the following: yoga, random things I did at home, articles read, timestamped things that happened (e.g. a txt message that canceled an appointment, thus the appointment got copy/pasted along with the cancellation message and timestamp)
# 00:35 tantek transit notes (train times/numbers), drink/meal summaries
# 00:36 tantek observations (random thoughts from my head I wanted to capture), meetings that happened along with inline notes from those meetings
# 00:38 tantek yeah, been doing it since I was in college. was in HyperCard stacks until ~2010
# 00:40 tantek also every time I cut/paste something from next-actions.txt or date-time-items.txt to thought-YYYY-B.txt, it feels quite good
# 00:40 aaronpk do you mark the types of things, like food: ____ and meeting: ____ ?
dascher and tantek joined the channel
dascher joined the channel
tantek-ipod and tantek joined the channel
# 01:08 Loqi I welcome tent.io to the mix. /cc @mxuribe @titanous
# 01:24 tantek aaronpk - re: marking the types of things, I started using some microsyntaxes for my workouts that are still human readable
# 01:24 tantek also I've found myself following a link with # hashtags when I paste it into my logs also for searchability
# 01:24 tantek for keywords not present in the title for example
# 01:29 tantek oh and if an article's permalink has a good slug (e.g. article title keywords in the slug), then I don't bother copy/pasting the title or hashtagging it
dascher, spinnerin, tantek, xtof_fr and barnabywalters joined the channel
stereoket, dascher and spinnerin joined the channel
# 16:56 barnabywalters aaronpk: just looking at your notes markup and styling for inspiration. There seems to be a stray empty <ul class="notes"> before the actual one in /notes
dascher joined the channel
# 18:15 barnabywalters aaronpk: similar: the profile photo on your individual note pages has no alt tag
# 18:15 barnabywalters I'm pretty sure you're still supposed to have @alt, although it's permitted to be empty
dascher joined the channel
# 21:02 barnabywalters I'm almost ready to release http://test.waterpigs.co.uk/ — I've tidied up the markup and styling, as well as getting my instrument catalogue working. If anyone wants to have a poke round and give feedback I'd greatly appreciate it!
# 21:03 barnabywalters e.g. try appending .json or .atom to some of the URLs (doesn't work for everything yet, bear with me!)
stereoket, tantek_ and dascher joined the channel
# 23:04 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters Thanks for the tip! I cleaned up the markup a bit!
# 23:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next