barnabywaltersaaronpk: I stole your .minicard css — it's v. effective. If other people like it, shall we informally declare that the standard small block markup for profiles?
barnabywaltersit would also be useful to come up with standard markup for inline people references — Probably minicard but without the url and with a tiny profile photo
barnabywalterswas also thinking of making a really nice h-card generator where it gives you different layouts (full, minicard, microcard) and control over back compatibility
barnabywaltersjust tested that styling with multiple font sizes - it scales quite nicely, but the image and the border go out of sync above a certain size
tantekre: thinking of making a really nice h-card generator where it gives you different layouts (full, minicard, microcard) and control over back compatibility
tantekif that's the only semantic conveyed - "here is this person", you can just use alt="" to indicate that the image is representative of the same thing as already visible text