tantektell !barnabywalters check out the new discovery page I just started, and start adding your discovery needs as new sections. I'll follow-up with microformats brainstorms for plain HTML to HTML discovery methods. http://indiewebcamp.com/discovery
tantek!tell barnabywalters check out the new discovery page I just started, and start adding your discovery needs as new sections. I'll follow-up with microformats brainstorms for plain HTML to HTML discovery methods. http://indiewebcamp.com/discovery
stereokettantek: good to meet you last week. I got myself a suitable domain for url shortening posts. Next step is i've just paid for a new dedicated server (as I'm migrating all of my personal projects / domains onto this new machine). So i'm going to take a look at Whistle next week.
stereoketbeen thinking a fair bit about publishing from a site - am going to braindump some charts on how it might look to an indieweb creator, liked the idea of the API mirror - that might be a really good step to document
stereoketyep, I have a very busy wordpress them - which I want to seriously simplify, plus as Jeremy showed, I have a CMS that has some simple interfaces, I might fire that up to manage my content publishing - first steps (blog/twitter/FB/flickr) - if I can wrap them into the shortener - I could simply add links back to the original content (as you've been doing)
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 59 minutes ago: check out the new discovery page I just started, and start adding your discovery needs as new sections. I'll follow-up with microformats brainstorms for plain HTML to HTML discovery methods. http://indiewebcamp.com/discovery
tommorris.orgcreated /Principles (+306) "time to capture some principles. I'm tired of saying "this indieweb thing" and having to explain it all" (view diff)
brennannovak, paul__ and stereoket joined the channel