#barnabywalterswarning: contains stick men and detailed examples
#barnabywaltersfeedback greatly appreciated. The goal of this article is to outline how *I* see web actions working, and see if that syncs up with how others see them
#barnabywalterscan socialigniter expose a list of names and used tags? it would probably be easy to retro-fit
#brennannovakI'm a bit bummed i've been so quiet on my IndieWeb / SI efforts
#brennannovakit wouldn't be too hard to pull down a list of users from the API, currently do not have any storing of #hashtags but could easily implement via the Tags app
#barnabywaltersassuming there's a JSON API endpoint for it, we can just pull it in via ajax, right?
#@BarnabyWalters#indieweb people: Let’s avoid this attitude to web app interoperability: OAUTH ALL THE THINGS
#brennannovakbarnabywalters: that's a great idea, your solution seems very intuitive and much easier to implement than Tent.io thing
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: hello! Just sat down with brennannovak at this coffee shop, going to read your post now!
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: hello! Your twitter rewriting gets a mention. not sure I’ve actually linked to it yet
#brennannovakinteresting, so you think feed readers should be totally decoupled from the publishing aspect (code wise)? Or is that something left up to App builder to archtect?
#barnabywaltersmost of what I’m thinking about happens in the browser
#barnabywaltersso, for example, if there was a great feed reader which was also a content publisher, the browser extensions would allow me to use the feed reading with the publisher of my choice
#barnabywalterstechnologically, all that has to be done is enhancing aaronpk's extension to cover more than twitter, and making sure all out publishing interfaces support filling of the UI via the query string
#barnabywaltersI want to hear what tantek thinks before I do any major implementation, given that he came up with the web actions proposal I’m modelling this on
#aaronpkdid I do a blog post about my twitter reply hack, or just post a video?