2012-10-06 UTC
brennannovak joined the channel
# 00:29 tantek tommorris - looking forward to seeing your blog posts at tommorris.org URLS :)
# 00:35 tommorris actually, I'm not sure there is. just thinking, I can keep the old stuff on blog.tommorris.org
brennannovak joined the channel
brennannovak joined the channel
brennannovak and tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:25 tantek WOOT! Well done and welcome Tom Morris. Good to have you back blogging on your own site.
# 01:26 tommorris now I just need to implement <!-- more --> so the semi-naked dude can be hidden beneath the fold
# 01:27 tommorris amazing how sticking things on your own domain focuses the mind on ordering your todo list appropriately
# 01:27 tantek you just nailed why self-dogfooding is so important.
# 01:30 tantek ok even as a hetero guy I have admit that "semi-naked dude" is an amazing specimen. it's a good bar to aspire to. back to the climbing gym as it were...
# 01:31 tantek tommorris - instead of <!-- more -->, why not markup your blog posts explicitly with <div class="e-summary"> </div> for the part to put in aggregated views, and then <div class="e-content"> …</div> for the entirety of the article content? (per microformats2 h-entry)
# 01:32 tantek the nice thing is that the element with class="e-summary" is optional
# 01:33 tantek if it's there, use it to subset the post to just that bit for aggregation views (like your home page)
# 01:33 tantek if it's not there, it just falls back to using the entirety of the e-content
# 01:33 tantek so you can decided editorially whether to markup a "summary" subset of a post or not, on a post by post basis.
# 01:34 tommorris well, the nice thing with <!-- more --> is I can just split on it. doing it with e-summary means parsing it, then doing extraction
# 01:35 tantek isn't it just matter of looking for the class via Xpath query?
# 01:35 tommorris well, I store everything in the database in Markdown then use Kramdown to turn it into HTML
# 01:37 tantek I store everything in flat files in HTML5+hAtom then use DOMDocument to read/write it into different forms.
# 01:38 tantek I want to try getting into Markdown but it seems far too semantically limited / unextensible
# 01:38 tommorris yup, I have some things where I'm parsing it, extracting it and doing stuff.
# 01:38 tantek is there a Markdown syntax and processor for marking up sections of the text with class names?
# 01:38 tantek btw - really like the simple minimal design of tommorris.org
# 01:39 tantek it's imminently readable, and the header graphic is just enough personality to associate with you too
# 01:39 tommorris I've been testing it from my phone too. the geolocation posting is fun.
# 02:00 tantek.com edited /projects (+598) "sort projects by blogging/CMS first, other content types, other building blocks, and within those, by # of attendees using and then more functionality first." (
view diff )
# 02:01 tantek tommorris - could you describe briefly what functionality you get when using Ferocity from your phone? Can you write blog posts on your phone and post them directly from there? What geolocation information is included?
# 02:04 tommorris and I'm using OpenStreetMap's reverse geocoder to turn that into a placename
# 02:04 tantek is that semi-automatic using the Geolocation API?
# 02:05 tommorris and, no, I have a button in the interface I press to get the lat-long
# 02:05 tommorris I can also remove the lat-long from posts and change the location label (if, say, the reverse geocode isn't accurate)
# 02:05 tantek well that certainly counts as *semi*-automatic :)
# 02:06 tommorris I don't want it for all posts. I don't want posts I make from in and near my home to be geotagged
brennannovak, josephboyle1, spinnerin and josephboyle joined the channel
tantek and brennannovak joined the channel
# 08:18 tommorris "A study in May 2012 showed that 61% of URL shorteners had shut down (614 of 1002)" according to Wikipedia. Yet another reason. ;-)
tantek joined the channel
sandeepshetty and sandepshetty joined the channel
# 09:15 tommorris and yes, fixing the no-www issue and having nicer URLs for paging are high on the agenda. ;-)
barnabywalters and catsup joined the channel
barnabywalters, dascher and tantek joined the channel
# 15:49 aaronpk just catching up with the backlog in the channel now
# 16:13 tommorris I posted from my mobile, got a super-weird error an had to go and sit down in Golden Square in Soho and bash out some new code.
dascher joined the channel
# 16:16 tommorris I still need to make the code for the reverse geocoding nicer. It works nicely in Brighton, but not London. I'll definitely publish that once it is a bit better.
# 16:16 aaronpk cool. have you had pretty good luck with the OSM data then?
# 16:20 aaronpk I haven't looked at the OSM business names data much yet, mostly just played around with hte admin area names for reverse geocoding
brennannovak and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 17:33 tommorris aaronpk: it's next on the list of things to do. I've got the data mangling handled pretty nicely.
# 17:48 tommorris tonight: a fun evening of device testing. Android, iPhone and iPad.
sandeepshetty, brennannovak, barnabywalters, voxpelli and tantek joined the channel
# 20:36 tommorris barnabywalters: ooh, weird, that's a strange rendering issue. ;-)
# 20:37 tommorris and reminds me, I should probably test my site in Chrome and Opera
# 20:37 barnabywalters tommorris: yeah, I saw it a while ago on Andy Clarke’s new site, and he had no idea either
# 20:38 tommorris barnabywalters: screenshot tabs suggests you are hard at work on something
# 20:40 barnabywalters tantek: woo! And as a result, I pledge never to use value-class if I can possibly avoid it :)
# 20:41 tommorris I have to say, the most useful thing when working with (classic) microformats is Glenn's ufXtract test suite.
# 20:42 tommorris it's a .NET library for extracting microformats. Glenn's writing a JS version soon
# 20:42 tantek Glenn and I are in the process of updating it with uf2 variants as well
# 20:42 tommorris but in the process of writing the .NET library he's written extensive unit tests
# 20:42 tantek tommorris - he's already shipped/shared a Node.js version, so as much as that's a JS version, it's up
# 20:43 tommorris when adding geo microformats, being able to see exactly what the relevant syntax was and what the resulting parse output is… very useful.
# 20:44 barnabywalters tommorris: that looks marvellous for µf-1, but my library is a pure µf-2 parser
# 20:44 tommorris been discussing it with Wikimedia people for a while: having a hack day exclusively for community-maintained APIs and services
# 20:45 barnabywalters tommorris: that would be marvellous, esp. as a lot of the hackdays I have heard about have revolved around commercial sponsors
# 20:45 tommorris yup, I'd keep the commercial sponsorship as low as possible.
# 20:46 barnabywalters I think today was the one annual hackday in the south west (met office). And I managed to miss it :'(
josephboyle, josephboyle1, barnabywalters, xtof_fr, tantek, brennannovak and dascher joined the channel