#tantek!tell barnabywalters - take a look at http://indiewebcamp.com/feed_reader - just a did braindump for now including stuff you've mentioned. Please add/fix! Thanks, t
spinnerin, tommorris_, joshr_, aaronpk_, dascher, zztr, tantek, tilgovi, dietrich, josephboyle, borior, friedcell and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 23 minutes ago: - take a look at http://indiewebcamp.com/feed_reader - just a did braindump for now including stuff you've mentioned. Please add/fix! Thanks, t
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adactio, barnabywalters, dascher_, dascher, tantek, tommorris, spinnerin, morrocco_mole, tilgovi, friedcell, barnabywalters_ and sandeepshetty joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk, I've been iterating on citation/linking UIs for articles (and/or notes) and what I've finally come up with as the next iteration I want for my site is similar in appearance to what you have for your articles
#aaronpkoh! great. I'm pretty happy with it as well. I have a blog post in my queue about the design of my permalinks too.
#aaronpkI'm actually reconsidering using the day number in the full URL, I may switch back to month/day
#tantekI've been a bit stuck on it for a few months actually
#tantekI gathered all the possible use-cases I cared about, then I created a UI to handle them all, then never finished implementing it - it had too many pieces.
#tantekI've decided to drop an explicit "shortlink" field from my citation UI
#tanteksince Twitter now tcos everything, there are fewer use-cases for shortlinks
#tantekI mean, I still have a few documented, but in looking over them again, I haven't actually *used* any of the remaining shortlink use-cases myself for over 6 months
#tantekso to me that means I can leave them out of the UI until a need arises
#tantekanyway, after I'd done my redesign sketch iterations and found one I liked, I decided to check yours again, and it turns out we came to similar conclusions
#tantekone thing I'm going to try doing differently though, is to *only* put the citation UI on my articles, not my "notes"
#tantekmy notes already have so little text on the permalink page, that I feel adding much more text (even just a citation UI) may distract too much from the content.
#tantekwhereas in an article / blog post, the citation UI will likely load far "below the fold" and "feel" like just a bit of additional UI, rather than a big percentage of the text on the page.
morrocco_mole joined the channel
#aaronpkgood distinction between notes/articles I think
#tommorrisI did think about GUIDs/UUIDs, but the URL is the unique ID.
#tantekanother thing (re: citation UI) - I kept iterating on the citation hypertext markup until I came up with something that seemed reasonable to me, with sufficiently high fidelity that a citation aggregator could make interesting use out of it, and so that copy/pasting it resulted in clear enough markup and display text for folks to be able to just drop into a blog post and have it work.
#tantektommorris - completely agreed about "the URL is the unique ID"
#tantekall the other stuff, ETAGs etc. was a massive distraction in the RSS community
#tommorrisso, here's a citation use case: adding references to wikipedia. The amount of time I spend converting crap between citation formats by hand is ridiculous.
#tommorrisI know there was some for the major news sites like BBC, NYTimes, CNN etc.
#tommorrisI've been meaning to write a "everything to Wikipedia citation" script that'd follow some set of rules like looking for microformats, RDFa, Facebook Graph stuff, COinS and so on.
#tommorrisor perhaps nick something like that from Zotero.
#tommorrishttp://reftag.appspot.com/ is something I use almost daily - it's an open source web service someone made to turn Google Books URLs into Wikipedia citations.