2012-11-07 UTC
# 00:21 tantek ok looks like I managed to update it without PHP erroring even once :)
# 00:27 tommorris the vagueness in the <cite> element back in the bad old days of HTML 4 really is biting us in the behind.
# 00:27 tantek but this way, it's backward compat with the old (and new) definition of <cite> as well
# 00:27 tommorris yep, not worried about the microformats, just the HTML for now. ;-)
# 00:28 tantek plus the HTML is really easy to trim, say if you want just a hyperlink with the article title
# 00:28 tantek like if you don't want the parenthetical (author date) at the end
# 00:28 tommorris I'd switch it around with the cite just around the article title
# 00:29 tantek I'd considered that, but then that required wrapping the whole thing in a separate span
# 00:29 tantek that was a previous iteration of the markup :)
# 00:29 tantek the old defn of <cite> was ambiguous/abused enough to accommodate this usage
# 00:30 tantek … is flawed in a number of ways - e.g. doesn't permit you to cite speakers in IRC for example
# 00:30 tantek adactio and I have been practicing violating that for a while now
# 00:32 tommorris I mean, the backward compatibility thing really breaks the HTML 5 spec on that. if they take backwards compatibility seriously, they need to deal with the fact that cite doesn't mean what they think it means anymore
# 00:33 tantek yeah - that's just Hixie being stubborn and rejecting authoring usage/adoption/intent (in violation of the HTML Design Principles) and instead preferring artificial precision in the spec for apparent precision's sake.
# 00:34 tantek on a long enough timeframe, the HTML spec will have to adopt to author usage in the wild of this stuff
dascher joined the channel
# 00:37 Loqi tantek meant to say: on a long enough timeframe, the HTML spec will have to adapt to author usage in the wild of this stuff
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