2012-11-12 UTC
dascher, dascher_, josephboyle, unclenate, donpdonp, tantek, sandeepshetty, melvster, barnabywalters, friedcell, borior1 and spinnerin joined the channel
# 17:30 tantek.com edited /Main_Page (+144) "fix the hCalendar for IndieWebCamp 2013, clean up prose and section headings a little, move description of indiewebcamp weekend down to the event area" (
view diff )
unclenate, sandeepshetty, dascher and morrocco_mole joined the channel
dascher, unclenate and barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters, friedcell, dascher, friedcell1, tilgovi, unclenate, tantek and morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 20:10 tantek barnabywalters - did you see what I'm doing with citation UI at the bottom of my articles? (blog posts)
# 20:12 barnabywalters it’s hard to get a sense of exactly what I’m getting from the scrolling line of code
# 20:16 tantek so that's an embedded use of h-cite to cite a previous post
# 20:16 tantek and then the input box down below has the markup to copy paste to cite *that* post
# 20:20 barnabywalters so most of that is handled pretty well, I just have to add the implied abbr title p-name
# 20:21 barnabywalters and put the children key in the right place (currently under properties of the parent)
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 20:29 sandeepshetty I'm also trying to avoid the count(*) to figure out where I am wiithout page nos being passed around.
# 20:30 barnabywalters *love* the idea of redirecting to the wikipedia page for internet addiction after a certain number of pageviews ;)
# 20:31 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: specifying a maximum date is human-readable and human-writable. max-id is only really machine writable
# 20:32 barnabywalters it’s like text stubs vs ids for articles. I use text stubs, and could probably give you the correct URL for any one of my articles off the top of my head. I couldn’t if I used IDs in the URLs
# 20:35 sandeepshetty hmm... For pagination, I guess the URL with the date is more hackable than the one with id.
# 20:36 sandeepshetty id or text stubs for articles seems to me more about remembering than hackability
# 20:36 barnabywalters then the machines get what they handle best and humans can use what they use best
# 20:37 barnabywalters sandeepshetty: apart from, as in wikis, when visiting a nonexistant page offers it’s creation
# 20:37 sandeepshetty but the interface would only use one by default so the other would be invisible?
# 20:39 sandeepshetty I was assuming the whole point of hackable URLs was to avoid reading the docs :D
# 20:40 barnabywalters hm. I wonder how would be a good way to document it transparently without actually using it
# 20:40 sandeepshetty barnabywalters - this is similar to my approach to avoid the count (*) query
friedcell, zztr, sandeepshetty, unclenate_, melvster1, dascher and tantek joined the channel
# 23:05 tantek greetings indiewebcamp folks - I updated the home page a bit to provide a quick indieweb summary, then about indiewebcamp, then the next upcoming camp - take a look and let me know if it "feels" right.
# 23:06 melvster1 met you at TPAC (Melvin) ... waves to tantek
# 23:07 melvster1 new page looks great
# 23:08 tantek do you think you might make it to IndieWebCamp 2013?
# 23:09 melvster1 tantek: I have to admit, it's a slim chance right now, but I can definitely follow on IRC, or maybe help with some coding ...
# 23:09 tantek thanks to barnabywalters we've been iterating on remote participation and getting better at it with each successive camp
# 23:11 melvster1 let me just code up the indie auth
# 23:13 melvster1 <link rel="me" href="http://twitter.com/melvincarvalho" />
# 23:13 melvster1 in the head?
# 23:15 tantek you already have <a rel="foaf:account" href="http://twitter.com/melvincarvalho">Twitter</a><br/>
# 23:15 melvster1 lol good point ... forgot about that!
# 23:15 tantek <a rel="me foaf:account" href="http://twitter.com/melvincarvalho">Twitter</a><br/>
# 23:17 tantek happy to help with adding more #microformats to your home page also.
# 23:18 melvster1 i now have <a rel="me" href="http://twitter.com/melvincarvalho">Twitter</a>
# 23:21 melvster1 let me try another browser
tilgovi joined the channel
# 23:22 melvster1 same in chrome ..
dascher and Nadreck joined the channel
dascher joined the channel
# 23:45 tantek melvster1 - Just noticed (sorry I missed it before) - your Twitter profile needs to link back
# 23:45 tantek in particular: 2. On each service, ensure there is a link back to your home page
# 23:45 tantek rel-me depends on reciprocation for authentication
# 23:46 melvster1 make sense ... so i added my homepage to twitter
# 23:47 melvster1 still the same error
# 23:47 melvster1 let me try chrome
# 23:48 melvster1 maybe i need the trailing slash on the end
# 23:49 melvster1 no it fails with every combination of / and without
# 23:54 tantek looks like Twitter started tcoing even Website fields!
# 23:54 tantek their markup has: <a target="_blank" rel="me nofollow" href="http://t.co/RoM15G5S" title="http://melvincarvalho.com/">
# 23:55 melvster1 yeah i noticed that
# 23:55 tantek looks like tco does a HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
# 23:55 melvster1 evil twitter!
# 23:56 melvster1 at least they got rid of the #!
# 23:56 tantek I thought the rel-me parsing/crawling that the indieauth library did handled a 301 at that point
# 23:57 melvster1 301s are a pain
# 23:57 melvster1 well at least we found a bug!