2012-11-13 UTC
tantek and dascher joined the channel
# 01:02 tantek hmm… I think we could use some more relmeauth debugging tools.
# 01:03 tantek Joel was able to sign-in no problem using joel.franusic.com via Twitter earlier this morning (PST) so its odd that Melvin had problems this afternoon. unless...
# 01:04 tantek oh that's interesting, Joel's twitter, @jf, has the markup: <a target="_blank" rel="me nofollow" href="http://joel.franusic.com"> - no tco.
# 01:04 tantek wonders when Twitter tcos a website URL or not.
zztr, unclenate, joshr__, tantek, tantek_, tilgovi, dascher, melvster, joshr_, Nadreck, morrocco_mole, josephboyle, singpolyma, catsup, lmorchard, dietrich, aaronpk, hober, reidab, heathjs, brianloveswords, mkowens, sdboyer, paroneayea, jancborchardt, elf-pavlik, friedcell, spinnerin, barnabywalters and sandeepshetty joined the channel