#indiewebcamp 2013-01-19
2013-01-19 UTC
brennannovak, danbri, morrocco_mole, josephboyle, wajiii-afk, tantek, indiewebcamp-vis, andreypopp and rachelwente joined the channel
# tommorris tantek: you may enjoy this - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5083930
# tantek feel free to add more real world examples to the research here: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Time
# tantek I'm basically done with programmers insisting on storage of abstract values rather than what users (humans) have actually entered/committed. Too many programmers don't understand that their "automatic" conversions tend to be more lossy than they think - e.g. lose the information of how much precision was intended (as your comment points out).
# tantek e.g. sections like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyborgs_in_fiction#Film
# @tobiaspeggs “@johnbattelle: Federated Media Now Has Greater Ad Reach Than Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL http://t.co/H4pmK6B7” Congrats @wtknapp et al! #indieweb
# tommorris tantek: I'd say http://enwp.org/WP:LISTN and http://enwp.org/MOS:SAL are worth reading
spinnerin and barnabywalters joined the channel
rachelwente joined the channel
# tantek it's the basis of this designer-y silo that's popped up: http://hypothes.is/
# rachelwente (sorry to interrupt) I am having trouble with http://indiewebcamp.com/Special:UserLogin for http://rachelwente.com
# barnabywalters rachelwente: aaronpk is the person to ask about indieauth problems
# barnabywalters what is the error message/problem you’re getting?
# rachelwente Perfect. Thanks. I read through a month of logs last night and saw some similar problems….
# rachelwente Flickr, twitter, facebook - no valid auth (I've since removed them from my links as I was troubleshooting.
# rachelwente GitHub - invalid credentials
# rachelwente Google - internal server error
# barnabywalters rachelwente: yeah, it’s a bit experimental at the moment. I’ve found twitter to be the most reliable
# rachelwente Geolqi - redirect error
# barnabywalters are you linking back to your own site from these profiles?
# rachelwente Yep.
# rachelwente I started with Twitter.
# rachelwente Realized I'm one of those that gets my profile url t.co'ed.
# rachelwente (From an earlier log.)
# barnabywalters oh, I didn’t realise that happened :(
# rachelwente I also tried using one of my dev sites. (My rachelwente one is squarespace. I thought that might be an issue. But even my standalone sites are encountering same issues.)
# rachelwente No worries. I'll ping aaronpk.
# rachelwente I thought figuring it out might be one of the challenges for entry. :)
# barnabywalters liking the rotating photo background gallery btw, and welcome to #indiewebcamp :)
# rachelwente I do. Haven't used it in a while. (And it's still vidoop, so I know I need to find new host.)
# rachelwente (thanks)
# barnabywalters I can’t remember if indieauth.com works with openID anymore. It was making things unreliable and I can’t remember if aaron found a more solid library or not
# rachelwente Do you know if I can un t.co my URL in my profile? I searched a bit last night and didn't see any hacks.
# rachelwente I was able to actually get grant access prompts with google and github, but both came back with errors. Twitter didn't even get that far.
# barnabywalters rachelwente: well, you could try changing it and changing it back, but I’m not optimistic that would do anything
# rachelwente Great minds. Tried that yesterday afternoon.
# rachelwente (sorry, didn't thread that)
# rachelwente thanks for the input everyone… I'm going to tackle it again service-by-service on a different site tonight. I'll keep a log and share with aaronpk. Happy Saturday.
# barnabywalters rachelwente: good luck, hope it works out :)
# rachelwente tantek yes. It's the one I ended with when I hit the wall last night.
# rachelwente I don't have the skill to debug the auth part, but can make a detailed path for aaronpk. I'll grab snips for each service and try each browser, too.
# barnabywalters rachelwente: I know tommorris had some problems at IWCUK due to using FF aurora
# rachelwente Before that, though, I have a little boy with his skis on, looking at me expectantly. I'll send more info tonight, once we return. cheers….
# rachelwente and thanks again for all the advice.
# barnabywalters tommorris: twitter has always been the most reliable for me too, but my profile URI isn’t tco'ed
# barnabywalters now I am scared to ever change it in case they hide it behind their nasty shortener ;)
# barnabywalters tommorris: see https://indieauth.com/#faq-how-to-be-added-to-supported-providers for how to get a new provider added
# barnabywalters tantek: I know, but a) it is clearly not at the moment, and b) I don’t particularly like t.co
# barnabywalters looks in the source
# barnabywalters okay, by the looks of https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth/blob/master/lib/relparser.rb#L89 indieauth is just parsing for URLs which look similar, not actually resolving rel=me URLs
# barnabywalters tantek: doing
spinnerin, andreypopp, eschnou and tantek joined the channel