tantek_since others may have to troubleshoot similar problems in the future when either using indieauth.com as a service, or performing their own relmeauth with the indieauth library or relmeauth php library.
aaronpkyesterday when I was starting one of the new chapters I was googling for things, then realized why I'm writing the book... because there isn't enough documentation out there yet!
aaronpkthere were two problems: 1) Github started enforcing redirect URI mismatch more strictly (https != http anymore), and 2) OmniAuth was reporting the wrong problem https://github.com/intridea/omniauth/issues/658
tantek_wonders if we should have an IndieAuth status page on the wiki - noting what is broken and what is working, so new people are hopefully less frustrated trying to log-in.
tantek.comcreated /Template:indieauth-status (+188) "draft, assume down unless someone has gotten it working, and then they can edit this accordingly to change the status. github was down yesterday per Phae & rachelwente, Geoloqi down yesterday per rachelwente" (view diff)
tantek_I made it a template so it could be included on the login page as well - just to set expectations and give a heads up (and remind all of us to get it all working better)
rachelwenteI was going to finish my troubleshooting doc, but it may not be needed. (I started it last night and needed a few minutes more today before sharing: http://goo.gl/NJ4wv)
tantek.comedited /Template:indieauth-status (+143) "add links to specific github issues for the "down" providers (so at least there's another place people having problems can add comments, screenshots, etc.)" (view diff)
barnabywalterstantek: hey, you never know, aaronpk might have made Loqi into a bot which listens to our complaints, formulates a test suite and evolves a codebase which satisfies it ;)
tommorrisso, I'm just working on a patch for openstreetmap to add the ability for users to add links to their sites to their profiles. with rel=me, obvs.
eschnoubarnabywalters, thanks, plenty of ideas for next steps. One thing I would really like to get working is cross-site mentioning. Will try salmon and web mentions.
barnabywaltersI did a prototype and the simple act of making mentions into a feed gets you twitter functionality for free built on open, widely implemented standards. yay!
eschnoubarnabywalters, but will it work if we have never interacted, because that's really want I want to achieve: to be able to mention you and you get the notification although you are not subscribed to me.
tantekeschnou, do you have a page on storytlr.org which documents its current IndieWeb related support? e.g. PuSH support (both in and out), rel=me on user profile pages (or home pages), hCard for user profiles (and home pages), hAtom for posts etc.?
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: ooh, I just remembered: FB will finally let me post statuses as public now so I can start experimenting with comment/like backfeed
eschnoutantek, no yet, I'm bad at writing documentation, but will do ! By the way, I was looking for the same on the indieweb wiki: a list of stuff to support
tommorrissomeone asked me why it was called ferocity. I pointed out that all the software I've created recently begins with 'f' (my wikipedia bot is called 'fabulous', in the same drag queenish way) so when they don't work, I can swear at them.
eschnoutantek, thanks. So far storytlr is not a 'client' and I was thinking of decoupling the publish side from the client side. I'm still looking for a proper 'indieweb client' though, some ideas on building one myself.
eschnouand on another note, I plan to write a client API to storytlr, so that I can start writing some clients. Any open standard in mind ? I was looking into AtomPub. Did not find anything else.
barnabywaltersTurns out activitystreams is quite useful for representing "objects" internally, even if I don’t like it’s actor/verb/object publishing model
tantekbarnabywalters - more specifically, *where* does a pingback get sent to from waterpigs.co.uk when you "post a note or an article" and under what conditions? It's not always is it?
barnabywalterstantek: at the moment I’m just pinging all the links on the page. If there are problems I’ll throttle it, possibly to links I’ve marked up with h-cite and h-card
barnabywaltersaaronpk: okay, I made a note linking to all those sites. There was an uncaught curl exception which stalled most of the pingbacks, but I think one got through to oauth.net
eschnoubarnabywalters, I'm just reading through the specs and I don't understand why you need webmention if you have pingback support. Can you enlighten me ?
tommorrisin other news, someone mentioned earlier that Twitter have confirmed that if you haven't gotten downloadable Twitter archives yet, you should get them by Jan 31
barnabywalterstommorris: it’s on my todo list — the http client library I use supports parallel requests, but I haven’t figured out how to use them yet