#indiewebcamp 2013-01-31
2013-01-31 UTC
zztr joined the channel
zztr tantek: when you say 'the web is my reputation service' what do you mean? is there a microformat for endorsement?
tantek tommorris - sadly, vote-links support has died out so it's been moved to an "Archived" section accordingly on the home page: http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page#Archived

zztr are microformats often/ever cryptographically signed?
zztr any reason why not?
zztr when it's in an email sometimes yes
zztr which is why it makes more sense to me to sign just a div. the html doc is a container for statements
zztr in a hypothetical future where people do this, if the browser had a database of known/trusted identities, statements could be published alongside each other. fred has a vcard, george has a calendar item, whatever...
tantek zztr - you may be interested in studying the non-hypothetical uses of the hCard "key" property: http://microformats.org/wiki/key-examples

zztr well, the signed pieces would have a life of their own, and the bytes from them would have to remain untouched. that's not such a big deal in my mind
zztr yep
zztr basically, my stance is that dns sucks as the identity service for the web
zztr yep
zztr content addressability is where it's at
Loqi, tantek, scor, mxuribe, mxuribe1, catsup, bnvk, andreypopp, Stevef and eschnou joined the channel
andreypopp any thoughts on why microblogging via XMPP didn't get traction? I see juick.com over here but it's kinda dead...
tilgovi, Stevef and andreypopp joined the channel
andreypopp tommorris, I don't believe in total indieweb paradise when everybody has their server in the pocket, but decentralized architecture with several servers which federate data seems fine to me...
adactio, andreypopp, scor, laurian, mxuribe, friedcell, eschnou and eschenal joined the channel
singpolyma andreypopp: juick is a pretty good implementation of the µblog over XMPP idea

singpolyma I used it a bit, but network effects were of course an issue there

singpolyma For the record, HTTP *also* requires an always-on running server process

laurian_, tantek, laurian, scor, bnvk, barnabywalters, stereoket and eschnou joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: would that be http://enwp.org?

zztw joined the channel
andreypopp and stereoket joined the channel
aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:Tantek.com-2010-281-b1-translation.png]]""

wajiii-afk joined the channel
aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:Waterpigs.co.uk-article-chopped-up-translation.png]]""

aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:Aaronparecki.com-2012-10-22-1-translation.png]]""

aaronparecki.com edited /translations (+775) "/* Current Examples of IWC Translated Articles */ broke out into headers, added screenshots of links to translations" (view diff)

barnabywalters tantek: why are translations of your content listed at the bottom?

tantek.com edited /translations (+140) "yellow backgrounds nothing to do with my translations" (view diff)

barnabywalters to me at least they appear more as badges than useful links for non-english speakers

barnabywalters but if the reader isn’t an english speaker, that link *is* primary content

barnabywalters wonders how reliable the Accept-lang header is

tantek see for example how I styled/organized the "Translations:" near the top of http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard

stereoket joined the channel
wajiii joined the channel
barnabywalters yeah, I’ve never actually noticed those before :)

barnabywalters they certainly haven’t distracted me from reading the main articles

barnabywalters I’m guessing the language name is likely to be more effective than flag glyphs for that, and less visually noisy

barnabywalters also flags have the single-country-multiple-languages problem

barnabywalters I certainly need to do more work on presenting my translation link

barnabywalters but at least french users are likely to see it ;)

barnabywalters don’t scale => SVG?

barnabywalters or not scaling in the other sense

tantek which started this: http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page#Microformats_wiki_translations

tantek and of course this: http://indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page#Translations :)

Stevef, stereoket, bnvk, morrocco_mole, zztw1 and gardnr joined the channel