#indiewebcamp 2013-02-01
2013-02-01 UTC
mxuribe, morrocco_mole, catsup, tantek, scor, bnvk, Nadreck, andreypopp, stereoket, Stevef, eschnou, friedcell, friedcell1, hadleybeeman, singpolyma, laurian, tilgovi, tilgovi_ and aaronpk joined the channel
andreypopp, dpk and zooko joined the channel
zooko Hi there.
tantek just as a quick intro, nearly everyone here has their own URL, creates *something* for it (code, design, UX), and shares some of what they create as open source/design/content. start here: http://indiewebcamp.com/

tantek this is an interesting article from an indie web perspective: http://wiredpen.com/2013/02/01/mini-rant-web-hosting-company-set-up-policies/

sbp joined the channel
tantek.com created /web_hosting (+1155) "stub with a few articles with recommendations" (view diff)

zooko and tantek joined the channel
tommorris been working on checkin today: http://tommorris.org/checkin/venue/search?lat=51.5093361&long=-0.1236304

barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters evening tommorris

barnabywalters oh cool!

barnabywalters tommorris: so where are you getting the VPS from?

barnabywalters tommorris: I had come across them before actually, but my VSP isn’t with them

barnabywalters tommorris: ooh, nightmare :( Great for testing though!

tommorris http://tommorris.org/checkin/venue/search?lat=51.5093361&long=-0.1236304 is the current version

barnabywalters tommorris: nice! and when I make a browser extension for it, I’ll also get a link to my post UI :)

barnabywalters wow that’s a lot of results. Surely there’s not much point in ever loading more than about 20?

barnabywalters and are you hosting copies of the venue info under your own domain?

barnabywalters I am planning something similar, where a minimal set of info about the venue is stored in machine tags on the note, and displayed as an h-card, but I am also giving venues URLs and tags

barnabywalters tags will allow me to implement some cool stuff

barnabywalters for example, I make a deferred todo item attached to a venue tag (e.g. buy a hammer next time I go to B&Q)

barnabywalters then, when I next check in to a place like that, a notification can pop up

sbp "If you still want to order it, use 'view source' to find the commented out link."
barnabywalters I’m sticking /venues/, /checkins/ and /journeys or /routes under /location

sbp sounds like my kind of company
friedcell, darkcypher_bit, cgcardona and cardona507 joined the channel
cgcardona hello
barnabywalters welcome cgcardona!

cgcardona thanks :-]
cgcardona i heard tantek mention this in #aaronsw room and thought I'd join the party
barnabywalters cool — do you have a personal site?

cgcardona I have a couple of personal sites. plus I just created the beginning of a new one last night http://www.openbigdata.org/ (dns isn't set up for non www yet)
cgcardona If you don't mind me asking what's the idea behind this project? (I'm reading http://indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page right now)
barnabywalters cgcardona: so do you have a URL which represents "you" on the web?

cgcardona cardonadesigns.com
cgcardona http://www.cardonadesigns.com/
barnabywalters cheers :)

cgcardona Thats my personal site. But it needs some work.
cgcardona thanks :-]
barnabywalters so the idea behind this project/community is to promote and explore content and identity ownership on the web

cgcardona ah i See.
barnabywalters that, instead of leasing our identities out to 3rd party silos, we should own then on our own domains

cgcardona yea it's a very compelling idea.
cgcardona Are there a set of technologies underlying this?
barnabywalters optionally syndicating out content out to those 3rd parties to maintain our current networks and ease others in

barnabywalters cgcardona: we’ve mainly all been rolling our own, but there are a growing set of common conventions

barnabywalters e.g: microformats and µf2 for marking up people and blog posts, pingback for inter-site messaging

cgcardona gotcha
barnabywalters we’re trying to build upon existing standards for max. compatibility with others, instead of reinventing the wheel *yet again* a la so many other federated social web projects

cgcardona yes
barnabywalters cgcardona: just reading your sheet music in HTML thing

cgcardona barnabywalters: I wrote the code for that about 2 years ago so it's pretty hideous under the hood :-]
cgcardona but the idea is solid
cgcardona and I'm refactoring it
cgcardona https://github.com/cgcardona/audiofile_sdk
cgcardona I'm refactoring it into a 'framework' which will accelerate the development of musical web apps
barnabywalters sheet music on the web is a side-interest of mine — I publish a load of trad hurdy gurdy music using ABC

cgcardona very cool. url?
cgcardona also there is this https://audiofile.cc/boombox/
cgcardona and this http://audiofile-genetics-lab.herokuapp.com
barnabywalters it doesn’t actually have any CSS or rendered sheet music at the moment, but you can see it here: http://waterpigs.co.uk/wpsm/

cgcardona the last link is a project I just started working on to 'evolve' a piece of music
cgcardona basically you create a string of 'dna' such as '12001211' - Each of the numbers represents a step. So for example a 0 is switch from sound to silence or vice versa, a 1 is to move up a half step and a 2 is to move down a half step
cgcardona I then give each on a fitness score based on if it has notes that are actually sounding and in the key of c major
cgcardona I then 'mate' the highest scoring dna strands and produce a new generation. You can toggle how many generations to run
cgcardona anyway. I created #Audiofile if you wanna talk more about it so we don't' have to spam out this room
cgcardona i'm checking your link right now
tommorris that sounds a bit like http://enwp.org/DarwinTunes (which I wrote the Wikipedia article on) ;)

cgcardona tommorris: I'd not heard about it. reading the article now
cgcardona ah yes, this does sound similar.
cgcardona i'm currently working on creating audio with the web audio api so that you'll be able to hear each creature but I don't have it working yet
cgcardona Not sure if you've checked out the web audio api but it's incredibly rich and cool. I'm also going to slightly tweak this system so that it not only evolves the musical score but also the actual way it sounds (distorted, reverb, etc)
cgcardona i think it would be really cool to evolve the sound effects as well as the score.
barnabywalters cgcardona: played with Pyo in python at all?

cgcardona barnabywalters: i haven't. googling now
barnabywalters it’s my lib of choice when doing non-web audio manipulation

cgcardona cool. thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.
cgcardona I'm going to take my 4 year old son to the skate park for a bit. bbiab
tantek and bnvk joined the channel
tommorris presents a (very fake) checkin post: http://tommorris.org/posts/8070

barnabywalters the page you were looking for doesn’t exist? that is a very fake checkin ;)

barnabywalters looking good :)

barnabywalters I’ve just been improving my add-location-info-to-note UI — adding a nicely styled fail condition for when my laptop can’t figure out where I am

andreypopp joined the channel
barnabywalters me too, I insist on all data being statically available at a URL, but backbone is a great toolkit to use for enhancing existing markup as well as doing full-blown js apps (meh)

barnabywalters that is the way you want it :)

barnabywalters what is the product? or is it secret?

barnabywalters well, ff comes with it built in (although no support for µf2 yet)

barnabywalters I’m assuming the end users are stuck in IE?

barnabywalters wow, nice — so is not supporting old IE one of the things which allowed you to cut down the amount of js?

aaronpk, tantek, tilgovi, morrocco_mole and bnvk joined the channel