tommorrisI'm hoping at some point to have Foursquare style icons for places, like a little train icon for train station, and a pint glass for pubs and cocktail glass for pubs
tommorrisit gives you back the 'wikipedia' tag and the 'website' tag, which is useful, but there are other tags like 'media:commons' which is handy because you could use it to load a CC photo on the venues page
barnabywaltersso I’ve posted quite a few notes with nominatim rev-geocoded address data now, and I’ve noticed that nowhere I check into in Devon has the city or town set correctly
barnabywaltersfor example, when I check-in anywhere in Buckfastleigh (hometown) or Totnes (music stuff mainly), the City is always "South Hams", and town/village isn’t set
tommorrisso, here's an example. in London, there's a bar I go to called Retro Bar. it's in a little alleyway called George Court. I've used that area for testing geocoding and reverse geocoding, primarily because I know the area and added quite a lot of venues.
tommorrisonly once you do centroid on the closed way to turn it into a point, the reverse geocoder puts it in the alleyway, even though the entrance is on the street
barnabywalterstommorris: I’m changing the WIP section on the checkins page to a “People actively publishing checkin data”, shall I remove your paragraph about your cool-but-unoptimisable service? /checkin (+29) "/* work in progress */ Removed p about un-optimasable service, replaced with people actively publishing checkin data" (view diff)