bretoliusI recently moved to portland, and have been becoming more interested in ways to take control over my online services and identity for the past year. After stumbling across indiwebcamp when educating myself about web semantics recently, It seems like attending would be a fun way to learn more about this kind of stuff, and maybe even get involved in a larger project. I don't know if I qualify as a creator though, all I have is a static
bretoliusjekyll gh-pages blog and domain that I created, and a slew of private web services for myself. Is that enough? Would I be better as an apprentice? Maybe this isn't for me at all?
tantekbretolius - it's not ideal, but it's typical. all the following communities are built around a single codebase: Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Diaspora, etc.
tommorristantek: not only is the issue "no one implementation is likely to be *the* answer", but that multiple implementations are good in and of themselves in promoting a healthy ecosystem more generally
bretoliusalthough, it would be neat if inidiauth could recognize to navigate from to to find the link back
@olivierthereauxThanking Google for getting people to stop wondering whether online services may die, and start planning for when they will. #OwnYourData
barnabywaltersI'm thinking it would be cool to use a simple webRTC video chat for indiewebcamp remote participation — perhaps using
tantek.comedited /projects (+1206) "moved ownCloud to hacks - no evidence of any attendees running it as of 2013-082, separate blogging projects vs other building blocks, upgrade open photo to production" (view diff)
dpktantek: not sure how you're going about it, but if you can also gather examples of sites with RSS/Atom feeds produced by these various tools, that would be very helpful for me
dpk"We are currently taking a DDoS attack and are working to mitigate. The site may be slow to respond, and you may struggle to pull/push code via SSH - we apologise for any inconvenience."