tantek.comedited /Falcon (+3710) "expand article with info from projects page, document code files, template(s), and storage format of current Falcon implementation" (view diff)
tantektommorris, aaronpk - I've documented the storage format I'm using for Falcon. So I pass the baton to you two to document as much about your implementations (Ferocity, and aaronpk, what's yours called?) on the wiki. Figuring we can learn from each other.
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+712) "/* Storage format */ note that falconpost appends and reads rel alternate urls to syndicated copies on hentry elements" (view diff)
barnabywaltersnew taproot design principle: build software which feels safe — discomfort, awkwardness, security and privacy are all secondary to safety of data
tommorristhe nice thing about Mongo is that while I think it fails as a large-scale database (we use it at my new job and there are... interesting issues)... it scales *down* pretty well
barnabywaltersI think that, coinciding with redoing my persistent storage, I might do away with my internal usage of ActivityStreams. It’s not like publishing AS data is ever likely to be useful, and some of the semantics are dodgy
barnabywaltersI’m going for a flatter version of the µf JSON representation — no properties key (type is a property, children is irrelevant) and much less use of arrays
barnabywaltersI find it really interesting how so few of us open source our entire software — I was talking to people at digpen this saturday about how *not* collaborating on code has forced us to collaborate in more interesting ways
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+440) "/* Code Files */ how code makes its way from Falcon to cassis.js, and functions therein that have found usefulness outside of Falcon" (view diff)