2013-03-25 UTC
sdboyer__, bretolius, sdboyer, ddahl__, andreypopp, Nadreck, aaronpk, heathjs, zztr1, singpolyma, Phae, donpdonp, reidab, josephboyle, b0bg0d, b0bg0d1, wajiii-afk, jaquecoustaeau, tantek and caseorganic joined the channel
andreypopp, b0bg0d, seyz, catsup, eschnou, morrocco_mole, friedcell, tantek, lmorchard, adactio, mxuribe, scor, jzb, singpolyma and caseorganic joined the channel
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# 17:08 tantek what do people think? do we need conference video services at indiewebcamp?
tommorris, tommorri1, scor, bnvk, tantek, bnvk_, b0bg0d, caseorganic, termie, barnabywalters and eschnou joined the channel
# 20:22 tantek how do we distinguish between a blog post that's essentially just a comment on/for another blog post, and an a blog post that's an article that happens to cite another blog post for some material?
# 20:23 aaronpk what about the "in-reply-to" class that's been discussed a bit?
# 20:23 tantek displaying on your site, pingbacks/webmentions, rel link values, citations, and reverse citations (where you list on a post the things that linked to it, like comments or other articles)
# 20:24 tantek aaronpk, in-reply-to is a good start, but doesn't really make this distinction
# 20:24 tantek you could write an article that's in-reply-to a bunch of other blog posts and cite them all
# 20:24 barnabywalters agreed with aaronpk, my current usage is: in-reply-to if a note/article makes no sense without the replied-to post, quote/h-cite otherwise
# 20:24 tantek but you wouldn't go put that as a comment on all those blog posts
# 20:25 aaronpk i'm pretty sure if I were to put an "in-reply-to" class on a link, I would in fact go comment on those posts with a link to my post
# 20:25 barnabywalters tantek: I personally would not use in-reply-to if I the post isn’t suitable as a comment
# 20:25 tantek barnabywalters - that's an interesting distinction. a *comment&* makes no (little?) sense without the context of the original post that the comment is in reply to
# 20:25 barnabywalters tantek: that is my working distinction. I thought that was the use case for in-reply-to
# 20:26 tantek in-reply-to is helpful as a thread of conversation/discussion as well
# 20:26 tantek however a reply can actually be useful in its own right without reading the original
# 20:26 tantek "never actually seen it defined anywhere" - right, which is why I'm asking
# 20:27 tantek I've seen people write rebuttals where the rebuttal stands on its own, and you don't need to read the original
# 20:27 tantek but those are often full blown articles with their own structure
# 20:28 aaronpk isn't that a "note" vs "article" distinction then?
# 20:30 tantek aaronpk - not necessarily. some comments have structure also, like blockquotes
# 20:30 tantek barnabywalters - we'll keep discussing article vs. note until we have it well figured out :)
# 20:31 barnabywalters immediate difference I see is that the replies all start with an h-card, the quotes with a <blockquote>
# 20:31 tantek do you have any structured replies to blog posts?
# 20:32 tantek like the in the way we ask people to blog their comments about our posts?
# 20:32 tantek (rather than having our own commenting UIs on our sites)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:33 tantek though multiple paragraphs could be "just" a note also
# 20:33 tantek at some point, a note becomes structured enough to become an article
# 20:33 tantek I don't think we've drawn a precise line (or if it's possible to do so)
# 20:35 barnabywalters none of those really felt structured enough to warrant an entire article — they are all spoken as if in conversation to the person I’m replying to
# 20:37 tantek by "at the mo mirrored" did you mean "at the moment mirrored" ? is that a typo or a colloqualism?
# 20:39 tantek barnabywalters I like the writing style of your multi-paragraph comment notes - they make sense
# 20:39 tantek and read like comments one might make on a blog post
# 20:40 tantek but yes - all of them make little sense without reading the original
# 20:40 tantek that being said, I find it odd that the link to the original is at the *bottom* of those posts
# 20:41 tantek I kind of expected the "In reply to " itself to be hyperlinked
# 20:41 tantek because when I see a linked @-name (or full name) I expect that to go to a top level site / profile
# 20:42 tantek however if the link text was something like "Chris Messina wrote"
# 20:42 tantek then it's clear from the phrasing context that it's a reference to a particular piece of writing and not just to Chris as a person
# 20:43 barnabywalters but yes, that, above the note rather than below (mimicking twitter) is probably a good start for improving that particular bit of design
# 20:44 tantek it shows the in-reply-to embedded *above* the tweet you clicked on
scor joined the channel
# 20:44 tantek in terms of "require a partial quote/title in order to make sense" - that's kind of what I've already been naturally doing on my "reply" notes
# 20:45 tantek barnabywalters - when I say "in twitter", assume twitter.com on desktop browsers :)
# 20:45 tantek I don't really pay much attention to Twitter "clients"
# 20:46 tantek here are some examples of my "reply" notes (with the partial quotes inline)
# 20:47 barnabywalters interesting that your convention is to broadcast the conversation out to all instead of targeting the reply directly at the replyee (?), and to put the link at the end
# 20:48 tantek barnabywalters re: "convention is to broadcast the conversation out to all instead of targeting the reply directly at the replyee" - it's because Falcon doesn't have explicit Twitter in-reply-to syndication support yet :/
# 20:49 tantek those are LEGO portraits of the Google Founders, and yes the QR code is LEGO also
# 20:51 barnabywalters thanks, it’s a bit overdue. It does have it’s own domain, but I haven’t installed it there because it’s not really ready for general use
# 20:51 tantek and aaronpk to settle on a name for his software - "p3k" ?
eschnou joined the channel
# 20:53 tantek well - to the wiki page on tantek.com/w/ at least
# 20:54 tantek so one of the reason I'm asking about the "comment" vs. "article" distinction, is in thinking about the design of how to list other folks linking to my blog posts, in the footer of my blog posts
# 21:02 barnabywalters having an elsewhere-type list of links is a nice shortcut to actually pulling in comments from those services
# 21:02 tommorris tantek: I'll probably have a crack at filling out the ferocity page over the Easter break. kind of have a lot on at work, but four days off ;)
# 21:03 tantek barnabywalters - it's not a shortcut as much as a stopgap
bnvk_ joined the channel
# 21:03 tantek because I haven't written the code to do the reverse-syndication of silo comments
# 21:03 tantek we should store the comments on our own domain if we value them
# 21:04 tommorris actually, I'll add something to it shortly - a screenshot of my posting UI ;)
bnvk joined the channel
# 21:11 tantek tommorris - that's a pretty clean and simple posting UI
# 21:11 tommorris there's an expanded UI which is a bit more like a traditional blog post UI
# 21:12 tantek all I have is a bunch of sketches of my desired posting flow from ~2010. sigh.
# 21:17 tantek barnabywalters - maybe I should make a flipbook :P
# 21:17 barnabywalters the flipbook is an underappreciated art form! certainly the dead tree equivalent of a gidf
# 21:17 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: the flipbook is an underappreciated art form! certainly the dead tree equivalent of a gif
friedcell joined the channel
# 21:30 tantek barnabywalters - would be great to see a still of the "posted" screen
# 21:30 tantek the screen where the "Posting … " button says "Saved!"
# 21:30 tantek interesting that it shows you the generated markup
# 21:31 barnabywalters yeah, that was a funny accident which is actually quite useful for making quick edits/typo fixes
# 21:31 barnabywalters also *great* for debugging as you immediately see the generated HTML and any tags scraped from the markup
b0bg0d joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 21:37 tantek barnabywalters - I remember you used to have some checkboxes or something for indicating whether you wanted to POSSE out a post to Twitter or FB
# 21:37 tantek did those go away? do all your posts now auto-POSSE?
# 21:38 barnabywalters tantek: yeah, that was a while ago. now it is a little different — notes get posted to twitter automatically unless I tag them with notweet
# 21:38 barnabywalters which is okay for me as I rarely POSSE to facebook (mostly musical friends there, not interested in my tech babble)
# 21:38 tantek is there a way to use IFTTT to automate POSSEing to FB?
# 21:39 tantek I notice that adactio uses IFTTT to POSSE his blog posts to FB
# 21:39 tommorris so, my posts go to Twitter and then Twitter posts them to FB
# 21:40 tantek barnabywalters - I think he may be purely POSSEing to FB and not otherwise using it
# 21:40 barnabywalters tommorris: the downside to that being that you can’t get the URL of the facebook post
# 21:41 tommorris I have thought about writing my own post-to-Facebook thing, mostly as a way to learn how to use the FB API
donpdonp joined the channel
# 21:53 tantek so here's an example of something that uses/references one of my blog posts, but I wouldn't consider a comment:
# 21:55 tantek I still think it is useful to have my blog post link to such things, as my readers may be curious what other discussions / articles spawned as a result, or other related reading that cites my post (since they already took the time to read it and have it in mind as context)
# 21:55 tantek I'm thinking of listing such articles in a "Referencing Articles" section at the end each post
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