tantekand note that Status.net already passed the bar of having to write zero lines of proprietary (service specific code) in order to syndicate into it and have people on Status.net be able to realtime subscribe to my updates on my site tantek.com.
tantek(oh and that's a good reason to have a universal update feed somewhere - for federation usability reasons, so people can just enter in your URL and get your updates, without having to make the cognitive load decision of do I want notes, do I also want articles, or not etc.)
tantekaaronpk, when you say "App.net should be able to pull in content from my own site where I publish content." in your intro, you could nail this point with adding a few specific things right their inline that they should support.
tantekwhere hAtom, Atom, and Pubsubhubbub are all linked to the IndieWebCamp wiki (where we can describe the IndieWebCamp perspective on how to publish and consume each)
tantekby putting that right up front - it makes it clear to the tl;dr crowd how little app.net has done to support standards, and how little they'd have to do to actually be a part of the standards based web