2013-03-31 UTC
# 00:14 aaronpk perfect, thanks for the notes. I'm going to update this in a bit.
# 00:21 tantek tommorris - if you're still awake, would appreciate if you took a look too
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# 00:28 aaronpk tantek-ipod: will do! I'm helping caseorganic edit her book ATM, will do next break I have
# 00:34 aaronpk tantek: seems to be lacking a summary opening paragraph
# 00:37 tantek Aaronpk, yeah I think the emotional aspect may *be* the summary
# 00:37 aaronpk ah, so your point is more about hte emotional aspect and less on the action items you list at the bottom?
# 00:38 tantek And I wrote it in more of a conversational voice (accordingly) than an expositionary/explanatory voice
# 00:39 tantek Plus I'm not sure a summary list out of context of the expansions would be that useful for these lists
# 00:41 tantek Having reread the first para I'd say it is a summary, I reference the frustrations (plural) without listing them
# 00:44 tantek Alright, posted. Thanks much for the read/review/feedback aaronpk
# 00:46 tantek I figure blogging about this stuff is better than ranting at people in email lists
# 00:46 tantek Now to figure out how to constructively rewrite an email or two
# 00:46 aaronpk heh. now you can just send a link to the post on the lists!
# 00:48 tantek While more efficient that's not necessarily the shortest path to a positive outcome ;)
# 00:49 tantek I think it's ok to be a bit more emo / personal on a blog than it is on email lists
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# 01:37 tantek aaronpk - looking forward to your update to your app.net article
# 01:37 tantek I don't want to jump the gun and tweet it before it's ready - so let me know :)
# 01:38 aaronpk thanks :) going to have amber give it a look-over too
# 01:38 tantek perhaps consider challenging Dalton to show up to IndieWebCamp and participate
scor joined the channel
# 02:24 tantek since status.net will directly subscribe to tantek.com across the web
# 02:25 tantek POSSE is only for silos that lack the ability to subscribe to feeds across the web
# 02:25 tantek to subscribe to *others'* feeds across the web
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# 15:19 aaronpk also ironically, the code I wrote to publish content to app.net broke (i think they changed their API), so now I can't reply to anyone unless I just write the content in app.net which I don't want to do!
# 15:20 tantek aaronpk - so it *is* a country club circle jerk!
# 15:21 tantek "won't (insert single point of failure free service here) achieve what he wants?"
# 15:23 tantek aaronpk - you can reply by writing another post on your site, and using pingback or webmention on the links you reference (and then point out that app.net doesn't support those either)
# 15:23 tantek you could easily refute the folks that don't get it (but are pretending they do)
# 15:23 tantek sounds like they set you up for a perfect follow-up post :)
# 15:24 aaronpk and "if app.net actually supported pingbacks, then you would have seen this article as a reply in your app.net 'mentions' feed"
# 15:29 tantek aaronpk - you could screenshot the header at the top of those permalinks and start with that as being the problem
# 15:29 tantek "Want to join the conversation? ( CREATE AN ACCOUNT > )"
# 15:29 tantek you should not have to create an account to join the conversation. that's the problem.
# 15:30 tantek conversations across the web should work like conversations across email. I use my existing email address to join any email conversation. I want to use my existing website to join any web conversation.
tantek joined the channel
# 15:32 tantek oh darn - that means I should post it on my own site :)
# 15:38 aaronpk when you put it that way, it's incredibly obvious, lol
# 15:50 aaronpk i would assume so since the API has lots of stuff to handle URLs and URL formatting explicitly
# 15:50 tantek so I could see mentions of my site or any of my posts
# 15:51 aaronpk that's actually something I"ve been thinking about for the past week or so...
# 15:51 tantek sort of like a site-specific Technorati Cosmos
# 15:51 tantek (Technorati Cosmos was the original name given to Technorati link search)
# 15:51 aaronpk with pingback/webmention everything's already in place
# 15:51 tantek (because it would show you the cosmos of links around any other link)
# 15:52 aaronpk i.e. if I want to talk about indiewebcamp, I don't use #indiewebcamp, I just mention indiewebcamp.com
# 15:52 aaronpk then like twitter has hashtag search pages, it would provide a search page showing mentions of a URL
# 15:52 tantek except due to t.co, on Twitter it's better to mention @indiewebcamp which links to indiewebcamp.com
# 15:52 aaronpk it could be used for TLDs like indiewebcamp.com, but also for specific pages on a site like an event page, indiewebcamp.com/2013 for example
# 15:53 aaronpk i'm actulaly part way through an implementation of this since i've been slowly working on "indienews"
# 15:54 aaronpk gotta run to breakfast, but will hopefully be able to write this up in a post after!
# 15:55 tantek have you made all the edits to your open challenge post that you wanted to?
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# 15:55 tantek aaronpk were you going to mention status.net in your post?
# 15:58 aaronpk i wanted to, but I couldn't find a good place for it. also they're changing to a different backend now so i'm a little confused
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# 21:51 barnabywalters aaronpk: Yeah, I arrived late last night, spent today wandering round with Brian and visiting the office
# 21:52 aaronpk had to build my pingback client first so I can actually send out pingbacks and webmentions now!
# 21:55 barnabywalters Okay, I’ll be in the office tomorrow afternoon so I’ll try to get it done then
# 21:55 aaronpk sweet! I haven't done much with PHP package managers yet so it's still a bit new to me
# 21:56 barnabywalters Understanding the namespace based auto loading can be a bit funny at first, but once it's sorted it works seamlessly
# 21:56 aaronpk awesome. I should probably do that with more of the libraries my site uses
# 21:57 barnabywalters And the composer command line util is really well designed (helpful error messages, etc)
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