#tantekI'm seeing it in FF too - the "Want to join the conversation? Create an account >" banner covers the content
#aaronpkyea, I don't think they often look at their site when logged out :)
#aaronpkuh... "https://alpha.app.net/ryantharp/post/4369735" "I actually followed the instructions of his contact page, listing that IRC is his preferred method of communication and so far he refuses to engage me there." ... it was 1:30am when he posted this, I was asleep
#barnabywaltershah yeah — but the root point “dalton hasn’t made good on his promises” remains valid whatever they say
#aaronpkalso people really seem to want a "country club" social network
#tantekaaronpk - it's interesting that in that follow-up thread the replies changed from defending openness to admitting app.net is a closed silo and being apologists for it
#tantek"minicloud" - lol. it's a server. nothing cloud-like about it.
#aaronpkI feel like I need a disclaimer, something to the effect of "yes I know setting up a blog and using pingbacks is hard right now, everyone at indiewebcamp is working to make it easier"
#donpdonpaaronpk: how about even an explanation of how it might work.
#tommorrisI have an app.net account, but only because my stuff is syndicated in there
#tantekdonpdonp - write a post (note/article/comment) on your own site, linking to the original with rel="in-reply-to", and have your webserver send aaronpk's server a pingback/webmention accordingly.
#donpdonpaaronpk: from looking at your post, id assume comments were unwelcome
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I certainly didn’t read it like that, but twitter/adn are hotbeds for that sort of snarky nonsense
#aaronpkthank you, someone else gets it "I disagree. I don't see it as him wanting ADN to serve his purpose. I see it as wanting to enact a purposeful change. The ability of not needing an ADN account to interact is great. The email approach to a social network would be awesome" (@aj)
#barnabywaltersquick poll: how many people here publish XFN, and if so: where, and how detailed?
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: but need some actual data :)
#tantek.comedited /comment (+412) "/* How To */ your server should send pingbacks/webmentions automatically, an IndieWeb Reply button would help with automating linking to originals" (view diff)
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: in RDFland, we used to have it so if you were within two-hops of TimBL, you were trusted on the wiki. ;)
#tantekbarnabywalters - I used to keep much more detailed XFN. Now I use it sometimes in people mentions in blog posts.
#donpdonpi have rel="me" links. thats as useful as I found XFN to be.
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: I have no plans to make a contacts list like you, but I would use XFN in individual blog posts. still haven't yet
#barnabywalterstommorris: oh brilliant! that’s exactly what I want to implement — great to know this has been done before. Why is it no longer in use — were there any problems with it?
#tommorrissee, the problem I have is that I really don't like "blogrolls". they kind of had some stink around them because of don't repeat yourself
#tommorrisI'd much rather plonk all that on a separate page and link to it
#tantekbarnabywalters, XFN was designed for blogrolls and blog post mentions of people
#tommorrisrather than have the same 20-30K of links on every single post
#tantekovertime blogrolls became culturally less popular
#barnabywalterstommorris: yeah, I’m not a fan of blogrolls on the homepage/every page
#barnabywaltersso I have my big full contacts list, and then XFN and h-card on mentions of people in my notes
#tantektommorris - blogrolls didn't have a DRY problem. FOAF did (invisible meta file duplicate of already visible data).
#tantekblogrolls were supposed to reflect current state
#tommorristantek: by DRY in this case, I mean that every single post had the same sidebar. the reader was downloading the same blob of HTML over and over again
#tantekand be only on the home page, not on every archive page
#tommorrisalso, there's a bit of a mismatch. blogrolls are "these people are worth reading", which is different set than "people who I know/trust/am related to/work with/would fuck/would vote for/whatever"
#barnabywalterswhich in itself has many interesting uses — e.g. XFN on notes + feedreader which accepts XFN as input = feed from people I’ve communicated with in the last few days
#tantektommorris - not true - people would publish lists of friends, relative etc.
#barnabywalterstommorris: that is my problem with the “blogroll” terminology
#aaronpkhmm now I feel a little bad about "the fact that this was written as a blogpost rather than "engaging" to ask questions first via various mediums is not something I appreciate." -dalton
#barnabywalterstrue, although I suppose the whole point is that there should be no difference between the two :)
#bnvkbut, the reason I did not, as I really don't think all conversations should *always* be public all the time. opposing views (hot heads and trolls) get involved and add too much noise- hence a more private method like email is needed
#tantekit's like, if you can blog about it on your own site, then clearly you have a better idea of what's going on
#tantekif all you can do is write a short tweet/app.net post about it, you're likely to be an armchair commenter that doesn't get it and/or doesn't really care about being helpful, but prefers short-form snark (as evidenced by those app.net threads)
#tantekthe problem of private/closed/email conversations is that they inevitably leave out constructive contributors who then may feel ignored/neglected, and worse, whatever private email club you make up will almost certainly miss good ideas from the broader set of folks working on open web things
#bnvkquality of responses in general is challenging
#tantekbnvk - I disagree - quality of responses on blog posts is very high
#bnvkAll I'm saying is @aaronpk intentionally made entry to IndieWebCamp limited to people who can setup their own domain first with OpenID, then IndieAuth
#tantekthat's perfect contrast set of examples of why open with an open bar to meet is better than closed/private/invite-only
#tantekbnvk - that was a design decision that I specifically chose for IndieWebCamp
#tantekand it filtered quite well - as in, everyone who showed up was a productive contributor
#bnvkthat is by design (to some degree) exclusionary, right?
#tantekright, we're excluding those that won't put enough time/energy into their own site
#tantekbecause if they're not willing to put that time/energy into their own site, they're unlikely to add anything but hypotheticals/theoreticals to the conversation
#bnvkyah, I loved that about IWC vs. the FSW invite style registration
#tantekand we've already had too many years of mailing lists drowning with useless circular hypotheticals/theoreticals
#bnvkI see that intention of filtering out attendees very similar to saying "lets email a little bit about this before we make public claims"
#bnvkDalton, et. al. is working hard and building something I think is valuable. And MOST importantly, he is totally willing to engage and try to work towards our causes- I'm willing to meet him on his terms
#tantekwe've got better tools now, why bother with email?
#bnvkaaronpk: yes, "an intentional bar you have to hurdle" which is such a hurdle for so many people, they see using Facebook / Twitter as a better option
#tantekbnvk - people that see using Facebook / Twitter as a better option obviously don't care about the indieweb
#tantekso why do you want to engage them in discussions? they're unlikely to be productive.
#tantekyou might as well go talk to random people in a coffee shop (most of whom are likely on Twitter and FB)
#bnvkI'm not talking to people on those networks about building IndieWeb infrastructure
#tantekthen I don't understand what point you're trying to make - please restate it.
#aaronpkright, and talking to people who don't want to use IndieWeb infrastructure about building IndieWeb infrastructure is not productive
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#tantekwe're not advocating a particular IndieWeb infrastructure - we're advocating *any* IndieWeb infrastructure that they want to use/create/build
#bnvkI dunno you guys, you might be completely right- engaging with Dalton and them (via email) might be a total waste of time,
#aaronpki'll respond to his email if he sends one... but my response will likely end with "can I post this online?"
#bnvkIf you both see absolutely no value added by App.net thus far, I can understand where you're coming from
#bnvkI think what he meant was "I wish Aaron had asked me some questions (in any platform) before he wrote a big blog post slamming what we're doing here"
#bnvkfair, also, they've only existed for like 7 months and have created a quite sizable developer community
#tantekwhy would you develop on app.net instead of just developing for the open web?
#tantekdo any of these developers have/use their own personal web sites?
#bnvkthey created this really cool micro funding (< $20,000) monthly pot that enables developers to get paid to do development- but the process of who gets funded is voted on by the community
#tommorrisit's not just that it's a snowflake API, it's a snowflake API you have to pay for... because the only people who might want to use an API are people who are building "apps"
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#tommorrisby which they mean custom UIs for different devices that hope to turn a profit
#tantekbnvk - who said anything about intentions / goals?
#tantekyou said "designed was so any developer COULD develop as per whatever standards / protocols they chose". so that's obviously not true. there's no "could" and there's no way to "chose".
#bnvktantek: unless I misunderstood tommorris: just did
#tommorrisso, app.net is just twitter with picket fences to keep the lower orders at bay.
#bnvkIt just different than that, but I see how it appears that way
#bnvkwhat I meant by that was "if I (a developer) wanted to build some sort of syndication hub / messaging que / magic spaceship that had complete interoperability with IndieWeb services as well as App.net, a developer COULD create such a thing"
#aaronpktommorris: that's how that comment thread makes it come off right now, yea
#tantekbnvk - how is it any different than a pay-for twitter? write a blog post because plenty of smart people don't see it.
#bnvkand THEN said developer COULD get community approval and votes on said piece of technology as well as a little bit money to pay bills while developing it further
#tommorrisI'm sticking with ifttt. if app.net want to up their game in terms of standards compliance, I'll start giving a fuck. until then, I'll just syndicate out there using ifttt. if that breaks, fixing it will be fairly low priority.
#bnvkI'm kind of obsessed with this idea that most problems humans face are really just an issue of race conditions re: the distribution of the right information at the right time
#tommorrishadleybeeman can testify to the problem of tommorris-vs-tommorris-at-Google mixup.
#bnvkYah, Brett Slatkin, that's who I am thinking of. And I recently read the Tom Morris (at Googles) stuff about semantic web- I figured this was the same guy
#tantektommorris - have to find it a bit funny that a semantic web person is having an identity conflict, with someone at Google no less
#hadleybeemantommorris, you're both very different people. But the challenge comes when you send emails around the same time, and my mail client only shows your names!
#tommorrisone silo solution for real-life-namespace conflict that I saw was a plugin for Gmail that would pull details from Facebook and elsewhere and display it in a sidebar
#hadleybeemantommorris, are you playing with Semantic MediaWiki at all these days?
#tommorrisbut I don't need the semanticy stuff on my personal wiki. it's a public notetaking place for myself, and it's a way to try and not use Google Docs/Dropbox/whatnot for stuff that should be on the web
#tantekhas been trying to figure out how to wikify his existing static pages
#tantekas in, what are the essential differences between a static page and a wiki page
#tantekis it just: a) editable, b) versioned, c) browsable version history, d) browsable versions ? anything else?
#hadleybeemanIf we're making a requirements wishlist, I'd love a multiplatform interface. Something like evernote in terms of input, but accessible on the Web like a wiki. With tagging.
#tantekhey jedahan, welcome to #indiewebcamp. Are you coming to IndieWebCamp 2013?
#tantekweb standards based UI = multiplatform interface
#jedahanI really wanted to but i think it conflicts or costs to much for me to fly and stay somewhere coast to coast
#tantekso multi-author for a wiki is *typical* but I think framed within the current discussion, that is, a *personal* wiki, multiauthor seems like a post 1.0 type feature
#tantekit's not like we worry much about multi-authored blog posts on our personal sites
#aaronpkjedahan: let me know when you're around! I'd love to meet up!
#tantekaaronpk - yeah! when other indiewebcampers visit town you should organize indieweb drinkups or something! Maybe Green Dragon (now that beerandblog is defunct)
#hadleybeemanI'm happy with that. Also, for anyone paying attention to the new UK regulatory frameworks, it should exempt you from needing membership in the Leveson body.
#tantekwonders if indiewebcamp could take over beerandblog seeing as there's a lot of overlap
#tantekand for (a), editability, it might be a neat trick to write software that made any static HTML page on your site automatically "editable" if you happened to be signed in with Web Sign-in / IndieAuth
#tantek2) *-date-time suffixed versions of said page in the file system (or perhaps in the YYYY/ directories), linking to latest version and previous versions with rel values
#tantektommorris - the memento stuff has way too many rels, none of them actually useful: original, timegate, timemap
#hadleybeemanYeah, the versioning topic is messy. It was originally in our charter for the Gov Linked Data working group, and we ended up not having sufficient time/resources to tackle it properly.
#tantektommorris - re: UIs, I like the slider in Etherpad
#tantekI'm imagining something like that or what archive.org puts up in the header on archived page results
#tommorristhe current doc supersedes the previous doc
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#tantektommorris - we already have rel=canonical for that
#hadleybeemantantek: Well, when you're talking about versioning a dataset, the policy part is messy. How do you deal with changes in individual values, vs the overall dataset? Updates vs next edition of a dataset? Changes in metadata (at what point is it no longer related to the original?) etc
#tommorrisif we still had rev, we could do precedes. ;)
#tantekhadleybeeman, what's this "dataset" you speak of? I'm talking about one URL and a previous version of what was at that URL.
#hadleybeemanBut for what you're talking about, an entire post, then I think the indie approach is great. Jump in and create the behaviours.
#tommorrishadleybeeman: so the answer to that is to have some kind of zen mind-meld and see that there is no datasets, there are just resources within the dataset. ;)
#tommorrisa dataset is just a strange thing we do with data where we clomp it together into zip files and distribute it to people because we haven't put it on the web properly.
#tantektommorris - that sounds like obsolete technology
#tommorristantek: so, hadleybeeman works on government data, which tends to be mahoosive CSVs with a blob of metadata (who created them, which government department, when they were collected etc.)
#tantekis this like communicating with folks that still use fax machines or MS Word or PDF?
#tantekone for - here is the current version over here
#tantekand another for - here is the previous historical version here
#tantekironically this is what the visible links at the top of nearly every W3C spec link to
#tommorrisyep, I was gonna say W3C specs do that pretty nicely.
#tantekso all we need are rel values that reflect those already visible semantics
#tantektommorris - well they do it in an ok way in the visible markup
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#hadleybeemantraditionally, the metadata for a blog post would be date of publication, tags, and author. (Though we're nixing author here, right?) But it sounds like you're treating that as content, tantek?
#tantekthere are no discoverable semantics on those links though
#tantekyou'd have to scrape for english words like previous / current and then look for nearby hyperlinks
#tommorriswonders if there is a simple way to get a list of all of one's friend's websites from the silos (FB/Twitter)
#tantekjust because things are properties does not make them "meta"
#tantekIMO this is a huge misconception (over-generalization) of "meta"
#tantek(and I blame SemWeb culture/community for this confusion)
#tommorrisoh, no, practical semweb people hate it too.
#hadleybeemanWell, meta can be a relative label. What is metadata in one context is data itself in another.
#tantekhadleybeeman, perhaps it was never meta, except in someone's misconception
#tommorristhere's plenty of stuff that's attributed to semweb people that I really hate. metadata/data distinction is one. and the idea that the world needs 'controlled vocabularies' is another.
#tantektommorris that's because the same people that self-label as semweb also overuse the term meta
#hadleybeemanDo we really want to get in to the nature of metadata here? :) I'm taking your point that you want to consider what I've called metadata at the content level "content" for the purposes of what you're doing.
#tommorrisso, Wikidata is currently debating the use of a property which tries to split the world up into 7 types. and just occasonally hexagonal pegs don't quite fit square holes. so they get firmly shoved.
#tommorrisso the 'person' type also includes families like the Medici family.
#tommorrisanything that doesn't fit becomes simply a 'term'. Python is a 'term', not a programming language, because they don't seem to think programming languages are 'creative works'.
#barnabywalterstommorris: RE list of friends from silos without APIs, php-mf2 might do this for twitter. You can register a built in set of class conversions which will treat some of the twitter.com class names as mf2 class names
#tommorristo which they say "ah, but we need it so we can work out how many articles we have about people!" - and I respond "yeah, but if the data is garbage, any statistics you derive from it will be bullshit"
#barnabywaltersSo if you can find a static URL for followers/following, you can feed it into phpmf2
#barnabywaltersI think the demo allows you to turn on twitter class name conversion
#tommorriswe've reached deep semweb nerdery on the thread about it. and I am in the strange position of advocating a type system based on anarchy rather than the studious work of librarians.
#tantektommorris, we need controlled vocabularies because semweb folks can't even agree on what's meta and what isn't :P
#tommorriswell, controlled vocabularies just boil down to having only seven answers when being asked to fill in the blank: "Python is a ___________".
#tantekas long as one of the answers is "other" - you're fine ;)
#tommorrisand the funniest thing about it is there's some guy who is all like "yeah, nothing useful ever got built on the basis of anarchy and bottom-up categorisation"... on the data platform for Wikipedia.
#hadleybeemanis torn between defending the semweb world (some use cases lend themselves to controlled vocabularies!) and agreeing that too much dictatorship doesn't fit the way we use English.
#tommorrisI almost felt like asking him if he ever has any worries that anybody can edit the wiki...
#barnabywaltersHa, I found yet another inconsistency between twitter implementations — on desktop twitter.com you must be signed in to see who people follow, but it’s available to the publis on mobile.twitter.com!
#barnabywaltersSo I’ll make another set of fake mf2 class names for mobile.twitter so we can get that info APIless for free (for the moment)
#tantekwe could have a rel=history that linked to the history page for a specific page
#tommorrisnow, lots of those will be corporate accounts and brands and crap, but... that's a lot of people we can convince to start using those URLs again. ;)
#tantekhadleybeeman rel=prev (and next) are for sequential navigation/pagination, not historical revisions
#hadleybeemanOkay. They're slightly different activities, but I'm not sure the relationship isn't similar.
#hadleybeeman(Though I obviously don't know much about the history on that)
#tantektheyre not slightly different - they're totally different
#tantekin pagination, each of the pages has different content and is a sequence like a list
#tantek"in pagination, each of the pages has *different content* and is a sequence like a list, or a series of chapters. with historical revisions, each page (typically) has mostly the *same content* with just a few changes of differences"
#hadleybeemanOkay, the content is more likely to be similar in a versioning relationship than a pagination sequence... But does it matter?
#barnabywaltersIt makes no sense to read the same thing over and over again, with slight differences :)
#tantekthey're structurally, and usefully (real world usage) *very* different
#hadleybeemanOkay, that is significantly different. It's not just a question of order, it's a difference in the fundamental unit of text you're looking at.
#tantektommorris - the only time you can put a root class name and a property class name on the same element is when the root class name is basically providing an entire object as the value of the property which then belongs to some other object higher up the tree
#tanteke.g. the location of an hCalendar event also being an hCard
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#tantek.comedited /wiki/ (+5627) "add disambig, page type, projects, and dump my brainstorm thoughts about building new personal wiki software based on static HTML as storage" (view diff)
#bnvkaaronpk: I don't need to know that you use Gmail to send a email there- but does it really matter if EVERYONE ends using the same solution ;)
#tantekbnvk - there is certainly a monoculture risk there
#tantekand thanks for expanding the app.net article