2013-04-02 UTC
scor, zztr and tantek joined the channel
# 03:32 bretolius wow a lot of people in that app.net thread really do not understand what aaronpk is calling for
# 03:52 bretolius but part of me wonders how microblogging is different than an html version of irc in a lot of ways
# 03:53 bretolius i dont do a lot of twitter or app.net, but that thread read like an irc log
# 03:56 tantek bretolius - it's a lot less efficient (in terms of UI, display etc.)
# 03:56 tantek I mean look at all that wasted whitespace and scrolling
# 03:58 bretolius Its my belief that IRC is unapproachable by many due to its interface... maybe we wouldnt have to argue about apis so much if we just had easier to use clients and server authentication methods
# 03:58 bretolius tantek ha! :)
# 03:59 bretolius although thats thats whats cool about irc, you could technically make a colloquy theme that makes it look like an app.net thread
# 04:00 bretolius or something just as inefficent in irssi or mirc
# 04:01 tantek the opposite would be better - an app.net theme that makes it look like Colloquy IRC
# 04:01 tantek in IRC you don't have to explicitly @-reply people - it's implied that you're replying to the line above
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 05:33 bretolius are there plans to incorporate mozilla persona into indiauth?
christopheducamp, bnvk and b0bg0d joined the channel
# 06:17 tantek indieauth / web-sign-in signs you in with a URL
# 06:17 tantek they don't really match up - unless you can think of a way to make them
christopheducamp, zztr, seyz, jancborchardt, Phae, bnvk, friedcell, eschnou, scor, mxuribe and duckbillp joined the channel
eschnou and friedcell joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
bnvk, barnabywalters, caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
# 17:21 tantek barnabywalters - could you update your php-mf2 page to link to its github repo?
caseorganic and scor joined the channel
# 17:54 barnabywalters I’m guessing yesterday was an #indiewebcamp IRC record (apart perhaps from on the days of the IRL event).
# 17:55 barnabywalters and compared to the quality of twitter/app.net conversations, the quality of the discussion was high
# 17:55 barnabywalters despite (perhaps contrary to app.net’s posturing) the low technological barrier to entry of joining in on IRC
# 17:56 barnabywalters so I’m wondering if there’s a set of laws which relate quality of discussion, effort, length of content, number of participants, etc
# 17:56 aaronpk Dalton is going to call me this evening to talk about it further, too
# 17:56 barnabywalters perhaps if we could figure them out we could determine why twitter and app.net are so full of snarky nonsense
# 17:57 barnabywalters …and IRC (despite, or perhaps because of) crappier UX leads to better conversation and reply tracking
# 17:58 barnabywalters at first glance I think there were about the same number of people involved in the ADN and IRC discussions, respectively
# 17:58 barnabywalters however the amount of time the messages take to write is probably a lot higher
# 17:59 bnvk barnabywalters: what's the weather in Reykjavik presently?
# 17:59 barnabywalters but otherwise is nice, so I’m leaving the office in a min to go for a walk :)
tantek, tilgovi and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 18:49 tommorris using beanstalkd and the Stalker gem for Ruby. deployment when I get home. :)
b0bg0d, Phae, seyz and eschnou joined the channel
bnvk, tilgovi, tantek, friedcell and christopheducamp joined the channel
# 22:37 bretolius does tantek get IRC messages even if he is not signed on?
# 22:37 bretolius i wanted to respond to his reponse to my question
tantek joined the channel
# 23:05 bretolius tantek, in reponse to your response about firefox persona, just an idea: indiauth lets you sign in with a url, using an authentication provider linked on the web page somewhere. what about using persona as an authentication method for a personal email address on the page with the correct atributes?
jedahan joined the channel
# 23:54 tantek bretolius - like with a rel=me to an href=mailto: link?
# 23:54 tantek as part of Web Sign-in if you see rel=me to a mailto, then perform Persona authentication on that email address, and if that succeeds, then log the user in with their URL.