#indiewebcamp 2013-04-06
2013-04-06 UTC
smus, bnvk, christopheducamp, christopheduca-1, singpolyma, reidab, sdboyer, termie, dpk and b0bg0d joined the channel
bretolius anyone here have much experience with media gobblin?
b0bg0d, morrocco_mole, christopheducamp, bnvk, seyz, andreypopp and singpolyma joined the channel
@steve_bignell RT @t: Think users just want to use FB/G+/Twitter connect? Go do some user testing: http://identity.mozilla.com/post/45842909320/users-dont-like-social-login #identity #indieweb (ttk.me t ...
seyz joined the channel
aaronpk klint wrote an article on techcrunch and linkde to indiewebcamp! http://techcrunch.com/2013/04/06/where-the-free-software-movement-went-wrong-and-how-to-fix-it/

aaronpk check out all the syndicated versions of that post that sent pingbacks! http://pingback.me/api/links?target=http%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com/projects

aaronpk short version: <link rel="pingback" href="http://pingback.me/webmention?forward=http://example.com/webmention" />

bnvk, scor, duckbillp, andreypopp, jedahan and spinnerin joined the channel
aaronpk !tell tantek Would you mind reviewing the microformats-related parts of this post for accuracy? thanks! http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2013/04/06/1/a-proposal-for-hashtags-on-the-indie-web

b0bg0d and christopheducamp joined the channel
aaronpk|m joined the channel
aaronpk|m tommorris: well in reality it isn't a tag at all, it's just a link!
aaronpk|m Maybe I need to make that more explicit?
aaronpk|m oh ok lol
aaronpk|m Skimmed the title?
aaronpk|m Nice
aaronpk|m I just went on a long walk, then wrote that, and am now drinking a Guinness at an Irish pub :)
aaronpk|m Seemed like an appropriate thing to do
tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 13 minutes ago: Would you mind reviewing the microformats-related parts of this post for accuracy? thanks! http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2013/04/06/1/a-proposal-for-hashtags-on-the-indie-web

aaronpk|m good afternoon/evening!
aaronpk|m interesting, but then we're back in SPOF land, with some sort of registry or something
aaronpk|m The fact they are used in tv is really something
aaronpk|m But you need to know where to look for them
aaronpk|m Ok yea that makes sense
aaronpk|m Oh? I need to read up on technorati's rel tags then
aaronpk|m So, I could reword that to focus on the aggregation aspect, because that was what I was really going for
scor joined the channel
aaronpk|m Prime example is when i just showed tommorris the list of syndicated versions of the techcrunch article that all sent ping backs to indiewebcamp.com/projects
aaronpk|m I sent a link to a json document, but would have been better as hatom blocks
aaronpk|m Today, a few hours ago
aaronpk|m Ack, stupid mobile URL
aaronpk|m Ok so one of the problems this was attempting to solve is that when I publish a note with a hashtag, nobody knows about it
aaronpk|m I need something I can notify with the tag and a link to my post
aaronpk|m Maybe there will start to be hashtag aggregators
aaronpk|m There kind of are already, just not explicitly hashtagsluts.
aaronpk|m Um, iPhone auto-corrected "hashtag" to "hashtagsluts"... Pretty sure I've never typed that before.
caseorganic, elf-pavlik, b0bg0d and scor joined the channel