tantekso part of good POSSE is syndicating especially the hashtags of your notes into silos so that people that watch those silos discover your content
tantekaaronpk I couldn't help but notice that of the four phrases in the list on that techcrunch article: open web, federated web, indie web, vendor relationship management
tantekaaronpk - so perhaps when creating the text to POSSE out to limited content length silos like Twitter, the automatic abbreviating code needs to prioritize some number of hashtags (or amount of characters for them) over the summary of the content itself?
tantekor do you as the author just have to know to put the more important hashtags in the first 100 or so characters of your notes so they automatically get included in the syndicated abbreviated text?
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: does your site support receiving and sending comments per http://indiewebcamp.com/comment#How_To or similar?
barnabywaltersI support everything there apart from accepting webmention and displaying mentions under the article/note (currently they are listed at /mentions)
barnabywaltersI think going forward I will let any pingbacks pop up automatically at /mentions, but prune the ones which get shown under the note by an intelligent whitelist/manual approval
barnabywaltersno idea how to make something like that, but I’d guess: service which PuSH-subscribes to as many feeds it can find, then grabs any p-category/rel-tag data it can, follows XFN links and PuSH-subscribes there too
tantek.comedited /comment (+565) "/* How To */ split making/accepting comments how to. add "Addtional support" per barnabywalters's ideas from IRC" (view diff)
tantekok - I split up the "how to" of how to make a comment vs. accept a comment - so people can incremental support either one in whatever order makes sense for them
tantekI'm writing from what we've discussed, somewhat secondhand - so I'd appreciate if you folks that have implemented accepting comments add any clarifications
barnabywalterssomething I am considering adding to my display/quoting/commenting/general linking guidelines is: if you’re kind enough to link to me, please refrain from using a link shortener — they kinda break the web
waterpigs.co.ukcreated /post (+234) "Created page with "{{stub}} “post” can refer to either: * A discreet piece of content (perhaps a [[note]] or and [[article]]) * The act of creating the aforementioned content ** Also used els..."" (view diff)
tanteke.g. if they only want to refer/link to you by your given name in the prose of a post for brevity reasons, they can use: <a class="h-card" href="http://waterpigs.co.uk"><abbr title="Barnaby Walters">Barnaby</abbr></a>
tantek.comedited /Twitter (+932) "/* POSSE to Twitter */ add POSSE to Twitter in general section with explicit listing of Twitter's limitations and thus respective POSSE strategies/guidelines" (view diff)
tantekbarnabywalters - well, it seems reasonable to "land grab" anything indie web related, and link them to indiewebcamp.com wiki pages which then can be community curated.
tantekeither open standards are a priority or they're not. if they're a priority, then it should be obvious which ones are being worked on, in what approximate order, with approximate implementation goals.
tantekaaronpk - the flaw in the "App.net needs plugins to be useful" excuse is, well how do you define the interface for those plugins? with standards or proprietary?
bretoliustantek, i just listened to our open source bridge talk from 2012, it was great! i especially loved the part about all the site shutdowns, in contrast with your discussion of google reader... how apropos, even though you didnt know at the time