#tantekah, this is not a problem with webmention because it requires two HTTP actions (a GET to discover the webmention endpoint, and then a POST to the webmention endpoint), and using 2 HTTP actions to then cause just a single HTTP action on an unrelated target is inefficient and therefore not worth doing.
#tantekok, I'm reasonably convinced upon reviewing the way webmention works - seems like a reasonable improvement upon pingback (not requiring XMLRPC send/receive).
#tantekso on the receiving end (of webmentions), I'm thinking I want to be able to distinguish in my posts display between full fledged comment posts, where the intent is to have the entire comment be copied/displayed underneath my posts, and mere FYI mentions/citations, which either may not get displayed at all, or if shown may just be a list of "referencing articles"
#tantekI'm thinking that this information/distinction should be captured somewhere in the content of the replying post.
#tantek(rather than complicating/adding-to the webmention/pingback protocol at all)
#tantekso perhaps this is something that we can use "in-reply-to" to distinguish
#tantekif the link from reply to original is an "in-reply-to" link (per rel~=in-reply-to or class~=u-in-reply-to), then consider the reply to be a comment on the original and copy it across to the comments section in the footer of the original post
#tantekwhere "copy it" means parse the h-entry at the reply, and copy the p-summary if present, or e-content otherwise, using the p-author (with h-card) to display the author information for the comment, and the dt-published to display the datetime published information for the comment.
#tantekadditionally, the dt-updated from the reply h-entry could be used for an "edited: datetime" annotation as well on the comment copy.
#tantekhas anyone here actually implemented displaying webmentioned comments on their original posts? aaronpk, barnabywalters, tommorris?
eschnou and tilgovi joined the channel
#tantekhey eschnou - you implement webmention right?
#eschnoutantek, unfortunately no, only pingbacks so far
#tantekeschnou - webmention seems easier - I was going to attempt that first :)
#tantek(sending that is, receiving is next after that)
#eschnoutantek, indeed, webmention looks much easier. Good thing is I did not have to implement the whole xml-rpc thing, just reused some php pingback lib.
#tantekeschnou if you have a moment it would be great if you could review http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Protocol_Summary to see if that makes sense to you - I just wrote it as a result of reading the WebMention spec and attempting to simplify it to an understandable example
#tantekok, new question, anyone here actually *thinking about* how to implement displaying webmentioned comments on their original posts? aaronpk, barnabywalters, tommorris?
#tantekI started thinking about how little code it would take to do "in-reply-to" chaining on my POSSEd notes to Twitter, and then got to thinking, but wait, I should at least support the *open* protocol at the same time to directly send webmentions, which then got me thinking about the entire protocol flow and display of peer-to-peer comments and then several wiki pages and K of text later...
#tantek.comedited /comment (+206) "/* Make a comment */ why POSSEing comments takes more care than POSSEing standalone posts" (view diff)
#tantekin short: when B comments on A's post and sends a webmention, and both A and B POSSE their posts, wherever they happen to both POSSE to (e.g. on Twitter), their POSSE'd copies should link-up there as well.
#tantekso those on the silo (e.g. Twitter), will be able to follow the conversation, even when A and B are replying directly peer-to-peer and linking peer-to-peer.
#tanteknow I'm curious if anyone here who *is* implementing webmention sending, POSSE, and setting in_reply_to_status_id on Twitter copies, is actually doing all three in combination!
#tantek!tell barnabywalters when you post a comment regarding an indieweb post, do you also when POSSEing your comment to Twitter give it the in_reply_to_status_id of the Twitter copy of the original indieweb post (that you're commenting on)?
#tantek.comedited /posts-elsewhere (+480) "implemented suggested markup on my own post. nothing like selfdogfooding a fresh proposal, came up with reason for "Elsewhere" rather than "Syndication" for heading" (view diff)
morrocco_mole joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /comment (+631) "/* Make a comment */ How do I find POSSE'd copies of the post that I'm commenting on? using rel-syndication / u-syndication discovery, give POSSE a comment its own subsection since its bigger than the rest of the section now." (view diff)
#tantekAnd with that, I think I've figured out a fully POSSE-aware way to do peer-to-peer comments and have everything automatically discovered, linked up, and displayed as nicely (or nicer than) what the silos do.
#tanteklooking forward to seeing your choice of design & copy
#tommorrisso I'm planning to add a cron job that will 'syndicate back' app.net
#tantek(which, can I just say, I really appreciate the broad diversity in design & copy in all of our own implementations of all this stuff on our individual blogs)
#tommorrisyup. "design" might be pushing it a bit for mine. I really need to fix some egregious CSS howlers at some point
#tommorrisline height for one, and there's a mobile iOS bug I need to fix
#tommorrisI wanted to keep the mobile-friendly behaviour of "be able to load the front page and read everything without Ajax"
#tommorrisbecause of the use case of reading on the tube etc.
#tommorristhe checking-in-on-my-site thing has changed my behaviour somewhat. when people ask where we'll meet, I tell them I'll check in on my site. I'm debating whether or not to POSSE the check-in-on-my-site posts out to Foursquare for their convenience or not
#tantekwould be cool just to see you explore the "how to" POSSE to foursquare
#tantekso far we have theoretical strategies but no one has yet implemented POSSE to foursquare
#tommorrisit'd only be a matter of adding to my job queue - basically it'd call the Foursquare API, look for the venue that looks closest (possibly using levenshtein distance or similar string distance calculation, as well as geo distance)
#tommorristhen sending a checkin that doesn't sync out to Twitter/fb, and include a link back as the comment
#tantekjob queue is one method. being able to do it realtime at post-authoring time is another.
#tantekthat would allow for you to correct for any "venue closest" errors
#tommorrisadds a bit too much complexity to the checkin UI
#tommorristhe worst case scenario is that the checkins don't match: in which case I'd write it so that unless it's like 80%+ sure, it'd fail
#tantekmaybe your "venue closest" code will be highly accurate/trustable :)
#tommorristhe problem arises not for things like pubs or bars or restaurants but things like train stations
#tommorris"London Charing Cross" and "Charing Cross" and "Charing Cross railway station" and "Charing Cross tube station" - which one to check into? ;)
#tommorrisgiven that there is the "Charing Cross" - an actual statue with a Christian cross on the top - right outside the train station. It is the measuring point which is used when people calculate and say "London is X miles from New York"
#tantekso I suppose you could have fallback UI in your posting interface that lets you manually enter a Twitter URL for the @-reply to set its in-reply-to-status-id
#aaronpkyes, I supposed I should have a field for each service I POSSE to
#aaronpkand my UI should automatically fill it in if it finds the rel="syndication" URL in the primary URL I enter
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 13 minutes ago: when you post a comment regarding an indieweb post, do you also when POSSEing your comment to Twitter give it the in_reply_to_status_id of the Twitter copy of the original indieweb post (that you're commenting on)?
#Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 47 minutes ago: I finally added webmention support to my site! (by adding it to pingback.me)!
#barnabywaltersa lot of those subsections could probably be their own pages, with a short summary on /comment
seyz joined the channel
#barnabywaltersRE comment display: if I send a webmention, I (theoretical me) might just want to let the page know I’ve linked to them, and might not want to license my content to be displayed by the recipient
#barnabywaltersif the reply is an article, then using just the p-summary is probably acceptable whatever the license
#barnabywaltersbut either way, without a solid definition of in-reply-to, it’s hard to know whether or not to treat incoming mentions as “comment” style replies, or as “retweet/quote” style replies
#barnabywalterscomment = “verbal or written remark often related to an added piece of information”
#barnabywaltersin this context the distinction is probably more confusing than useful
#barnabywaltersespecially when also dealing with linking posts which *aren’t* comments/replies
#barnabywaltersso, when I implement this, more than likely I will initially have just a list of people who have linked to the post, in the network section of my note UI (the bit listing POSSEd copies)
#barnabywaltersand ignore any distinctions based on the worlds of silos and blog commenting
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: Tumblr's 'notes' semantics is quite reasonable on that front
#tommorriscovers 'likes'/'hearts' and reposts and reposts with comments
#barnabywalterstommorris: excellent example! yeah, I’ll probably do a minimal copy of that initially
#tantekah, too bad barnaby left, I wanted to ask him more about "might not want to license my content to be displayed by the recipient"
#tantekthe flipside is, by propagating indieweb comments across sites, we increase the chances of them staying around
#tanteka lot of the comments I linked to just using the person's name have long since disappeared from their own sites (if their sites are even still up or still theirs)
#tantek!tell barnabywalters re: "without a solid definition of in-reply-to" - could you rephrase that as set of questions/issues? I'm writing up a specification for in-reply-to here: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-in-reply-to
#tantek.comedited /comment-presentation (+115) "move Existing specifications for display since it's more of a critique and historical documentation than anything actually useful" (view diff)
smus and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 30 minutes ago: re: "without a solid definition of in-reply-to" - could you rephrase that as set of questions/issues? I'm writing up a specification for in-reply-to here: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-in-reply-to
#tantekI want the whole of experience of being out and and about and actually mobile posting from my FFOS mobile device (with geolocation and everything)
#barnabywaltersneed to add an app manifest for shiny icons, but otherwise it was an effortless (i.e. write the URL in a box) “conversion” process
#Loqigives tantek the whole of experience of being out and and about and actually mobile posting from my FFOS mobile device