tantekah, this is not a problem with webmention because it requires two HTTP actions (a GET to discover the webmention endpoint, and then a POST to the webmention endpoint), and using 2 HTTP actions to then cause just a single HTTP action on an unrelated target is inefficient and therefore not worth doing.
tantekok, I'm reasonably convinced upon reviewing the way webmention works - seems like a reasonable improvement upon pingback (not requiring XMLRPC send/receive).
tantekso on the receiving end (of webmentions), I'm thinking I want to be able to distinguish in my posts display between full fledged comment posts, where the intent is to have the entire comment be copied/displayed underneath my posts, and mere FYI mentions/citations, which either may not get displayed at all, or if shown may just be a list of "referencing articles"
tantekif the link from reply to original is an "in-reply-to" link (per rel~=in-reply-to or class~=u-in-reply-to), then consider the reply to be a comment on the original and copy it across to the comments section in the footer of the original post
tantekwhere "copy it" means parse the h-entry at the reply, and copy the p-summary if present, or e-content otherwise, using the p-author (with h-card) to display the author information for the comment, and the dt-published to display the datetime published information for the comment.
eschnoutantek, indeed, webmention looks much easier. Good thing is I did not have to implement the whole xml-rpc thing, just reused some php pingback lib.
tantekeschnou if you have a moment it would be great if you could review http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Protocol_Summary to see if that makes sense to you - I just wrote it as a result of reading the WebMention spec and attempting to simplify it to an understandable example
tantekok, new question, anyone here actually *thinking about* how to implement displaying webmentioned comments on their original posts? aaronpk, barnabywalters, tommorris?
tantekI started thinking about how little code it would take to do "in-reply-to" chaining on my POSSEd notes to Twitter, and then got to thinking, but wait, I should at least support the *open* protocol at the same time to directly send webmentions, which then got me thinking about the entire protocol flow and display of peer-to-peer comments and then several wiki pages and K of text later...
tantekin short: when B comments on A's post and sends a webmention, and both A and B POSSE their posts, wherever they happen to both POSSE to (e.g. on Twitter), their POSSE'd copies should link-up there as well.
tantekso those on the silo (e.g. Twitter), will be able to follow the conversation, even when A and B are replying directly peer-to-peer and linking peer-to-peer.
tanteknow I'm curious if anyone here who *is* implementing webmention sending, POSSE, and setting in_reply_to_status_id on Twitter copies, is actually doing all three in combination!
tantek!tell barnabywalters when you post a comment regarding an indieweb post, do you also when POSSEing your comment to Twitter give it the in_reply_to_status_id of the Twitter copy of the original indieweb post (that you're commenting on)?
tantek.comedited /posts-elsewhere (+480) "implemented suggested markup on my own post. nothing like selfdogfooding a fresh proposal, came up with reason for "Elsewhere" rather than "Syndication" for heading" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /comment (+631) "/* Make a comment */ How do I find POSSE'd copies of the post that I'm commenting on? using rel-syndication / u-syndication discovery, give POSSE a comment its own subsection since its bigger than the rest of the section now." (view diff)
tantekAnd with that, I think I've figured out a fully POSSE-aware way to do peer-to-peer comments and have everything automatically discovered, linked up, and displayed as nicely (or nicer than) what the silos do.
tantek(which, can I just say, I really appreciate the broad diversity in design & copy in all of our own implementations of all this stuff on our individual blogs)
tommorristhe checking-in-on-my-site thing has changed my behaviour somewhat. when people ask where we'll meet, I tell them I'll check in on my site. I'm debating whether or not to POSSE the check-in-on-my-site posts out to Foursquare for their convenience or not
tommorrisit'd only be a matter of adding to my job queue - basically it'd call the Foursquare API, look for the venue that looks closest (possibly using levenshtein distance or similar string distance calculation, as well as geo distance)
tommorrisgiven that there is the "Charing Cross" - an actual statue with a Christian cross on the top - right outside the train station. It is the measuring point which is used when people calculate and say "London is X miles from New York"
tantekso I suppose you could have fallback UI in your posting interface that lets you manually enter a Twitter URL for the @-reply to set its in-reply-to-status-id
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 13 minutes ago: when you post a comment regarding an indieweb post, do you also when POSSEing your comment to Twitter give it the in_reply_to_status_id of the Twitter copy of the original indieweb post (that you're commenting on)?
barnabywaltersRE comment display: if I send a webmention, I (theoretical me) might just want to let the page know I’ve linked to them, and might not want to license my content to be displayed by the recipient
barnabywaltersbut either way, without a solid definition of in-reply-to, it’s hard to know whether or not to treat incoming mentions as “comment” style replies, or as “retweet/quote” style replies
barnabywaltersso, when I implement this, more than likely I will initially have just a list of people who have linked to the post, in the network section of my note UI (the bit listing POSSEd copies)
tanteka lot of the comments I linked to just using the person's name have long since disappeared from their own sites (if their sites are even still up or still theirs)
tantek!tell barnabywalters re: "without a solid definition of in-reply-to" - could you rephrase that as set of questions/issues? I'm writing up a specification for in-reply-to here: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-in-reply-to
tantek.comedited /comment-presentation (+115) "move Existing specifications for display since it's more of a critique and historical documentation than anything actually useful" (view diff)
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 30 minutes ago: re: "without a solid definition of in-reply-to" - could you rephrase that as set of questions/issues? I'm writing up a specification for in-reply-to here: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-in-reply-to
tantekI want the whole of experience of being out and and about and actually mobile posting from my FFOS mobile device (with geolocation and everything)