2013-04-15 UTC
bnvk and deusx joined the channel
b0bg0d, caseorganic, deusx, bnvk, tantek, eschnou, seyz, duckbillp, christopheducamp, bretolius, adactio, friedcell and mxuribe joined the channel
scor, bnvk, caseorganic and spinnerin joined the channel
# 16:08 christopheducamp thanks aaron. just testing pingback and POSSE… problem of duplication of links within post. WIll have to study how to suppress the original permalink.
heath and tilgovi joined the channel
caseorga_, caseorg__, jfranusic, eschnou and b0bg0d joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:55 tantek not at all! nice styling in your post. and I see the h-cite too! :)
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 17:56 tantek (I'm still struggling with figuring out how to best use h-cite with quotes/cites of notes)
b0bg0d1, scor_, scor, bnvk and texburgher joined the channel
eschnou, jedahan, tantek and scor joined the channel
# 19:55 tantek am I the last one to notice Twitter preserving white-space (linebreaks) on Twitter.com?
# 19:55 tantek seems like an interesting twist in how "notes" are created, posted, displayed
# 19:55 tantek is thinking about adding linebreak preservation to his notes too
# 19:57 aaronpk i've been seeing people use that to do "interesting" formatting things in tweets, shows up in the mobile app too
# 19:58 tantek the mobile app (Tweetie) has had it for a while
# 19:58 tantek twitter.com having it is relatively new - just a month judging from the blog posts I've been researching about it
# 19:59 aaronpk you can do stuff like "long cat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nis long"
# 19:59 tantek I hadn't even noticed that Twitter.com had it until Ben Ward casually mentioned it to me yesterday and I was lik "WHAT?!?"
morrocco_mole joined the channel
# 20:01 tantek aaronpk, sorry. why does Loqi take its time with multiline tweets like that?
# 20:02 aaronpk freenode doesn't let you send more than one line every n seconds, most clients try to throttle messages so they don't get auto-banned
# 20:02 tommorris I learned this the hard way when I streamed all of the UK election tweets into IRC live using the Twitter streaming API
# 20:04 tantek so - linebreaks in notes - what do you guys think? aaronpk tommorris
# 20:05 tantek I mean, if they're part of what you can POSSE out to Twitter, then it makes sense to display them on your own site as well right?
# 20:07 tantek aaronpk - did any of these actually POSSE the linebreaks to Twitter?
# 20:08 aaronpk hm not sure.. I know some of them I manually POSSE'd and removed the "rich" content and replaced with a link to my post
# 20:15 tantek with webmentions back and forth for each move
# 20:16 tantek and all POSSEd to Twitter with in-reply-to-status-id set to POSSE'd copies so that people could view the game on Twitter as well
# 20:16 tantek wonders if the activity streams folks came up with a "game move" activity
# 20:17 aaronpk funny thing is anybody could join in on the game, forking the game and making another game thread with another player
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 20:19 tantek aaronpk - true! that would be really interesting. then whoever got multiple responses to their "move" could decide which game to play (or both!)
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 20:24 tantek hmm, they have a game objecttype and win/lose/tie verbs
bnvk joined the channel
# 20:28 tantek why does Loqi provide content from Tweet URLs but not others?
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:38 barnabywalters I wonder what da vinci would have thought of the note vs article debate… his notes are interestingly structured
# 20:39 barnabywalters some of them don’t have a title at all and are tweet/short blog post length, then there are some with just as much variation in length which do have titles (usually “on X” or “how to depict Y”)
# 20:39 barnabywalters then there are multiple notes without a title, all of which come under a broader heading
# 20:40 barnabywalters then there are reams and reams of blog-length articles, essentially trolling poets
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 21:04 barnabywalters tommorris: top google suggestion for “da vinci” is da vinci demons, top for “leonardo” is de caprio. Not great either way :/
jedahan joined the channel
# 21:37 christopheducamp.com edited /projects (+989) "/* WordPress */ added some WP extensions tested : HUM (URL-shortener). "POSSE 2 twitter" : Publicize-JetPack, Social and SharePress (examples on a WP instance)" (
view diff )
friedcell, caseorganic, morrocco_mole, bnvk, caseorga_, bnvk_ and spinnerin_ joined the channel
texburgher joined the channel
texburgher and tantek joined the channel