#tantekok I've decided to trim leading/trailing white-space when retrieving note entry-content from storage, so that in the HTML storage files, it can have leading/trailing linebreaks to make the storage files more readable but not effect the stored user-authored content.
#tantekdisallowing leading/trailing whitespace from note-content seems like a reasonable trade-off
#tantek.comedited /note (+330) "/* White space */ did a test on what Twitter preserves and what it doesn't. only thing it collapses is multiple linebreaks into one blank line at most." (view diff)
spinnerin, tantek, b0bg0d and bnvk joined the channel
#tantekadded whitespace support to Falcon. linebreaks made it to the Twitter POSSE'd copy. which then made it one more generation with the Twitter -> FB copy. amazing.
caseorganic and morrocco_mole joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /note (+837) "Indieweb implementations / tantek.com Falcon notes support preserving/presenting whitespace and POSSEing to Twitter" (view diff)
#tommorriseschnou: the only problem with that is that Flattr pays me in Euros, which I can spend rather easier than Bitcoin. ;)
bretolius_ joined the channel
#eschnoutommorris, well, it is as easy to get euro out of an exchange than out of Flattr, the issue is more the volatility, but that goes both ways, imagine if you had received a few coins of tip when they were 10 cents worth :-)
#tantektommorris - I agree re: "HTML semantics are more interesting to me" - but then I just write a longer post, an article.
#tantekto me a "note" has always mean "plain text" from an authoring perspective - I just type prose and maybe paste in a URL or two (which it then makes sense to auto-link because that's what users expect)
#tantekand it makes text URLs more usable (click instead of copy/paste)
#tantekso I think as part of a note *authoring* UI it's now important (expected) that linebreaks, blank lines, and multiple space characters are preserved from when writing (authoring), to displaying/presentation, and ideally, syndication as well
#tantekif all you had done was paste a soundcloud URL to an audio page or audio file, and then your blogging system created the embed automatically, then it would be a note
#tantekaaronpk - until you're actually hosting the photos/audio/video on a domain you control, you're not really posting it, you're *maybe* embedding it
#tantekTwitter is awkward about all their auto-markup. They t.co wrap links, and they UI-wrap/interrupt image/video/audio embeds.
#tantektheir "embeds" are more like fat "link previews", the "Twitter Card" being a rich summary of the article or whatever resource you're linking to.
#tantekaaronpk - let's get back to our conversation in october
#tantekwe were making progress there because we were talking about concrete post types that we are all actively posting on our own sites or actively trying to build UIs to post
#tantekthe checkin vs. note discussion was particularly interesting
#tantekas in, what's "just" a checkin vs. a note posted from a location vs. a checkin with a note attached?
morrocco_mole joined the channel
#tantekI think the conclusion we reached in person was that maybe we didn't need separate "types" for these
#tantekand that you could infer which it was purely by the presence/absence of information
#tanteke.g. location from device GPS / GeoLocation API -> just the location where you're posting from
#tantekvs. presence of an explicitly user-chosen venue -> checkin of some sort
bnvk joined the channel
#tantekit gets more challenging when you include photos, but since none of us are actually building that ourselves currently, it's not something we can really hope to make much progress on
#tantekbarnabywalters has an install of openphoto - but he doesn't integrate any of his open photo posts into the rest of his updates / stream in anyway. it's kind of its own content silo on his own site. not how I'd want to do indieweb photos at all.
#aaronpki've been trying to figure out what sort of content I'm most likely to create by using existing tools and silos since they are easier to engage with
#aaronpkas in, I don't want to overengineer something on my site before I know if i'll actually use it
#tantekand I'm proceeding on ease of design/implementation first
#tantekaaronpk - indeed, existing use patterns are a good rough metric :)
#tantekbut then I tend to sort them by how easy to hard they would be to implement on my own site.
#tantekhence I started with plain text notes, and have been slowly adding features to those
#tantekso I have a geo user question for you aaronpk (and caseorganic)
#tantekwhat's the point of posting a tweet with location information? what does it do for me (as the user posting it) and what does it do for people reading my tweets? why is it interesting/useful to anyone?
#tantekthough frankly in a "help" situ it's faster (I've found) to simply *type* where I am etc. than wait for geo location information to come-up, confirm, etc.
#tantekbecause geo information is so often "invisible" - it requires extra UI steps to make it work = extra time = not going to do it in an emergency
#tantekworse - devices get geo information wrong all the time - and having it be wrong in an emergency would be particularly bad
#tantekso basically, lack of trust for device geo = not going to use it in a help situ
#tantekof course if I don't actually *know* where I am and I need help, then some (even possibly error-prone) geo information is better than nothing I guess? but now we're talking quite a bit of an edge case.
#aaronpki have my own "openphoto" basically at a totally separate domain, i don't consider it integrated into my site as i would like
#aaronpki think the "what is a note" discussion is still pretty open
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I like openphoto, but I suspect I will eventually ditch it for my own solution
#aaronpkit's fine as a full photo management stack, that's just not what I want in terms of publishing a photo stream
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: tantek: yeah, and whether or not HTML/line breaks are acceptable adds even more complexity :)
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I have found it sub-optimal for small images (it scales them up to horrible dimensions) and weirdly shaped images (screenshots/panoramas, both of which i do a lot)
#barnabywaltersto make the note plaintext vs HTML argument even more interesting… I just did a bunch of note UI brainstorming, trying to solve a few problems I’ve had:
#barnabywalters1: having as much useful context as possible when replying to something
#Loqi!calc 1: having as much useful context as possible when replying to something
#barnabywalters2: making links to stuff on (for example) wikipedia
#barnabywaltersone potential solution I might try implementing is to have a “context” section above the note authoring box
#barnabywaltersif you’re replying to content, it loads the summary in (like some twitter clients)
#barnabywaltersotherwise, there’s a small quick research button, inspired by writing kit on the iPad
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: i.e. I’m writing a note where I mention a book, so I type the name into the quick research box, and it gives me D&Dable blocks with the author’s h-card, a wikipedia link, etc
#tantekand even if the version to Twitter truncated some/most of the list, it would still show up as a partial list that you could could click through to see the rest
#aaronpkactually "1. item one\n2. item two\n" is valid markdown syntax too :)
#tantekyou don't need the steps of "parse the plain text hints" - "translate to HTML" - "display with CSS" - or "translate back to plain text to POSSE to twitter"
#tantekbut the fact that you gave as an example the imprecise answer of unordered makes me think that such "syntax thinking" gets in the way of the message
#tantekit's less work to just type plain text and have it work
#aaronpkso you're saying that a note should be as close to plaintext as possible basically?
#tantekthan to worry about, will it work in markdown?
#tantekbarnabywalters - the other aspect of whitespace in notes to consider (wrote it up on the wiki), is that now there's a broader user expectation of notes preserving whitespace from authoring to posting to display
#aaronpkso that also means basically no other content in a note other than text, where the text may include a URL
#aaronpkso if I want to post a photo as a note, I would include the URL of the photo, meaning the photo would have to live at some other URL on my site
#barnabywaltersat least as good to be taken seriously = letting the whims of silos dictate how we author and publish our content?
#tantekbarnabywalters - I don't see it as "whims of silos" but more that they are evolving in response to user practices
bnvk joined the channel
#barnabywalterstantek: and in just the same way, my software is evolving in response to my practises — so why should I adapt it to fit in with the silos?
#tantekbarnabywalters++ for posting his UI sketches on his own (sub)domain :)
#barnabywalterstantek: :) courtesy of Brian’s huge whiteboard
#tantekbarnabywalters - strongly agreed with "my software is evolving in response to my practises"
#tantekso I didn't add the whitespace support "to fit in with the silos", but rather, because the silos seemed to finally have consistent support, it felt like the broader user expectations were raised (mine included) and that's why I did it
#tantekplus the white-space:pre-wrap solution is quite elegant
#tantekin terms of letting you just store the whitespace as part of the plain text, round trip it and if it just work
#tantekI can totally understand not caring about whitespace support for notes
#tantek(people are obviously used to linebreaks on FB status updates)
#tantekthe chess characters use case is brilliant because it provides an awesome fallback display for an *actual* chess UI
#tantekand *that* would make an awesome demo. show an indieweb chess playing UI and how it POSSEs each move/boardstate out to Twitter so folks on Twitter can follow along
#barnabywaltersapart from the slight typing problem you pointed out, yeah
#tantekbut once you implement the POSSE part of the flow, it seems easy enough to add support in your own notes
#barnabywaltersadds white-space pre to his notes in web inspector to see if anything breaks
#barnabywaltersso, the leonardo da vinci blockquote -> p markup broke, but apart from that there’s nothing much
#barnabywaltersmy problem with using the white-space CSS is that it creates an expectation that my notes must have that style applied in whatever context they are taken into
#barnabywalterswhat if someone wants to quote one of my notes with (for e.g.) the web action toolbelt selection thing
#tantekfor embeds copy/pasting, that's where adding auto-markup may help (e.g. explicit <br/>s)
#tanteksince you're already giving them markup for the <blockquote> h-cite etc.
b0bg0d joined the channel
#tantekah for RSS/Atom , that's another place where you could add explicit <br/>s automatically
#barnabywalterstantek: not h-cite by default, but it could easily be configured. Actually, using h-cite more is one of the reasons I want to build the drag+drop quick research/reply thing
#barnabywaltersso, the approach I’m thinking about is the citing author’s tools generating the markup, your implemented approach is the cited authors tools generating the markup
#barnabywalterswhich is great, but places a certain amount of reliance on the cited author
#barnabywalterstantek: side note whilst looking for an article on your site: is the first note being bigger a recent change, or just something I’ve not noticed?
#barnabywaltersand, continuing the last thread: any thoughts on a citation poshformat?
#tantekthe first note being bigger has been that way since near the beginning (2010) of when I started posting notes on my site and POSSEing to Twitter
#barnabywalterstantek: no, I meant some mechanism allowing you to specify the markup you want people to use as a citation in a machine-discoverable way
#tantekaaronpk - re: there we go - do you have a name for your indieweb cms yet that drives aaronparecki.com?
#tantekbarnabywalters - ah you mean a "how to cite this post" poshformat :)
#tantekit's a good exploration of another area of the broader publishing problem space - in particular, how to deal with publishing / POSSEing more private-ish posts?
#tantekvery indiewebish pitch: " If you have enough know-how to set up a self-hosted WordPress installation that connects to Facebook, then you know enough to get going with Whiskers"
christopheducamp, caseorganic, b0bg0d, jedahan, wajiii, caseorga_, tantek and spinnerin joined the channel