#tantekwas offered an invitation - checked with folks at work, decided it was worth at least going once, in the hopes of connecting with more Google engineers and perhaps establishing contacts for better open standards support.
#jedahanohai pdxpeople, i am visiting from nyc and would love to grab drinks, chat about indie publishing and tech in general. i plan on grbbing dinner around hawthorne and then exploring, whose up to meet there or nearby?
#jedahanWell I am staying downtown, and have spent a decent amount of time (relative to my stay) up in the dante's area
#jedahanManaged to catch sinferno which was awesome and unexpected, and then ground kontrol industrial night last night, the food trucks are pretty tasty so far
#donpdonpthe commend system takes an email address and looks up the openbadges list to check for the 'donpark.org blog badge', which then displays a textarea or not
#donpdonptry your own address, it should "shake red", then try don.park@gmail.com and it'll go through
#donpdonpnote there is no authentication of the given email, its just a test of interacting with openbadges.
#donpdonpalso there is a link to acquire the 'donpark.org blog badge'
andreypopp, barnabywalters and caseorga_ joined the channel
#tantekhas anyone used or built any indieweb food/calorie/fitness tracking solutions?
#barnabywaltersalthough if there’s a data point every day, it’d be fairly easy to compare — say, with temperature
#aaronpkyea, that's the trick, you have to normalize everythign to the same interval
#barnabywaltersperhaps I should start adding location data to the #steps notes so I can map out the average number of steps per day in different locations
#barnabywaltersat the moment that’s only back home vs. in iceland, but that alone might be an interesting comparison
#barnabywaltersor just figure out how my walking patterns change throughout a week/month/year
#aaronpki have temperature data for every 5 minutes around my current location, still need to correlate that with other data :)
#aaronpkhm I think if I published quantified self data on my site I would make a new stream for it, it wouldn't be part of my notes. would probably be still relatively plaintext
#tantekaaronpk - don't know until you do, right? ;)
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: with steps, I decided that one short note a day was tolerable on my website, but I don’t tend to POSSE them unless that day was a particularly interesting outlier
#barnabywaltersor the walking was primarily with some other people — the “Had a great day walking X #steps with Y and Z” kind of thing
#tantekideally you'd POSSE them to whatever fitness sharing silo your friends use
#barnabywaltersI think evanpro posts his BMI or some similar number on identica
#barnabywaltersor, is he using pump now? either way, that is another example
#tantekbarnabywalters - if you can find a URL for that, please add it to the wiki
#barnabywaltersone of my friends has a cousin who records a lot of his conversations — or used to. Often without telling the person being recorded, to mixed results
#barnabywaltersI was quite impressed with tropo’s automated, free audio transcription. Not sure how well it’d hold up to ambient conversations — it certainly wouldn’t differentiate between different speakers, or handle people talking over each other