josephboyle1, tommorri1, xtof, caseorganic, termie, tommorris, duckbillp and eschnou joined the channel
#Loqieschnou: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 44 minutes ago: just saw, including syndication of the pingback from aaronpk - well done! that's awesome that you got all that directly from parsing the h-atom on his permalink page.
#tantekat least all the stuff in has incremental IDs, so writing an incremental crawler should be pretty straightforward (for anyone that wants to do so).
#tantektommorris - dammit. just saw your message and post. 10 days is ridiculous.
#aaronpkwas interesting to hear about andy baio's attempts at scraping the data. seems yahoo started returning blank responses after too many requests in a row
#tantekeschnou - thanks for helping move the indie web forward!
#tantekaaronpk - any challenges with adding h-entry #microformats markup?
#tantekhopefully it should take you a matter of minutes (if not seconds)
#tantekand if it takes longer / or is more challenging - I'd love to know about it
#eschnoutantek, my pleasure, it is only the third time I try to get some federated stuff working, maybe this one is the good one :-) I like the simplicity of pingback + markup.
#aaronpkthe challenge is always figuring out the right classes to add where, since my markup is always slightly different from the examples. also making it not conflict with my css
#tantekwe should base our federation formats/protocols on microformats2
#eschnoutantek, it has been easier to implement than Salmon :-)
#aaronpktantek: federation using mf2, google juice using mf1 then?
#tanteksince it *should* be the easier to markup / publish mf2
#tantekaaronpk - mf1 *only* for the top level item of the page - because that's all that search engines care about.
#aaronpkthat's interesting, what exactly do you mean?
#tantekbut mf2 for *everything* on the page - so that it works for the "your web page as your API" use case
#tantekaaronpk - search engines are using microformats typically for page-level search results / link-preview type stuff - which means the top level thing on the page
#aaronpkgoogle seems to have found my author card on all my notes/articles/home page
#eschnouaaronpk, I have two issues with indieauth: 1) if I link to http://twitter... on my site, it fails because it retrieve https://twitter and does not seem to understand it is the same thing :-)
#eschnou2) why no support for openid inside indieauth ? I would rather login with my openid than through twitter.
#eschnouxtof, was your wordpress post yesterday supposed to send me a pingback ? Did not get anything :(
#aaronpkeschnou: there was some discussion about http/https, and we decided that we should not assume they are the same URL since they are not actually
#aaronpkalso there's a bug with the twitter implementation where if twitter wraps your URL in their, it doesn't follow the redirect and doesn't match up
#aaronpk(that's something that needs to be fixed on the indieauth side)
#eschnouaaronpk, ok, I'll switch to https on my end then.
#aaronpkas for openid, it used to support it, but I was having a lot of problems with it getting really weird errors back from openid providers inconsistently, seemed to be some issue with the omniauth openid plugin
#xtofeschnou : that was just a note sent yesterday via twitter-tools extension for wp. it does not work and the note was not POSSEd… Will try later after translations :)
#eschnouxtof, ha ! ok :-) no worries, let me know when you want to try to federate.
#xtofeschnou sure. back to blog now for a test on a simple article to be POSSEd. Will drop the link soon.
#eschnouxtof, got your pingback and it is displayed here:, unfortunately it is empty, it seems I did not recover any microformat (h-atom) markup from your page. I need to implement a fallback.
#eschnouxtof, ok, the problem is on my end, I'll work on it, fix it, and will let you know when done so we can test again.
#eschnou.comcreated /Storytlr (+2017) "Created page with "[ Storytlr] is an open-source lifestreaming platform. It automaticaly syndicates content from many social services (twitter, youtube, flickr, etc.) and support..."" (view diff)
tantek joined the channel
#eschnouI'm off for today, good day/ good night all!