#indiewebcamp 2013-04-21
2013-04-21 UTC
caseorganic, spinnerin, duckbillp and tantek joined the channel
tantek.com edited /How_the_Indie_Web_Hooks_into_Hosted_Communities (+7) "/* Discussion of Share Buttons */ linkup" (view diff)

duckbillp joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Template:indieauth-status (+18) "Twitter has been consistently up for a while" (view diff)

duckbillp, xtof, caseorganic and b0bg0d joined the channel
@juanmaleon RT @t: Have your own #indieweb site &
heathjs joined the channel
@yunnnnno37 Have your own #indieweb site &
Loqi want to know how to best post/POSSE/accept/display comments? See: http://indiewebcamp.com/comment (ttk.me t4PZ2)

b0bg0d, deusx, catsup, bnvk, seyz, duckbillp, scor, xtof and barnabywalters joined the channel
@BarnabyWalters Just hooked up my #indieweb notes to @brennannovak’s rather awesome @emoome sentiment analysis API! So all my n… http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/1329/
@emoome RT @BarnabyWalters: Just hooked up my #indieweb notes to @brennannovak’s rather awesome @emoome sentiment analysis API! So all my n… http:/…
barnabywalters aaronpk: I’m not actually using it yet, I’m using class=u-alternate u-as-downstream-duplicate

barnabywalters I should add it, there’s no particular reason not to

barnabywalters thanks Loqi

aaronpk oh and u-syndication apparently http://indiewebcamp.com/rel-syndication

spinnerin, b0bg0d, bnvk, dietrich, seyz and deusx joined the channel
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: oh great! any feedback greatly appreciated :)

barnabywalters aaronpk: considering that 5.3 is actually at end-of-life now I’m casually against supporting it, but just changing the array syntax should be okay — a PR would be great :)

barnabywalters it should ALWAYS return an items key

barnabywalters not sure if that’s in the µf parsing spec, but it seemed right. I’ll add it now, thanks

aaronpk well Apr 11 they released 5.3.24 http://php.net/archive/2013.php#id2013-04-11-2

barnabywalters it’s a tricky one — I’m all for BC, but on the other hand that is one of the main reasons PHP has such a bad reputation

barnabywalters and 5.4 has approx. 1/2 the memory footprint in my experience

tantek barnabywalters - the parsing spec is actually clear on this already: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parse_a_document_for_microformats

barnabywalters tantek: I think I started php-mf2 before that page was written :) must have missed the addition

barnabywalters okay, clarified

barnabywalters I made some progress with the iframe+postMessage stuff today — might try applying it to web actions over the next week

barnabywalters so instead of a button you can opt to have an inline dialog

barnabywalters for commenting in context

tantek btw - just checked the uf2 parsing spec history, the bit about start with an empty items array has been there since 2012-10-15 - >6mo. ago :) http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&oldid=48186

barnabywalters tantek: ah, my mistake :)

barnabywalters also had an interesting discussion about the semantics/pros+cons of using an iframe for this with brennan, which I need to solidify onto the wiki somewhere

barnabywalters no, in person :)

barnabywalters yeah, he’s working for Brian too

aaronpk barnabywalters: here you go! https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/pull/11

barnabywalters aaronpk: brilliant, thanks!

barnabywalters ooh, my first ever pull request! I get to press the shiny green button ;)

barnabywalters also of potential interest from today: Brennan was showing me emoome, and I asked if I could just pipe my notes into it and have the sentiment analysis done on those instead of having to enter data there. Turns out that’s not possible yet, but there is a text -> sentiment analysis data API, so I hooked them up

barnabywalters first sentiment-analysed note: also had an interesting discussion about the semantics/pros+cons of using an iframe for this with brennan,

barnabywalters ooh, wrong paste :(

eschnou joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: generated, but when I move to mostly flat files, my storage format will look a lot like that

barnabywalters with more microformats semantics in the author field — currently using activitystreams for some reason and it’s ugly

eschnou hello barnabywalters, did you have a chance to look at your pingbacks ? let me know if you want to try to interop !
barnabywalters eschnou: not had a chance to fix it yet, might have a go this evening — I’d send you a pingback to ask if you want to test pingbacks, but that may not end well ;)

eschnou barnabywalters, :-)
deusx joined the channel
tantek aaronpk - if you follow the algorithm, a parser parsing an empty document would exit after starting with an empty JSON items array: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parse_a_document_for_microformats

aaronpk ok barnabywalters another one :) https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/pull/12

aaronpk tantek: here it is http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/04/21/1/

deusx joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: thanks for the pull request — were you experiencing problems?

barnabywalters also, did you run the tests? If not I’ll do it locally

barnabywalters to better phrase the first question — this does actually fix something, right? it’s always handled empty strings fine

danbri and deusx joined the channel
barnabywalters anyone come across http://archive.is/ ?

barnabywalters they seem a little over confident about the permanence of the storage there…

barnabywalters and don’t seem to be affiliated with internet archive

barnabywalters also the fact there is no name associated with it (just generic “webmaster@archive.is”) makes me less confident in it

barnabywalters I came across it via wikileaks, so it may be that it is run by someone with a tinfoil hat

danbri and caseorganic joined the channel
barnabywalters no problem :)

barnabywalters so, ruby has a really strong culture of testing right? Is it to the point that it’s expected that if you contribute to a project you add tests to cover the stuff you did?

barnabywalters because on the one hand I think that is a really good thing and should be done, but on the other hand I don’t want to come across as a dick who demands people write tests for the code they’re contributing

barnabywalters hah, no problem :) In this case a test highlighting exactly what the problem solved is would have been the biggest benefit — as I was a little confused as to exactly what problem you were having/fixing

barnabywalters aaronpk: semantically equal to the older p-entry-title

barnabywalters but more consistent with implied parsing and other microformats 2 schemas

aaronpk barnabywalters: run the parser on this: http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/03/19/1/indiewebcamp

barnabywalters hm, weird, php-mf2 should do a depth first search and then ignore any elements which were parsed

barnabywalters aaronpk: I am seeing the correct result — the content of the note via implied parsing

barnabywalters run the content through http://waterpigs.co.uk/php-mf2

barnabywalters php-mf2 was the first project I used composer+packagis+tagging for, and I did have some weird versioning issues earlier

deusx joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: what should be there? I don’t think you’re explicitly specifying a p-name for the note

barnabywalters aaronpk: not finding author block because you’re not using p-author, just classic µf author

barnabywalters so it pops up under children rather than author

barnabywalters the name property of a microformat is never blank unless the element is blank, or a blank name is declared

barnabywalters thanks to implied p-name parsing

barnabywalters can you drop the parsed name value which is wrong in here/pastebin or something? so I can verify we’re both looking at the same thing

barnabywalters and that is the name of the h-entry?

barnabywalters that is the correct behaviour — look at the full line ;) It’s the textContent of the h-entry element

barnabywalters because you haven’t given the h-entry an explicit p-name, the parser uses the textContent of the root element

barnabywalters this is how we get <span class="h-card">Aaron</span>

barnabywalters but it applies to everything

barnabywalters aaronpk: yeah, or perhaps the truncated text? not sure

barnabywalters I did actually raise this tendency of the implied rule to produce confusing output as an issue with tantek, I think we decided it was probably a theoretical problem

barnabywalters this is true

barnabywalters I did have an idea for an addition to the implied parsing rule, where if there’s no explicit p-name, it looks for the first <hX> element before resorting to the entire textContent

deusx joined the channel
barnabywalters as the first heading child of an element is probably a safe bet for that element’s title

barnabywalters at least, more so than the full textcontent

barnabywalters aaronpk: cool :) tantek: I’d be interested to hear thoughts on adding a check for a child H element for implied p-name parsing

barnabywalters aaronpk: glad it could be of use, and thanks again for the PRs and feedback :)

barnabywalters off to bed — goodnight all

caseorganic joined the channel
aaronpk for example, http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2013/03/28/1/an-open-challenge-to-app-net the tags appear in the sidebar, so they won't be part of the h-entry