#pdurbinI'm not a big fan of URL shorteners but whatever
#tantekpdurbin - yeah, in general I tend to agree. It's a way to deal with POSSEing to silos with post length limits
#tantekalso, I'm a big believer in algorithmic shorteners, rather than database-backed shorteners (which die when the database disappears, ineveitably)
tantek joined the channel
#tantekpdurbin, in addition, permashortcitations in POSSEd copies enable original-post-discovery
#tantekso those reasons make personal short domains worth it IMO
duckbillp joined the channel
#pdurbintantek: I guess I just don't use any silos with post length limits. from the wiki it sounds like foursquare has such a limit
#gRegorLoveHello. More fun with indieauth / relmeauth. :) This seems pretty straightforward, but is causing me trouble. The links are set up properly on gregorlove.com and twitter.com/gregorlove, but indieauth is telling me "There was an error verifying this provider. Confirm you have a rel="me" link on this site pointing to your website."
#gRegorLoveTried the twitter link with https and without
#gRegorLoveSame response. Doesn't seem to be finding my URL on twitter
duckbillp, b0bg0d, andreypopp, tantek, caseorganic and eschnou joined the channel
laurian, duckbillp, bnvk, adactio, mxuribe, bnvk_, scor, bnvk__, eschnou, josephboyle, singpolyma, b0bg0d, tantek, fmarier, spinnerin, benwerd, caseorganic, seyz, xtof, b0bg0d1, barnabywalters and tilgovi joined the channel
#tantek!tell gRegorLove why are you display:none'ing your Twitter link on gregorlove.com? I don't think that affects IndieAuth but it might? aaronpk - gregorlove.com appears to be setup with rel-me to @gRegorLove but isn't working. Take a look?
#b0bg0dnearly 99% of web platform development, from HTML to JS performance, primary to exclusively benefit the *publisher*
#b0bg0dthe user web remains woefully underdeveloped
#b0bg0duser agents do very little more than back and bookmark
#b0bg0dthe opportunity for the user web is enable users to present as much code + data to publishers as publisher present to users
#b0bg0dthis is most realized in browser extensions, but the UX to date has been geeks-only — you have to know that to change your relationship with a publisher, you must modify your client with third-party software. that is to say, as a user you have to know how the web works before you can even begin to assert your agency.