2013-05-10 UTC
# 00:03 bret Random DNS qustion... if you use a TLD, is it bad to use a CNAME for a random subdomain?
# 00:07 bret i have the domain bre.tc with an A record pointing twoards the github pages IP
# 00:07 bret and I also have an arecord for www.bre.tc pointing to the same github pages IP
# 00:08 bret but I also have a CNAME record pointing fever.bre.tc to delta.nfshost.com
# 00:09 bret i also have google apps set up on the domain
# 00:11 pdurbin google apps is pointed at apps.bre.tc or something?
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# 00:12 bret seems to recive email and xmpp messages okay
# 00:15 pdurbin I can't imagine your fever.bre.tc is causing any problems
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# 01:24 aaronpk bret: I see the www.bre.tc -> bre.tc redirect working just fine
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# 03:13 bret thanks, i guess it was a dns delay or browser cache issue
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# 04:49 bret the clothing is kind of dorky, but the mapping and data they are getting seems pretty decent
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# 06:53 bret aaronpk, do you have any ideas on how you are going to support outgoing webmentions with pingback.me?
# 06:54 aaronpk the idea was a simple API where you'd provide a URL to one of your posts, and it would go find outgoing links and send any webmentions+pingbacks it finds
# 06:55 aaronpk I ended up writing a small PHP script to do that for my own site though, and encountered an interesting issue
# 06:55 bret would that be possible to trigger with an http request?
# 06:56 aaronpk but it turns out I don't want to send notifications for *all* links on a page, because that includes things in my sidebar. so instead it should look for an h-entry and only send notifications for things inside
# 06:57 bret What do you think about doing something similar to PuSH, where the site sending the request publishes an atom feed of webmentions it wants sent out, and then does a simple "hello i published, please parse my webmention atom feed"
# 06:58 aaronpk hadn't thought about making it work with a feed yet
# 06:58 aaronpk I haven't done much with feeds on my own site yet
# 06:59 bret its easy to generate lists of variable data in order in GH-pages, and hit a URL after publishing
# 06:59 bret it doesnt nessisarily have to be a feed
# 06:59 aaronpk so yea... sounds like we need PuSH for feeds of h-entries
# 06:59 bret and then parse for microdata or something
# 07:01 bret but found out that that GH-pages and the appspot push server have a race condition, where the post commit trigger fires too soon, and the new atom feed isnt available yet sometimes
# 07:01 aaronpk right...cause pushing to gh-pages doesn't necessarily mean it's live
# 07:01 aaronpk yea they have an asynchronous process that publishes it
# 07:02 bret If only there was a, say, 5 second delay I could set
# 07:02 aaronpk you should be able to in the build process though
# 07:03 bret my original goal was that git was the only thing required to update the site
# 07:04 bret not sure if it has panned out so great
# 07:04 bret well, technically all you need is git if you let GH do the page build
# 07:05 bret but if you want to build locally yeah ruby
# 07:07 bret so I could avoid this issue if I built the site locally, then pushed up the result as static html, then I am guessing there is no race condition because the files would be live as soon as the commit is done *i think*.... I have it set up so that you push out the raw liquid templates and markdown files and github does the final build before taking it live
# 07:08 aaronpk ah crazy, I didn't know GH would actually build a jekyll site
# 07:08 bret which allows you to update the site directly in github or on a computer with ruby installed
# 07:08 bret but LOTS of people do it because of the free hosting
# 07:09 bret and because lots of people are doing it
# 07:10 bret I also didnt have a VPS when I started
# 07:12 bret I'll just play around with incoming web mentions for the while
# 07:12 bret i still need to write something to pull in the links
# 07:14 aaronpk I'd really like to be able to come up with a good stack for hosting on gh-pages, I think it would enable a lot of people
# 07:15 bret would you ever enable Pingback.me as a PuSH hub?
# 07:15 bret or simply a delayed http request forwarder would work too
# 07:16 aaronpk I could enable it as a PuSH hub for h-atom feeds... don't see much reason to replicate google's actual PuSH hub right now though
# 07:17 bret For push to work reliably on GH-Pages, we need something to be able to get an http trigger from gh, wait 5 seconds then fire off a "http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/publish?hub.mode=publish&hub.url=http://bre.tc/atom.xml" type http request
# 07:18 bret or just tell gh-page users to make two comits per post
# 07:19 bret incoming webmentions already have the tools available
# 07:19 aaronpk ok, I'd love to keep thinking about how that might work
# 07:19 bret and outgoing, I imagine, being something similar to PuSH,
# 07:20 aaronpk I haven't seen the publishing flow in gh-pages recently so I need to be a little more familiar with it
# 07:20 bret i can explain it if you want, or just answer questions its up to you
# 07:21 aaronpk either way it will have to be another night :) can't think much more, way later than I wanted to stay up
# 07:25 bret let me know if you ever want more information
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# 21:09 tommorris has had the slightly weird experience today of launching a site for someone else. ;)
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