#indiewebcamp 2013-05-12
2013-05-12 UTC
b0bg0d, tantek, termie and tantek_ joined the channel
tantek !tell tommorris via adactio, thought you'd appreciate this: http://idontwantyourfuckingapp.tumblr.com/

b0bg0d and pdurbin joined the channel
b0bg0d, elfPavlik, tantek and duckbillp_ joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://christopheducamp.com/blog/salmon-le-nouvel-agregateur-du-web-social-de/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/Posterous-fr (pingback)

xtof, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
eschnou !tell tantek if/when you are around, can you send me again the link to the brainstorm on marking up comments? I 'm lost in the wiki :-)
bnvk, seyz and barnabywalters joined the channel
Loqi barnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 11 hours, 46 minutes ago: I just launched the microformats parser on http://pin13.net/ and it's set to auto-pull new code from master every hour, should be useful for testing I think :)

barnabywalters aaronpk: oh great! it took me a while to figure out which box it was because the amazon link dragging thing interferes with it

eschnou, bnvk, duckbillp_ and tommorris__ joined the channel
Loqi tommorris__: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 42 minutes ago: via adactio, thought you'd appreciate this: http://idontwantyourfuckingapp.tumblr.com/

tommorris, bnvk, seyz, eschnou, elf-pavlik and tantek joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: that works

barnabywalters only problem I can think of is what then does ”comment” mean — the display of a reply within a comments section?

barnabywalters hah, amazing :)

tommorris I've got one of these - https://secure.flickr.com/photos/leobard/39230921/ - somewhere.

tantek.com edited /comments-presentation (+785) "re-organize, move brainstorm to a how-to now that we have verification that some of it works well" (view diff)

tantek !tell eschnou the link you're looking for I think is how to retrieve/parse comments and I just cleaned up this page a bunch to hopefully make it clearer: http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to

tantek barnabywalters, tommorris, would appreciate your review of my rewrite of http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation

singpolyma joined the channel
@t implementing POSSE replies to Tweets in @Falcon: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_Replies_to_Tweets (ttk.me t4Px1)
@t @jlsuttles thanks! Hope you enjoyed it!
singpolyma joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Twitter (+188) "/* POSSE Replies to Tweets */ now implemented in Falcon / tantek.com" (view diff)

pdurbin it's why https://storify.com exists

eschnou joined the channel
Loqi eschnou: tantek left you a message 2 hours ago: the link you're looking for I think is how to retrieve/parse comments and I just cleaned up this page a bunch to hopefully make it clearer: http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to

tantek.com edited /Falcon (+1809) "implemented in-reply-to-status-id support in POSSE'd notes to Twitter, capture what to work on next (rel-syndication, rel-in-reply-to markup and presentation), re-order sections a bit more sensibly: about, working-on, technical details" (view diff)

eschnou tantek, no, I'm looking for a brainstorm you did with barnaby on the markup to add to comments in a h-entry. There was an empty anchor I was wondering about and you completed the faq about it. Where was that ?
eschnou :-)
eschnou tantek, haa sorry, that one is now fixed, and I follow the documented process: author first, then fallback to h-card within the entry then global hcard.
eschnou page-level, not within an entry.
eschnou like on eschnou.com
eschnou I now take care of the p-author, I need to figure out the rel-author part.
eschnou tantek, ha, good to know, then I'll wait/help on that part and not recode it myself.
eschnou tantek, yes, there were new comments related microformats, and indeed, I've probably been looking on the wrong site :-)
tantek.com edited /comments-presentation (+195) "/* How to markup */ provide empty anchor option, link to why" (view diff)

eschnou tantek, on another topic: I want to start implementing feed subscription within storytlr, so that I can easily subscribe to other sites within my UI and consume content there. But I wonder:
tantek eschnou - ok I've linked it up so hopefully it's more discoverable: http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_markup

eschnou Atom+ActivityStreams+PuSH ?
eschnou exactly
eschnou any known implementation of h-entry + PuSH ? :-)
eschnou publish h-entries ?
eschnou I do publish, but so far it is atom/as
eschnou well, PuSH enables cool realtime federated demos :-)
eschnou sure
eschnou makes sense
eschnou from what I can read, PuSH is strongly coupled to Atom
eschnou so we'll have to figure out something then.
eschnou tantek, well, existing implementation assume it is atom, hence: unauthenticated ping -> hub fetches atom, so indeed we can reuse the concepts, but not existing hubs without modifying them.
eschnou again, not a fundamental issue
eschnou ok then, I'll give a try to polling + h-feed/h-entries
eschnou well, if he could just spend half a day adding proper mft markup to google+ that would be a good start :-)
eschnou tantek, another design choice i have is the following: tightly coupled within storytlr, or an independent tool that anyone else could use, with web-actions to enable interactions.
eschnou tantek, I guess I'll try to do both, integrate within storytlr while having code that can be re-used for a more standalone version.
eschnou tantek, Google IO is next week... are you attending ?
eschnou great! so you can do a bit of lobbying :-) No, unfortunately not this year. Been there twice, great event. Even got interviewed by Scoble one year, was about onesocialweb and federation in general.
eschnou great idea!
tantek e.g. like this reply: https://twitter.com/eschnou/status/332936461462667265

@eschnou @Lint_ Non, http://t.co/EDMfcuGbrl, rue Neuvice.
eschnou tantek, no, I don't do this posse/reply magic like you guys :-) I do a mix of POSSE and PESOS. In this case, the reply is syndicated back on my site but hidden from my timeline (I see it when logged in my site).
eschnou yes, I PESOS a lot in fact. All the youtube/vimeo
eschnou soundcloud etc.. I like on their site are syndicated back on my stream.
eschnou So, the flow is this: I like on Vimeo, it is syndicated on my storytlr, and storytlr tweets it.
eschnou so, it is pesos from vimeo to storytlr and then pose from storytlr to twitter
tantek.com edited /comment (+160) "/* POSSE a comment */ link up with Twitter details" (view diff)

eschnou As for twitter, I do a mix. My own content is published from storytlr, unless I'm tweeting from my mobile then I use their app. And replies are usually sent from their client. But then everything is syndicated back on my site.
tantek.com edited /multiple-reply (+408) "add my example of a multiple-reply, which I just happened to do on my first properly POSSE-threaded reply post!" (view diff)

eschnou tantek, built in storytlr, eschnou.com is a vanilla deployment of storytlr
eschnou tantek, well, I like to convenience of just liking a video/photo/etc somewhere and automatically get it on my site and then push a tweet linking back to my site so people comment there.
eschnou tantek, the issue will be a lot of duplicates for clients which won't support the delete
eschnou yes, that may be the issue
tantek.com edited /Storytlr (+237) "add some details of PESOS implementation per IRC conversation" (view diff)

tantek still can't believe I'm only the 3rd person to POSSE Replies to Tweets: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_Replies_to_Tweets

tantek hence explicitly added as such: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Working_On

eschnou tantek, yes! :-)
eschnou tantek, I think it makes sense. I'm just late to the party :-) And for now my focus is really more the storytlr/indieweb federation, so we can just forget about the silos.
eschnou tantek, so you are sending pingbacks ?
eschnou or is it webmentions ?
eschnou well, you can always pingback manually, that's how I'm testing, fairly easy with curl :-)
eschnou tantek, only pingback at the moment
eschnou tantek, added :-) https://github.com/storytlr/storytlr/issues/75
tantek hahaha I just saw the meme that BarnabyWalters made regarding the fixes he had to make in response to my issue comments: https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/13#issuecomment-17423354

singpolyma joined the channel
@paulbooker RT @t: implementing POSSE replies to Tweets in @Falcon: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_Replies_to_Tweets (ttk.me t4Px1)
andreypopp joined the channel
tantek, fmarier and singpolyma joined the channel