waterpigs.co.ukcreated /monoculture (+851) "Created page with "{{stub}} Monoculture refers to one piece of software dominating (or trying to dominate) it’s field, often by being limited to communicating with other instances of the same co..."" (view diff)
barnabywalters!tell tantek, aaronpk I started http://indiewebcamp.com/monoculture but but have sneaky feeling a) not well written and b) the same topics are covered elsewhere — would appreciate a look over :)
barnabywalterstommorris: it’s something I remember discussing here before, but I wanted a page to link to when writing that note about Ghost promoting monoculture
tommorrisI just know far too many interesting lovely people who should be writing about themselves - because they have interesting things to say - but don't because of fear.
barnabywaltersI might point my parents towards that — now I’m in iceland my parents read my notes, and my mum was trying to censor me remotely, saying it’s my “professional voice online”. I wasn’t sure how to rreply
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: I might point my parents towards that — now I’m in iceland my parents read my notes, and my mum was trying to censor me remotely, saying it’s my “professional voice online”. I wasn’t sure how to reply
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 2 hours, 12 minutes ago: aaronpk I started http://indiewebcamp.com/monoculture but but have sneaky feeling a) not well written and b) the same topics are covered elsewhere — would appreciate a look over :)
tantek.comedited /monoculture (+1893) "add information from antipattern page, more links, re-order: description, examples, disadvantages, avoiding, antidotes, see also" (view diff)
tommorrisYeah. Google's commitment to openness is making it so I have to use a fake WebKit browser to artificially simulate user interaction to post to G+
tantekthe whole point of POSSE is to reach your friend where they read stuff, and if you don't have any friends paying attention to G+, then what's the point of crossposting there?
tantektommorris, do you have access to the individual location components in "Congress House, Great Russell Street, London" or do you get that from a service as an opaque string?
tommorrisnominatim needs a lot of improvement. it's nice that it is open data: it means if it is broken you can fix it. but it's still a long way from perfect.
tommorrisI was in Retro Bar, a gay bar in The Strand. I checked in and Nominatim said I was in Chinatown. which meant that it was obviously going to it as the suburb marker. but The Strand isn't in Chinatown
tommorrisso, I go in and edit Chinatown from being a node (Nominatim was using it as the suburb because it was the nearest suburb marker) and restrict the area to just the area around Gerrard St
barnabywaltersbriansuda and I also did some brainstorming of route UI (e.g. “I just walked up this mountain, here’s the route w/ speed+elevation data”)
tantekaaronpk, we were discussing the pattern of using an illustrative image with each blog post so it gets picked up in link-previews on link sharing sites/UIs like FB/Tw/G+ etc. Crystal's blog has some good examples: http://skinnywhitegirl.com/blog/
cyg^aaronpk I don't get on IRC that much but my email is stuart@vacord.com and vacord.com is the screen printing site if you wanna talk more about shirts. I'll come back in next time I get on IRC tho
tantekaaronpk, t-shirts? we could also do something like embroidered patches which people could choose to put on any particular item of clothing or bag or ...