#aaronpkI want to compile a playlist of songs, and when you view it, they show up with little "play" buttons using whatever music service you use (spotify, rdio, itunes, mp3s on disk, etc)
caseorganic, spinnerin and b0bg0d joined the channel
#tantekso BTW, this is a good reason to use permashortcitations rather than permashortlinks
#aaronpk my twitter search code is not perfect. because i'm using the streaming API, I can only have one search stream active at a time, so I have to combine all my search t
#aaronpk so when a tweet comes in, it only sends it to one of my IRC channels for the first match. in this case it caught your mention of "aaronpk" first
#tantek(ttk.me t4Py1) is 14 characters. (ttk.me/t4Py1) is 24 characters
#tantekby using permashortcitations I get 10 more chars to tweet
#aaronpk yea, but if I had the permashortcitations in my tweet it would still have failed
#aaronpk I was doing the citations instead of links a while ago, and I kept confusing people. on multiple occasions I had people ask me what the heck was the thing at the en
#aaronpk"Will t.co-wrapped links always be the same length? The maximum length of t.co URLs will change over time. Issue a request daily to GET help/configuration and examine the fields short_url_length and short_url_length_https to determine the current maximum length of wrapped URLs. We do not expect these values to change often."
#aaronpkI noticed one of my tweets failed to syndicate
#aaronpkand I didn't have time to look into it to figure out why, I assumed it was something wrong on my side with the char counter (it's kind of complex code)
#tantekhmm I did notice that my permashortcitations were getting ellipsed on retweets
#aaronpkit happened again just now with a 140-char tweet, so I figured I'd dig into it
#aaronpkI think (domain.com xxx) is more visually noisy than (domain.com/xxx) because people don't know what it is with the space in between, but people recognize a link. less to think about
#aaronpkthen they have to decide whether to click it or not
#aaronpkand my convention is parens when it's not adding content, ellipses and no parens when there is more content
#aaronpkI haven't heard any complaints about this approach so far
#tantekI tried that convention (parens when it's not adding content, ellipses and no parens when there is more content) and people still complained a lot
#tantekthe problem was that the presence of the link was/is too much temptation for people not to click on
#aaronpk"if I know the text of my tweet will be shortened, I try to write it in a way that encourages people to click the link after the ellipses by ending with an 'action' or 'leading' word"
#aaronpk yea it was really confusing the other day, I had to manually check out some version of the libraries cause what came down from composer didn't work
#barnabywalters mm, when composer packages depend on PHP extensions it can get a little hairy
#aaronpk I don't think it was a php extension thing, it was just trying to call a function in the webignition library
#barnabywalters hopefully eventually composer will be able to install extensions. PEAR isn’t too bad, but it’s not overly pleasent
#barnabywalters yeah, I think that was the fault of the url library’s dependencies not being strict enough
#tantek.comedited /POSSE_to_Facebook (+1076) "incorporate existing POSSE to Facebook hacks/implementations - this page is no longer just brainstorming" (view diff)
#aaronpkaw, my "brainstorming" template didn't last long :) guess that's a good thing
tantek, spinnerin and b0bg0d joined the channel
#tanteksorry aaronpk - might still be useful if/when we end up creating separate brainstorming pages
#tantekjust wanted to capture that there are at least 3 of us that POSSE to Facebook using various indirect means.
#tantekmy guess is that there's some code Medium that's trying to cookie your URL retriever, and when it sees no previous cookie, it asks you to login first so it can connect your identity to a cookie
#tantekfrom that point on, as long as you're cookie'd, it doesn't need to ask you to login
#tantekbecause it knows that that cookie is associated with that identity
#aaronpki'm trying to find an example of something I would consider a comment
#tantekaaronpk - the distinction I put forth (for reply vs comment) a few days ago here on IRC is this
#tantekreply: something you've posted on your own site that is in-reply-to another post
#tantekcomment: something that shows up underneath a post
#tantekthus the distinction is about *what* is at the URL of the page
#aaronpkah interesting. so a comment may have been created as a reply on my own site, but it's not a comment unless it appears under the original post?
#tantekjust outside the territorial lines of the IndieWeb Confederation are additional members of the broader IndieWeb Alliance - those that have openly dedicated their allegiance to the IndieWeb and all that it stands, are actively independent on the social web, but have yet to federate with the Confederation.
#tantek(every other IndieWeb creator, including myself, would likely be in that zone)
#tantekas we POSSE out to Silo Nations, we should put them on the map
#aaronpki feel like people with an indieweb presence, especially those POSSEing to silo nations should have a stronger presence on the map than being just outside the territorial lines of the confederation
#tantekand the remaining active Silo Nations can be represented as islands outside that
#tantekfinally, all the failed/disappeared silo nations can be represented by outlines underneath the dead web seas
#tantekon the inside: IndieWeb Confederation - those who have federated / are federating
#tantekjust outside that (superset): The IndieWeb League - those who are POSSEing out to silo nations, but are not yet federating with those in the Confederation
#aaronpkboth of those can be on the same land mass
#tantekjust outside that (superset again): The IndieWeb Alliance - those that have openly dedicated their allegiance to the IndieWeb and all that it stands for, are actively independent on the social web, but are yet to POSSE, or dedicate at least one post type exclusively to POSSEing
#aaronpkthe IndieWeb Alliance members can be all on their own little islands within the IndieWeb territory
#tantekthen outside of those islands, we have the Silo nation islands
#tantekexcept - everyone inside the IndieWeb League who is successfully POSSEing out to them gets little land bridges to each Silo nation island destination
#tantekand then once again, outside the Silo nation islands, a broader set of disconnect silo nations that no one is POSSEing to
#tantekand then the dead web sea, with its submerged lost silo nations