2013-05-15 UTC
scor joined the channel
caseorganic, b0bg0d, tantek, duckbillp, peck_lx, catsup, bret and andreypopp joined the channel
b0bg0d and cweiske joined the channel
andreypopp and b0bg0d joined the channel
seyz and eschnou joined the channel
duckbillp, cweiske, andreypopp, peck_lx, barnabywalters, b0bg0d and tantek joined the channel
xtof, b0bg0d and friedcell joined the channel
peck_lx and eschnou joined the channel
eschnou, andreypopp, xtof, scor and peck_lx joined the channel
eschnou, bnvk, brianloveswords, singpolyma, tantek and duckbillp joined the channel
# 14:59 aaronpk barnabywalters: do you have tests or example for twitter parsing in php-mf2?
# 15:02 barnabywalters aaronpk: it’s actually a bit broken, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get valid results when using the legacy converter
# 15:03 aaronpk I want to refactor that part of the code somewhat anyway
# 15:03 aaronpk I want to be able to write hooks for other known sites like instagram
# 15:03 aaronpk I'm thinking a class map may not be able to parse all sites, it may take some custom xpath queries
# 15:03 barnabywalters aaronpk: that’s easy enough, just create an array of oldclassname => mf2-classname
# 15:05 barnabywalters so, to use the legacy classmaps, you create the parser, then addClassMap() with each classmap you want (legacy included by default), then call convertLegacy
# 15:06 aaronpk so on instagram for example, the user profile picture is actually in the src attribute of the element: .user-avatar img
# 15:07 aaronpk but the img tag doesn't have a class of its own so it can't be addressed directly with a class name
# 15:10 aaronpk how would you feel about removing the twitter classmap from the core, and instead writing a new class that just calls mf2\Parser or does its own parsing?
# 15:11 aaronpk i'll make it so you pass in the html and base URL to the parse function, and if it recognizes the URL as one of the known sites, it does its own parsing, otherwise calls mf2\Parser
# 15:11 barnabywalters after trying to use the twitter classmap and getting awful results I’m inclined to think that it’d be better to create a new class for each service
# 15:11 aaronpk yea exactly, easier to add stuff to later as well
# 15:13 aaronpk this will give me a good excuse to finally figure out phpunit
# 15:13 aaronpk yesterday I was writing a test suite for a PHP API in Ruby
# 15:15 barnabywalters it’s actually really nice — Mink is a great abstraction of all the different browser emulators
# 15:20 aaronpk i'll see what I can put toghether in an hour or so
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 15:37 aaronpk barnabywalters: do you install phpunit using the .phar?
# 15:39 barnabywalters aaronpk: I either install it using composer, the run it with bin/phpunit, but I also have it installed globally via PEAR. the global one is harder to update though, so I prefer composer
# 15:41 barnabywalters by default the phpunit binary will be installed in vendor/bin, I change it to bin/ so there’s less typing :)
# 15:43 aaronpk let's see if I can write a failing test before writing any of the Shim code!
# 15:44 barnabywalters phpunit-skelgen is also pretty awesome — give it a test suite, it spits out a class template (and vice versa)
bnvk joined the channel
# 15:54 aaronpk heh I may need your help getting the structure of this set up
# 15:55 aaronpk can't quire figure out the autoloading and folder structure
# 15:56 barnabywalters let’s try to capture what’s difficult about it from this, and I’ll send them a doc PR
bnvk_ joined the channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 16:03 aaronpk when you run the tests, it can't load the Twitter or Instagram classes, somehow they are not configured properly to be in the autoloader
benwerd joined the channel
# 16:06 barnabywalters aaronpk: looks like you’ve got the autoloader configured perfectly (in fact I think you can get away with just the top level namespace)
tantek joined the channel
# 16:06 barnabywalters looking in InstagramTest, the problem is that your namespace deferefencing is wrong
# 16:07 barnabywalters you might want to put the autoloader require into a bootstrap file so you don’t need it in all of your test files
# 16:08 barnabywalters use does nothing more than alias classnames/namespaces — it doesn’t actually include anything
# 16:09 barnabywalters that is done lazily when a classname not yet defined in local (file) scope is accessed for the first time
spinnerin joined the channel
# 16:11 barnabywalters yay! so you should be able to run the tests by just running `bin/phpunit` in the project folder
# 16:19 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: s/far/far
# 16:19 aaronpk i don't actually have a ticket, but caseorganic and some others on our team do
# 16:19 aaronpk i'm watching the liveblog while sitting at a coffee shop 3 blocks away
# 16:23 aaronpk going dark for a minute... need to write a very careful email
caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek-ipod joined the channel
# 16:43 tantek barnabywalters - looks like some activity this morning in the channel
# 16:43 tantek happy to hear that you're separating the Twitter shim out from phpmf2
# 16:44 barnabywalters currently scanning more of my venue UI brainstorming stuff to stick on taproot/design
# 16:52 tantek is this an ideal UI or what you think you can code quickly or somewhere in between?
# 16:53 tantek my first impression - looks like a lot going on
# 16:53 tommorris barnabywalters: I'll have a look later. I'm currently mid-flow in working on an app for work that runs in a big blue silo. ;)
scor joined the channel
# 16:54 barnabywalters hah, my brain will now have a permanent s/facebook/big blue silo filter going
jzb, caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
# 17:02 tantek barnabywalters, consider: what's the minimum viable venue UI could you implement and start using to check-in via your website?
# 17:02 tantek I'm going to suggest that you may find that once you design/implement that MVVUI and use it, by actual use in the wild you'll come up with a much more informed set of next-most-important-to-you features to implement.
# 17:03 barnabywalters oh, this is separate to check in UI — this is venue permalink page, then I specced out a *really* minimal UI for adding venue checkin data to the note posing UI
jzb and tantek joined the channel
bnvk, xtof and andreypopp joined the channel
# 18:50 tantek aaronpk - you done with your important email?
tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:56 tantek and some folks (aaronpk, barnabywalters?) convert URLs to people's personal sites to their @-names in POSSE copies as well
# 18:57 tantek like if I post a note that refers to an earlier note of mine (a mention, not a reply), should I convert that mention of a note on my site, to URL of its POSSE copy, when I POSSE the new note?
tantek joined the channel
# 19:12 tantek cool. I used that post to test the code changes I made for the t.co URL length changes and it worked!
andreypopp, caseorganic, jzb, tantek and texburgher joined the channel
# 20:05 tantek I'm at the Google+ Platform Overview talk at Google IO
scor, cyg^ and andreypopp joined the channel
tilgovi, andreypopp and tantek joined the channel
# 22:27 bret sounds like lots of disapointing g+ news from io
# 22:28 pdurbin the new g+ desktop interface is a little... random
# 22:28 bret why do they have to follow in FB's footsteps, rather than be an example?
# 22:30 bret is it true that every silo'd social network thus far has failed?
# 22:32 bret people are beginning to hate facebook in a bigger and bigger way, with much reason
# 22:33 bret twitter has already pissed a ton of people off, and shows no sign of slowing down
# 22:33 bret so much so that we have a OG-twitter clone called app.net
# 22:34 bret its only a matter of time before more people have the though "why are all these companies so interested in me socializing!?!? could this be one big tupperware party for advertisers?"
# 22:37 bret I can't wait till facebook is irrelevant, but honestly, I am a bit afraid of what would replace it
# 22:39 bret Something that isnt taking the approach of apple, google, facebook. "just put all your eggs in a single basket, dont worry we will never fail you"
# 22:40 bret what is this g+ desktop you are speaking of?
# 22:41 bret wasnt the browser invented so that you DIDNT need a goddamn specific application to retreive information?
# 22:43 bret for what though, they have their place, but I dont want an app for every website thats just insane
# 22:44 pdurbin bret: I definitely agree with you about eggs and baskets. I think of it as vendor lock-in
# 22:44 bret if you want to interface with your computers hardware to do some serious number crunching on your local hardware, apps are awsome
# 22:45 bret but for retreiving information from someone else, I want to use the browser
tantek, mxuribe and b0bg0d joined the channel