b0bg0d, b0bg0d1 and josephboyle joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /antipatterns (+5958) "add antipattern: databases for storage, and define DBA tax - since we just spent some time on IRC about it" (view diff)
#tantekreally hope we don't have to have that conversation again - felt like a poor use of time
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1088) "/* Working On */ add Why? points/explanations for each thing, hopefully help with documenting them as either Getting Started steps or IndieMark objectives, or both" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+320) "/* Working On */ more why? details, explicit why on each point, bold implementation summaries" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+552) "/* Working On */ more details on how rel-syndication enables original post discovery" (view diff)
#tantekbarnabywalters, tommorris, as fellow implementers who've already implemented some of this stuff, I'd appreciate your review/opinion of the format I've taken with documenting reasons *Why?* for each of the next things I have listed as working on for Falcon: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Working_On
#tantekI figure if I'm able to explicitly document the Why of each feature, then that will help with documenting reasoning for these steps when we add them to things like Getting Started and/or IndieMark.
jedahan joined the channel
#barnabywalterstantek: works for me — I really like this style of documentation/todo list you and aaronpk and building for your projects
#tantekI feel like by documenting such whys when in the middle of implementation helps document more "real world" reasons than if/when documenting it as something others should do. I think the personal perspective helps there.
#tantekthe original Twitter and Dodgeball implementations were "dumb apps" that worked purely with txt message commands
#tommorrisTwilio is lovely and well worth playing with
#tantekthe notion of a simple command line UI to your "apps" (txting is just one particular pipe) is quite powerful. you could also adapt it to 2-way pagers with email for example.
#tommorrisI may implement Twilio into Ferocity so I can text posts in
#tantektommorris - please do - I'm sure they'd love to see an indieweb posting demo via txting via Twilio
#tommorrisTwilio just uses web hooks - so every time you get a message sent to your number, it sends an HTTP POST message to a specified endpoint
#tommorrisyou can send a response by having it respond with some fairly simple XML
#tommorrisof the form <Response><Sms>{message}</Sms></Response>
#tommorris(with the message encoded in UTF-8 per all the usual rules of XML)
#barnabywaltersit’s also worth considering that, once you can email content to your website, every iOS and most mac apps have basic web actions built in
#tommorristhe nice thing about SMS though: it works in places where 3G don't
#jedahanI used it for my 'you can only play one time' YODO mario game :)
#tommorrisyou can store the authenticated phone numbers on your server
#barnabywalterstommorris: adding that to phone number based two-factor auth would be pretty cool too :)
#jedahanwonder how weird it would be to register a throwaway phone number from SMS...
#tommorrisso you'd text in "auth [pre-authorized key]" and have a thing in your wallet with 10 pre-printed auth keys.
eschnou joined the channel
#barnabywalterstommorris: was thinking other way round (use code texted to phone number as second factor when logging into the site, then that number can be used to post notes) but that’d work too
#tommorrisproblem is if you don't have data, anything that requires you to hop on to the web breaks.
#tommorrisuse case of "arrive at airport, buy a local SIM, then get online to authenticate local phone number" fails if you don't have data
#tommorris...and if you do have data, you don't really need SMS. ;)
#tommorristantek: seems like a good idea - user stories and all that. ;)
#tommorris(a user story we had at work: "As tommorris, needs to not have to be woken up at 3am to run database queries"
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+237) "/* Working On */ bit more why expansions in terms of ease of use, user experience" (view diff)
#tommorrisI think next on my to-do list is separating out checkins from posts.
#tommorrisFoursquare lets you checkin without posting it (to Twitter, FB). I'd like to be able to routinely checkin without it being a 'post'
#tommorrisand have some of those checkins be private
#tantekI think this kind of focus, user experience, actual real world user stories is part of what separates indiewebcamp from previous open/federated social web efforts
#tommorrisand see my checkins on an (OpenStreet)Map
#tantekand I want to keep encouraging a culture here of practical user experience first
#tommorristantek: the other thing is that it's agile in the sense of getting something up and iterating, rather than architecture-astronaut stuff
#tommorrisget Hello World up. then turn it into a blog-type thing. then add features.
#tantekyeah - I'm trying to justify each step in terms of improved user experience somewhere
#tommorrisrather than trying to build "OpenFacebook" in one fell swoop.
#tantekwhich then makes it easier to be motivated to take each step
#tantekfour levels: 1) myself only, personal logging. 2) passive friend access (i.e. they can see if they go to my site, but I'm not broadcasting to them on silos), 3) broadcast to friends (i.e. I POSSE out to Foursquare), 4) public
#tommorrisso, I've got sort of 1.5 in between 1 and 2: shared, but only on /checkins rather than on /
#tantektommorris - I guess I don't understand why you'd draw that distinction, except for presentational reasons (i.e. the same reason aaronpk has separate streams of notes, articles, replies rather than a unified composite update stream)
#tantekwhereas I prefer a composite stream on my homepage
#tommorristhat's part of it. it's also because if I separate out location from "checkins", I can have more passive monitoring of myself
#tommorrislike, I could have it so that when my phone is connected to my home wifi network, I'd auto checkin at home, which would update my site to remove the thing saying I'm wherever.
#tantekthat separation is achieved by annotating whether the user chose an explicit venue or if it's just lat/long (with venue implied)
#tommorrisit's more that I then get a loose coupling of location to posts
#tommorrisI get to work. my server detects I've connected to it from my work IP. it geolocates me to my office. my posts then auto-geolocate to the office
#tommorristhe best way to make that work IMHO is to decouple the location layer from the posts layer.
#tommorrisI'll sketch my thoughts out in my notebook a bit more on that though. ;)
#tantekI see checkins as always an explicit user action - and the meaning contained in the user taking that explicit action
#tantekthe implied location based stuff is cool - but I don't consider those checkins
#tommorrisno, I haven't quite worked out the semantics
#tantekI think we may be talking about different use cases
#tommorrisbasically what I'm getting at is I want my own personal FireEagle running on tommorris.org
#tommorrismy server should be able to work out where I am with some confidence value most of the time
#tantekI'm not sure about the passive location based use-cases. Even with FireEagle's ambiguity feature. Google Latitude etc. I think there are usability/creepiness problems there we haven't yet figured out.
#tantekI mean - feel free to explore that space and find out for us :)
#tommorris...that's why I'm rather more keen on doing it on my own server than on Yahoo/Google/Facebook's
#tommorrisand when I do checkin, having some passive location stuff is helpful
#tantekI for one am hesitant to do so - my intuition says it's more complex (from a user model / comfort level) than I want to try to figure out at the moment.
#tommorrisif I text my server Dodgeball style with "@Starbucks", which Starbucks do I mean?
#tantekplease document your experience so we can learn from it :)
#tantektommorris - surprisingly that worked quite well back in the day
#tommorris...if I know where I was a while back, I can make my explicit checkins more explicit
#tantekyeah - for that I think we created venue specific shortnames
#tommorrisyou need a GPS for that... and GPS doesn't always work. try GPS in the financial district in your local metropolis. it'll fail because of all those tall buildings.
#tommorrisMarcoPolo would work out that if I was connected to my home wifi and using my computer, I was probably at home and so notified FireEagle.
#tommorrisooh, there's a modern fork of MarcoPolo.
#tommorristhere's also a contextual thing someone has made for Android too
#tommorriswhat I really want is for my computer to work out that when it's connected to my expensive 3G connection that it absolutely must not download any software updates in the background because it's BLOODY EXPENSIVE
#tanteksounds like an ITCH you should capture on your wiki page ;)
#tommorrisupdate Chrome or OS X all you like when I'm at home or work.
#tommorrisso, I've basically split up my location "pulses" (they aren't really checkins) to be in four broad types: vague/area, precise, precise with venue metadata and non-geographical
#tommorrisand non-geographical means something like "home" or "work" which are meaningful checkins but where the specifics of where they are aren't shared
#tommorristhe vague/area ones can be used in doing things like venue searches
#tommorrisworking out the logic of it gets a bit harder, but I'm writing a load of test data into my system so I can work out what that means in practice.
#tommorrisbut the nice thing is with Twilio, I can use my geo-framework as a way of notifying myself about things over SMS.
#tommorrisif I'm checked into London after 10pm, it'll SMS me details of when the last train home is that day.
eschnou and andreypopp joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1450) "/* Indie Checkins */ note 2012-296 discussion with aaronpk, his resulting blog post, and key actionable realizations" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /posts (+911) "/* Kinds of Posts */ Alternative perspective: instead of explicit post kinds, infer the post kind by what aspects/properties a post has. E.g.:" (view diff)
#aaronpktantek: ohhhhhh that's what the party was... also at jillian's?
#barnabywaltersthis run is heavily staggered so I don’t go over twitter’s API limit. When I run the converter for real I’ll just hit the twitter.com URLs and archive everything
#tantekwiki pages can start with a small stub that seems inconsequential
#tantekposts feel like they require some critical mass of self-completeness (even tweets/notes)
#tantekwiki pages reflect "the current state/thinking"
#tantekposts serve as an excellent way to snapshot, "here's what I've figured out as of this point in time"
#tantekwiki pages grow with a sense of broader completeness, splitting off sub-pages when needed.
#tantekposts are good for deep diving on a specific topic without feeling an obligation of providing the broader context
#tantekof course, it's useful to link to each from the other
#tanteka post has the connotation of an announcement as well, as in, hey I've figured this thing out that is worthy of review, read this (and optionally reply/comment on your own site)
#tantekwhereas wiki pages are more about continuous incremental improvement
#tantekfascinating, members in #indiewebcamp have been slowly increasing and in the past week or so regularly bump above the number of folks in #microformats