#tantekaaronpk, barnabywalters - how are you storing (are you?) the images of authors of posts you reply to? or are you hotlinking to their images on the web?
#aaronpkright now I'm not displaying images in the reply context, only text
#tantek!tell barnabywalters how are you storing (are you?) the images of authors of posts you reply to? or are you hotlinking to their images on the web? (for/when displaying reply contexts)
#tantekI just went through and checked everyone I've ever posted an "in-reply-to:" in the plain text content of my past notes to see what the quality of data is that I'd get by accessing their Twitter profiles
#tantek(I've only posted both real replies, and "fake" note replies (with the in-reply-to: in the text of the note, to tweets)
#aaronpkoh in one of my replies, the person changed his username which really messed things up
#aaronpkso yea, I do think I would like to capture as much as possible about the original thing I was replying to
#tantekturns out I can always count on getting an author avatar, and almost always an author full name (in all but 6 cases)
#aaronpksomething I always thought was awkward about twitter... if my tweets are public and I reply to someone whose tweets are private, my tweet is of course public, but nobody can see the context
#tantekin fact, to further that reasonable assertion, Twitter's own "embed" code/markup includes a <blockquote> of the entirety of the tweet content, which you then paste into your blog post etc.
#aaronpkah that is a good bit of supporting evidence
#tantekso *Twitter* has set an expectation that once a public post, if someone embeds it somewhere else, then it can stay public there forever
#tantektherefore, it is reasonable for us to follow the same user expectations
#tantekso I'm thinking some kind of self-healing heuristic
#tantekarchive/cache their avatar photo, but don't use it, and just keep hotlinking (which should work better for actual overall browser web cache performance, especially if all hotlink the same images across sites etc.)
#tantekthen once in a while when a reply is retrieved for display (once a month?), also go check the avatar URL to see if it still returns an image mime type, if so, great
#tantekif not (e.g. if it returns a 404 or a text or html result), then flip a switch on that reply post to use the archived/cached avatar instead.
#aaronpkthe same could also work with the "in-reply-to" URL. if it exists on the web, link directly to it. if it disappears, link to the i-a.github.io version instead!
#aaronpkpart of the reason we've been able to make so much progress so quickly is because we aren't taking in to acount all of the edge/failure cases yet
#tantekand then any old posts can check that and link to the latest i-a version instead?
#aaronpkactually I still use it in articles, when I type @tantek in an article, my renderer changes it to the little h-card with your name,photo and url
#tanteksure - but that's just for writing *new* articles
#tantekI'm wondering how it impacts the past (if at all)
#aaronpkwell the renderer renders the markdown on every request (with some minor caching). I don't store the HTML generated in a permanent store
#tantekBTW - Twitter embed markup hyperlinks to authors has the same problem with username renamings
#tantekwhat aspect of the identity *do* you store in the markdown
#aaronpkfor notes, it's whatever I typed in the note, so just @username. for articles, it's @username where I assume I have a mapping in my users.txt file
#aaronpkI would consider changing what I store in the markdown though, to an identifier that is more reliable
#tantekI think it's a good idea to start storing twitter userid #s
#tantekin anything that stores twitter usernames (separate from tweet permalinks)
#tantek(since tweet permalinks will always redirect to the latest / correct username, short of if the tweet was deleted or made private)
#tantekdo you manually edit users.txt? or does your code populate it automatically by following someone's twitter profile and seeing what website it links to?
#aaronpkthat's the actual twitter API though right?
#aaronpkyou were encouraging me not to use the API directly, because of the TOS requires you to display tweets a certain way, and can't include them inline with other content that isn't also tweets
#aaronpkthat's what it gets currently, although we're trying to change it to do that in a separate PHP class, and not have it rely on class name mappings. it will get everything via xpath queries
#aaronpki would just look at the html of a tweet URL and assume anything there is fair game
#tantekalso maybe I'll start with manually caching those properties in a users.txt as well indexed by twitter name, rather than retrieving/parsing them from tweets
tantek joined the channel
#tantekchanged my mind. users.html with an h-card for everyone I reply to.
#tantekwith name, url (both domain and twitter profiles), photo (e.g. from twitter), logo (from their own domain if any)
#tantekthen I just add to that manually for now when I reply to a new person
#tanteksee I'm thinking as part of my posting UI, assuming I paste in what URL I'm replying to, that it goes out and AJAXes in all the reply context info via my server and shows it as part of my reply preview
#aaronpkyea, that's the nice thing about doing it at display time, I imported all my old tweets a long time ago, and I don't really have to worry about importing the reply context now. As google crawls around my site, it gets pulled in automatically!
#tantekif/when my behavior changes, then I can figure out a design iteration then - based on what feels right with real world examples at that point in time
#tantekuntil them, I don't want to design for a theoretical use case for myself
#tantek(I'll likely overgeneralize and it won't quite be what I want when I actually start using that use-case)
#tantekok I've figure out my next sketching / markup brainstorming tasks for reply context info - based on pre-flighting where the info for the reply context display will come from / be stored.
#tantekso it's a good time for me to take a break and bounce locations
#tantekso you know how every new silo gives you an option to post to Twitter?
#tantekI'm thinking of creating a Twitter account just for auto-posting such new silo things that I'm ok with / want to be public - and then I can do something with the URLs later.
#aaronpkthat's actually a great idea. the thing that annoys me about Vine right now is you can't get the URL unless you post it somewhere!
#tantekb) auto-posting them to Twitter at least extracts (or creates) a URL permalink to their activities which isn't always available otherwise (yes, arronpk, like Vine)
#tantekc) I can use this as a learning experience for how to post these types of content as notes
#tantekwhich will hopefully help me more quickly design & build the functionality for my own site
#tantekd) this "silos" twitter account would be an interesting overall measure of how much I use which silos to post how often, could run metrics on it to determine what next content type I should implement myself etc.
#aaronpkoh nice, the twitter iOS integration lets you select a twitter account when you press the twitter button within an app
#aaronpkso as long as they're using the new iOS 5 twitter integration you can still choose whether to post to your main or the silo twitter account
#tantekjust cross-posted my latest thisismyjam.com post
#tantek(since you can't yet access your old posts)
#tanteklet's see if it will do it automatically with a new jam
pdurbin joined the channel
#tantekand that worked. Vine and Path cross-posting confirmed. Now to go test Nike+ -> Path -> @t_silos. back in a bit.
#tommorrismy location noodling is going rather well. been writing more tests for it. I want to take the code out of Ferocity and make it a separate open source component
lindas_, brianloveswords and marjolein joined the channel
#aaronpktommorris: do you do any background processing on Ferocity yet?
#tommorrisI'm going to put location lookup onto async queue too
#tommorrisso I send lat,long into the database and then have an async background job to retrieve reverse geocode from Nominatim
#tommorrisas part of the location service I'm working on
#aaronpkturns out reading files from disk is super fast
danbri and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 5/25 at 7:00pm: how are you storing (are you?) the images of authors of posts you reply to? or are you hotlinking to their images on the web? (for/when displaying reply contexts)
#barnabywalters!tell tantek RE reply context image archival/hotlinking: currently hotlinking, I may set up an archive at some point. profile photo URLs seem really fragile in general (my current one certainly is), we should document some good/bad practises
#barnabywaltershm, storing backups on a github domain, interesting idea
#barnabywaltersI like the datetime URL convention, now I’m moving to flat files and don’t want to try to hack incremental IDs I might use that for my notes
#sandeepshettyis there a microformats based feed reader out there?
#barnabywaltershuge +1 for using git, so we all end up with a complete archive
#barnabywaltersI’m liking this — aaronpk are you planning on automating contributions to it or doing it manually?
#barnabywalterssandeepshetty: not that I know of, but I made a prototype of one using php-mf2 in a couple of hours
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: the idea would be anybody who is verified can push to it automatically. but at first, you'd have to push to your own fork so we can monitor for a while to make sure your code is following all the conventions
#barnabywaltersperhaps there’s an open source one which is sufficiently well designed that a mf plugin could be made for it