2013-05-28 UTC
# 00:31 aaronpk bnvk: are you and barnaby going to be in iceland still on june 15th?
# 00:31 aaronpk I might try to stop there on the way back from london!
# 00:33 bnvk I might still have my apartment then which has a spare bed in the living room
# 00:34 bnvk Wow Airlines seems to have the cheapest rates from LDN
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 00:45 aaronpk cool. well i'm still figuring out the details of this trip, but would be awesome to stop through iceland on the way home to see you guys!
# 00:45 aaronpk I fly over it all the time, would be nice to actually land!
# 00:46 bnvk Yah. It would be swell. Keep me posted
b0bg0d, scor, hmans, andreypopp, cweiske, tantek and tilgovi joined the channel
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moncky, aaronpk, b0bg0d, andreypopp, barnabywalters, seyz, hmans and xtof joined the channel
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# 13:35 michielbdejong you linked to #indieweb but i finally worked out you meant this channel - i put a redirect in the topic of the other one
# 13:38 eschnou michielbdejong, thanks and welcome on the #indiewebcamp channel. Indeed, I often forget about the camp part of this thing :-)
# 13:48 michielbdejong thanks! i decided i'm founding a non-profit hosting company, aimed at "indie web style" hosting. so i came here to learn a bit :)
fmarier joined the channel
# 13:56 barnabywalters michielbdejong: ah, you‘re behind unhosted.org — great stuff, I need to catch up reading that
# 13:58 michielbdejong and people in real life ask me "so you've been working on this thing for three years... can i use it?"
# 13:59 michielbdejong so now i want to build something that people can easily sign up for and use :)
# 13:59 michielbdejong meaning i have to become a hosting provider instead of just writing blog posts, api specs, and demo apps
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 14:03 eschnou michielbdejong, I see the headline: 'The guy behind unhosted is starting.. a hosting company." :-)
# 14:04 eschnou Loqi, since when are robots having a sense of humor?
# 14:06 eschnou michielbdejong, more seriously, I've been thinking of resuming storytlr.com with a paid plan, but when I see how cheap other platforms are providing it for, I gave up. Margins in hosting are so low.
# 14:12 eschnou michielbdejong, the big costs is in the labor hours for running the ops part
# 14:12 eschnou support, etc...
# 14:13 michielbdejong yeah, so we're going to do it with a small team, here in Berlin. maybe two or three people.
# 14:15 michielbdejong and if traffic grows then that's always monetizable in some non-evil way (like Firefox default search engine)
josephboyle1, hmans_, smcgrego2 and marjolein_ joined the channel
# 14:19 michielbdejong one problem is that to connect with Google and Facebook chat, you need people's real passwords afaik. you can't access those with OAuth tokens.
# 14:19 michielbdejong so we'll just have to store those carefully, then. basically building a hosted xmpp client.
# 14:26 pdurbin does it matter if Google drops XMPP support from gtalk?
# 14:28 michielbdejong pdurbin: they dropped federation, not client-to-server afaik? i could be wrong though
# 14:34 michielbdejong right, if they make gtalk entirely end-of-life in favor of hangouts, and they don't provide an api for hangouts, then there's not much we can do. but until then, i think gtalk is just like Facebook chat: a closed garden, but with an xmpp interface.
# 14:38 pdurbin sure. last I knew Google re-enabled XMPP federation though. it's hard to keep up on all the changes
b0bg0d joined the channel
# 15:08 tantek welcome michielbdejong! and a non-profit hosting company sounds like a great idea to pursue.
# 15:11 tantek it's ok to dump your brainstorming in there too - a lot of what we wrote up there is both documentation of existing business-models and brainstorming about what may be possible
fmarier, b0bg0d and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 16:51 tantek it has some interesting screenshots and analyses in terms of composite feed views
# 16:52 tantek different types of posts all in one update stream
# 16:53 tantek do we have page about composite feed/update design?
# 16:53 tantek and who else here has a composite feed on their home page besides me and tommorris?
# 16:54 tantek ok three examples is enough to start a wiki page on it
# 16:56 tantek interesting. when I added my second post type (articles), it was very important to me to immediately include it in a composite feed along with my notes on my home page.
# 16:56 barnabywalters and I used to have one, of a sort (activities) which was just DRY-violating repetition
# 16:56 tantek ok I'm going to edit the feed article to distinguish home page feeds vs. old-style XML feeds.
# 17:04 tantek can't remember if we named this thing already or not.
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# 17:05 tantek barnabywalters - but doesn't "feed" imply too much XML-ness?
# 17:05 tantek do you think we can successfully re-appropriate feed to be HTML-inclusive and then HTML-preferred?
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# 17:06 tantek because ActivityStreams uses "stream" in the manner we're thinking of
# 17:08 barnabywalters how about we look at services which implement these composite feeds and see what they call them
Phae joined the channel
# 17:10 aaronpk as twitter turns more into a link sharing platform and showing twitter card content preview, it is almost composite
# 17:12 barnabywalters hm, I only just noticed that domain/help seems to have become the web equivalent of -h
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# 17:12 tantek aaronpk - no - twitter is nowhere near composite because of the simple problem that you have to click to see anything other than text
# 17:13 tantek expanding cards/previews is not even almost composite, it's just a hack
# 17:13 tantek in fact, I find it pretty annoying from a UI perspective
# 17:13 aaronpk i agree, i can't tell where to click to open and close it
# 17:22 tantek barnabywalters - you mean changing *back*? It was "news feed" originally.
# 17:22 tantek when it was introduced (and everyone freaked out because all of a sudden passively public information / updates were placed actively front and center)
# 17:24 tantek feed also feels like a dated term, carrying the baggage of RSS/Atom wars past.
# 17:38 tantek idea: clone tumblr into an archive at deadlr.com
# 17:40 tantek aaronpk - that book summary is hilarious! how have we never come across this before? it's over 10 years old!
# 17:40 tantek "The corporations responsible for the Feed have an immense power in this future America"
# 17:41 aaronpk it's a good read, finally finished it a couple months ago
# 17:41 aaronpk it's technically young adult fiction, but still is fun
michielbdejong, jancborchardt_, pbeaulieu and lindas joined the channel
# 17:57 tantek worth reading then? perhaps as inspiration for what indieweb structures we can build to avoid such a centralized feedpocalypse?
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# 18:24 tantek also timeline sounds singular time-axis specific - whereas we could stream all sorts of things besides strict timelines
# 18:24 tantek or a stream might not guarantee strict in-order time-ness
# 18:24 aaronpk i'm curious to hear who actually publishes things not time-ordered
# 18:24 tantek (with different latencies - some might be polling behind the scenes)
# 18:25 tantek aaronpk - most high performance streams eventually hit a point where they're mostly time-ordered, but not fully
# 18:25 aaronpk yes, are you thinking forward to aggregating across multiple indieweb sites? because I don't think anybody's individual site will be that high volume
# 18:25 tantek and yeah - as someone who's based their storage model on a strictly time-ordered stream - I get that
# 18:26 tantek and I want the notion of stream to encompass both
# 18:26 Loqi gives tantek the notion of stream to encompass both
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# 18:28 tantek FWIW I'm using class="stream" for the stuff on my home page
# 18:28 tantek (happen to be, since I first set it up in 2010)
# 18:29 aaronpk but i get my data in batches when I sync the device, not in real time
# 18:29 tantek and escaped characters hurt permalink readability :P
# 18:29 tantek aaronpk - yeah - good example of possibly out-of-order posts
# 18:29 aaronpk so it's entirely possible that I will have published one or more notes or other content before my sleep logs come in
# 18:30 aaronpk so do I add stuff to my stream before the latest post?
# 18:30 aaronpk and have a separate "changelog" stream clients can use to find new data (like the flickr API)
# 18:30 tantek aaronpk - that's what my setup would do - the home page stream is just a view of what's the most recent n things in storage
# 18:30 tantek why bother with a changelog API until there's a need?
# 18:31 aaronpk it will happen as soon as someone makes a "feed reader"
# 18:33 tantek just like existing feed readers work without it
# 18:33 tantek they just read the feed and look for diffs compared to the previous retrieval of the feed
# 18:34 tantek not maybe. definitely. that's how they work today.
# 18:34 aaronpk because if I change something in the past that isn't in the top N posts, I want to be notified about it
# 18:34 tantek that's a different use-case than a feed reader
# 18:34 tantek and aggregating recent updates from your friends
# 18:34 tantek *why* do you want to be notified? what's the user flow?
# 18:35 aaronpk if I delete a post, shouhld the delete propagate?
# 18:36 tantek sounds like a stream item "delete" with direct object permalink of the thing that was deleted
# 18:36 hober tantek: (sorry for the delay) I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read it when I was younger. That said, it was enjoyable
# 18:40 tantek ok based on suggestions/discussions above I'm going with "stream" as the visible/HTML-centric realtime replacement for "feed" - any objections?
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# 19:05 tantek.com edited /feed (+1493) "start shifting away from XML stuff and encouraging HTML-markup-only feeds and streams, also, Feedpocalypse" (
view diff )
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# 19:26 tantek hmm - seeing some server responsiveness problems - aaronpk?
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barnabywalters, b0bg0d, slvrbckt and tantek joined the channel
# 21:07 tantek.com edited /business-models (+451) "/* Application Hosting Services */ add Ning and BandPage with realworld example shown at SFMusicTech, also note cwilso wordpress example and example incremental add-on" (
view diff )
spinnerin, tilgovi, b0bg0d and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:43 tantek they claim they have a way of tagging photos and adding other "metadata" to photos such that the tags etc. propagate to wherever you shared it (Twitter, Flickr, FB)
# 21:44 b0bg0d @tantek — i met w/ the team once when i was angel investing
# 21:44 tantek if what they're saying is true (about propagating the tags with images etc.) then it could be interesting to document how they do so for POSSE reasons.
# 21:44 barnabywalters hm, I think brennan might have shown me that (or something similar) a week or so ago — he was annotating a panorama with it
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:50 tantek barnabywalters - any idea what format it stores the annotations?
# 21:53 barnabywalters I asked because from their code samples it looked like it was a really well designed hypermedia API, and as the docs aren’t publicly available I wondered if anyone here had access
# 21:53 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: I asked because from some random person on twitter code samples it looked like it was a really well designed hypermedia API, and as the docs aren’t publicly available I wondered if anyone here had access
# 21:54 tantek the Nike+ API did exist but is being upgraded I think
# 21:57 tantek so I just logged into that - and tried the API Console and it worked to give me my data
# 21:58 tantek interesting, all their docs require login to view
# 21:59 tantek barnabywalters - but it's free to create an account
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# 22:10 aaronpk there's a nike+ incubator in portland through techstars
# 22:11 aaronpk i'm talking about the fuelband API though, maybe the API for the other stuff has been up longer
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# 22:52 tantek barnabywalters - does that answer your Nike+ questions?
# 22:58 barnabywalters tantek: maybe — I tend to prefer to just use Guzzle (generic HTTP client) so I can test it really easily
scor joined the channel
# 23:19 tantek enjoy you passive data nerds - looking forward to seeing what you get working on your own sites :)