#aaronpkif you first sign up with your real twitter account, then log out, then log in with a different twitter account, the videos are all still posted to your original vine account even though they get tweeted from the new account
tantek and mxuribe1 joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /wiki/ (+233) "live indiewebcamp.com/irc/today redirect to most recent logs" (view diff)
morrocco_mole and andreypopp joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - that's funny - I thought I mentioned that when I was setting up @t_silos
#tantekyeah I remember - I would tilt my iPod into landscape to get a more readable view
sandeepshetty joined the channel
#sandeepshettyis experimenting with staying connected on his mobile. If nothing else it will be a log of how flaky mobile connections are.
punkprogrammer, hmans, erikmaarten, pbeaulieu and singpolyma joined the channel
#erikmaartenhello! I just got a domain and set up IndieAuth (or web sign-in?). Authenticating with Github works fine, but it it doesn't work with Twitter (compared to Tantek's Twitter page to make sure my rel me link was the same format). Any suggestions for a newbie?
#erikmaarten(This is my Twitter profile: twitter.com/find_erik)
#sandeepshettyHow is ASO these days? I used to host there when they were a small shop and had awesome support....
#erikmaartensandeepshetty: haha, you got me thinking for a while there -- ASO as in A Small Orange? It's my first time trying them out, just got it set up today so I can't really say and don't have much to compare to. I'm kind of planning to change to something else later on, so I simply went with a cheap option.
#pdurbinaaronpk: does Loqi log any other channels?
andreypopp joined the channel
#sandeepshettyerikmaarten: I have a habit of prefixing domains with whois.sc/ and checking the registrar and nameservers :) whois.sc/erikmaarten.com
#erikmaartensandeepshetty: reminds me, think they tried to sell me some kind of whois lookup protection when signing up, but I figured that's not really needed. Right? :)
#sandeepshettyhaha I was just about !tell tantek about privacy concerns when you get your own domain cause you are forced to give out a lot of info that is public by defualt
#sandeepshettyI used to work at a registrar that gives out whois protection for free... almost everyone else charges for it.
#sandeepshettyerikmaarten: Why don't you add to wiki about this?
#erikmaartenyes, I remembered that from a long time ago when I had a domain. If I was less obscure I would be more concerned, though at the moment I'm just thinking that maybe I shouldn't have posted my email address there.
#sandeepshettyThe image address there is an image... but not much protection with basic ocr.
#erikmaartenBut what about using whois protection then? I'm not sure how that works, but isn't the end result that the true whois information can't be read by the public?
#sandeepshettyYep but the registrar has it and most providers have provisions for disabling whois protection if they receive complaints
andreypopp joined the channel
#sandeepshettyplus the whois protection doesn't add a fake email.. its reachable
#sandeepshettymost of them setup email forwards to the original email address
erikmaarten, andreypopp and brianloveswords joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - was just surprised that your database schema didn't include the permalink (or some ID equivalent that algorithmically got turned into a permalink)
#tantekI see permalinks as part of the content, not as just a "view"
#tantekat least as far as anything webby is concerned
#tantekand without permalinks, it's not really webby
#aaronpkI do now as well, however that didn't occur to me at the time
Phae, michielbdejong, wycats, hadleybeeman, lindas, jancborchardt, eschnou, gRegorLove and fmarier joined the channel
#bretaaronpk: what irssi plugin are you using to get a user list on the right?
eschnou and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: sandeepshetty left you a message 8 hours, 47 minutes ago: looking forward to implementing webmention so I can :like: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/1482/