2013-06-01 UTC
slvrbckt, pbeaulieu and andreypopp joined the channel
# 01:05 aaronpk if you first sign up with your real twitter account, then log out, then log in with a different twitter account, the videos are all still posted to your original vine account even though they get tweeted from the new account
tantek and mxuribe1 joined the channel
morrocco_mole and andreypopp joined the channel
# 03:01 tantek aaronpk - that's funny - I thought I mentioned that when I was setting up @t_silos
# 03:01 tantek I just had to attach an email address to the account first, and then it let me disconnect the twitter account and connect a new twitter account
# 03:02 aaronpk yes, but now when you post vine videos which vine account do they go to?
# 03:03 aaronpk i'm even following all the same people in the vine app from when I was logged in as @aaronpk
# 03:03 tantek yeah - your vine identity is *created* when you sign-in the first time. It's not like it's tied to a twitter identity
# 03:04 aaronpk cause I logged out of the app, and logged back in as @pkbot
# 03:04 tantek no that's fairly normal for a lot of services
# 03:04 tantek the exception is when they actually re-use your twitter live
# 03:04 aaronpk why would logging in as @pkbot make me logged in as @aaronpk. I specifically logged out.
# 03:05 tantek I signed up for vine with @t but couldn't get @t on vine so I got @tantek there
# 03:05 aaronpk go look at your vine, do you see my latest video?
# 03:06 aaronpk I logged out of vine, quit the app, opened the app and got the "sign in" screen, then clicked "sign in with twitter" and clicked "@pkbot"
# 03:07 tantek oh that's interesting - you didn't set an email?
# 03:07 tantek I tried to remove the twitter connection from my profile while I was logged in and it wouldn't let me - said I had to add an email
# 03:08 aaronpk I do remember being very distracted last time I tried this
andreypopp joined the channel
# 03:18 bret Man it sounds like twitter is causing all kinds of confusion lately
# 03:27 tantek that's just vine confusing the crap out of you
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 03:37 sandeepshetty Did you guys get a chance to see the RecentChanges stuff I posted earlier?
# 03:40 sandeepshetty Once I'm done implementing webmention (this weekend) I'm going to take a stab at it....
# 03:41 bret would it be hard to make the irc logs more mobile friendly?
# 03:44 bret mobile safari makes the fonts teeny tiny
# 03:45 bret maybe through media querys? im not a huge css expert
# 03:46 sandeepshetty Chrome on Android scales the text so it's actually better than its on the desktop for me :)
# 03:49 sandeepshetty Not using chrome for ios? I'm so just the little things (like swiping to move between tabs) that I can't use anything else.
# 03:50 bret since its just a wrapper for a slowed down version of mobile safari
# 03:50 sandeepshetty except Firefox which has plugins... I specifically use the view source plugin
# 05:03 aaronpk heh... I can't add a bookmark on mobile safari to indiewebcamp.com/irc/today because it redirects...
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 05:13 aaronpk sandeepshetty: bret: k it's a little better on mobile now
jalbertbowdenii joined the channel
# 05:19 aaronpk i don't have an android to test on, but i'm using a media query so it should be roughly the same
# 05:20 aaronpk now i'm trying a trick that will let me add this to my home screen
punkprogrammer joined the channel
# 05:37 bret awsome aaronpk! Thats basically perfect
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 05:37 bret actualy can you enable zoom? Going horizontal zooms in to far
# 05:46 aaronpk now you will get a nice surprise if you bookmark it to your home screen
duckbillp joined the channel
tantek and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 06:35 bret aaronpk, is there a way to bookmark the most recent log?
jalbertbowdenii and sandeepshetty joined the channel
eschnou, jalbertbowdenii, brianloveswords, marjolein, tantek and seyz joined the channel
# 09:49 tantek bret - the screenshot seems fine - font size seems very readable
# 10:15 tantek yeah I remember - I would tilt my iPod into landscape to get a more readable view
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 10:36 sandeepshetty is experimenting with staying connected on his mobile. If nothing else it will be a log of how flaky mobile connections are.
punkprogrammer, hmans, erikmaarten, pbeaulieu and singpolyma joined the channel
# 11:51 erikmaarten hello! I just got a domain and set up IndieAuth (or web sign-in?). Authenticating with Github works fine, but it it doesn't work with Twitter (compared to Tantek's Twitter page to make sure my rel me link was the same format). Any suggestions for a newbie?
sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 12:01 erikmaarten sandeepshetty: yes, I have only been reading passively about indieweb so far
# 12:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 12:12 erikmaarten but I just registered the domain a few hours ago, so that's probably the reason
# 12:15 sandeepshetty How is ASO these days? I used to host there when they were a small shop and had awesome support....
# 12:18 erikmaarten sandeepshetty: haha, you got me thinking for a while there -- ASO as in A Small Orange? It's my first time trying them out, just got it set up today so I can't really say and don't have much to compare to. I'm kind of planning to change to something else later on, so I simply went with a cheap option.
andreypopp joined the channel
# 12:27 sandeepshetty erikmaarten: I have a habit of prefixing domains with whois.sc/ and checking the registrar and nameservers :) whois.sc/erikmaarten.com
# 12:33 erikmaarten sandeepshetty: reminds me, think they tried to sell me some kind of whois lookup protection when signing up, but I figured that's not really needed. Right? :)
# 12:34 sandeepshetty haha I was just about !tell tantek about privacy concerns when you get your own domain cause you are forced to give out a lot of info that is public by defualt
# 12:35 sandeepshetty I used to work at a registrar that gives out whois protection for free... almost everyone else charges for it.
# 12:38 erikmaarten yes, I remembered that from a long time ago when I had a domain. If I was less obscure I would be more concerned, though at the moment I'm just thinking that maybe I shouldn't have posted my email address there.
# 12:38 sandeepshetty The image address there is an image... but not much protection with basic ocr.
# 12:39 Loqi sandeepshetty meant to say: The image there is an image... but not much protection with basic ocr.
# 12:39 erikmaarten Perhaps people should simply type in fake addresses when signing up?
# 12:39 sandeepshetty so there are rules that allow a registrar to cancel the registration if you put in fake whois
# 12:41 erikmaarten But what about using whois protection then? I'm not sure how that works, but isn't the end result that the true whois information can't be read by the public?
# 12:42 sandeepshetty Yep but the registrar has it and most providers have provisions for disabling whois protection if they receive complaints
andreypopp joined the channel
erikmaarten, andreypopp and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 13:30 erikmaarten Grateful for input on the wiki change! Frankly, I'm far from an expert on domains ...
# 13:39 erikmaarten sandeepshetty: sorry, I didn't say whether I would or wouldn't attempt any change. Oh well, better both of us than none of us :)
hmans joined the channel
pdurbin_m joined the channel
# 14:45 aaronpk bret: I take it you figured out how to bookmark the log?
hmans joined the channel
# 14:55 pdurbin_m aaronpk: does your bot log other channels?
# 15:07 pdurbin_m aaronpk: have a list?
# 15:11 aaronpk i need to make an updated version of that post soon too, since i'm going to be switching the guts out of loqi in the near future
# 15:31 pdurbin_m aaronpk: it would be nice if the /topic of those channels had a link to the IRC log
# 15:31 aaronpk actually I don't think I'm publishing the logs of the other channels
# 15:36 aaronpk is digging around old databases right now. just discovered that I have a couple mysql tables that have managed to stick around since 2004!
# 15:42 pdurbin_m you're a survivor
hmans joined the channel
# 16:32 aaronpk they added an extra click to make it public and now it's way below the fold
# 16:39 aaronpk there were no permalinks though, it was just the feed
# 16:43 tantek aaronpk - was just surprised that your database schema didn't include the permalink (or some ID equivalent that algorithmically got turned into a permalink)
# 16:44 tantek I see permalinks as part of the content, not as just a "view"
# 16:44 tantek at least as far as anything webby is concerned
# 16:44 tantek and without permalinks, it's not really webby
# 16:44 aaronpk I do now as well, however that didn't occur to me at the time
brbcoding and hmans joined the channel
Phae, michielbdejong, wycats, hadleybeeman, lindas, jancborchardt, eschnou, gRegorLove and fmarier joined the channel
# 20:01 bret aaronpk: what irssi plugin are you using to get a user list on the right?
eschnou and barnabywalters joined the channel
eschnou and tantek joined the channel
hmans joined the channel
# 23:42 bret will much be happening at IWC by 6:45 on the 22nd?
# 23:43 aaronpk likely some sort of evening thing, not at the main venue
# 23:46 bret great :) just checking for conflics with my schedule