2013-06-04 UTC
# 00:02 tantek and how have I not known about viewsource.in?!?
# 00:02 tantek that's awesome JonathanNeal - thanks for the heads up!
# 00:04 tantek and you just found a bug in a cassis function
# 00:07 tantek aside: whoa - new in-stream reply-contexts on Twitter home page!
jfranusic and JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 00:39 tantek (just curious if that actually works - I put your Twitter handle in the commit comments and it got automatically tweeted)
# 00:40 tantek that'll fix that bug for everyone who's using the cassis.js auto_link function
# 00:40 JonathanNeal Advice question, should view-source.in and viewsource.in both work on their respective domains, or should one redirect to the other?
tantek joined the channel
# 00:53 tantek Wow the logs' font size is now way too big on iOS safari :(
# 00:54 tantek Suggestion: make the logs mobile font size the same as iOS Colloquy
# 00:55 tantek It's particularly a pain because of having to scroll more to get to the bottom :/
mxuribe and jfranusic joined the channel
mxuribe joined the channel
mxuribe and JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 02:35 bret a bottom anchor in the titlebar would be usefull though
# 02:36 bret although tbh, iOS safari should have scaled scrolling when browsing long pages, like it does for the address book or music list
# 02:41 bret I think it looks pretty good on iOS too!
# 02:41 bret going horizontal screws up, but verticle looks good too!
# 02:41 bret errr verticle looks good, horizontal bad
fmarier joined the channel
# 03:01 JonathanNeal thanks, pdurbin, i was wondering if you found it by view sourcing view source.
# 03:07 JonathanNeal I just upgraded it so that you can use view-source too, that way turning Chrome view source URLs into web urls is easy.
eschnou, xtof, Nadreck and cweiske joined the channel
ShishKabab, jfranusic and elf-pavlik joined the channel
# 07:03 bret does anyone know of a good resource introducing dom manipulation using javascript?
# 07:03 cweiske with pure js as the browers offer it, or with help?
# 07:04 cweiske most people use the jQuery library today, because it's so much easier than pure js
# 07:05 bret i didnt see that page, I was jumping between things that sounded like they might be useful
# 07:05 bret in the wiki, but when I do that it seems like i might overlooking some of my tools
# 07:05 bret i wanted to avoid jquery, seems kind of overkill for the things I am doing
# 07:06 bret i have it on my site already, but long term I wanted to get it out of there
# 07:08 michielbdejong if you have a specific question about how to do something, i could also try to help, just ask me :)
# 07:08 bret so far I'm not totally stuck, but if you are interested in giving feedback once I get something going that would be awsome
# 07:13 bret the wiki is a good reference, but this video so far has been decent
# 07:14 cweiske i can't understand why people prefer videos for documentation
# 07:15 bret watching someone do something else the first time is helpfull for me
erikmaarten, eschnou, seyz and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 09:17 erikmaarten question about IndieAuth -- do I have to use an http GET request to verify the token?
# 09:22 tommorris not sure about the first question. but on the second one, quite a while
# 09:30 erikmaarten just thinking, doesn't that make it rather easy for an Eve to eavesdrop on the plaintext token that is sent?
# 09:34 Loqi erikmaarten meant to say: especially if I were to use it an open wifi network
# 09:50 erikmaarten about the token, I guess it doesn't matter much if anyone else gets hold of it, since my site only verifies logins through the IndieAuth server...
barnabywalters, xtof, brbcoding, erikmaarten and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 12:26 eschnou sandeepshetty, no indeed, only supporting pingback for now.
sdboyer joined the channel
# 12:27 sandeepshetty !tell barnabywalters tried sending a webmention but received a 'Not Acceptable'... not sure why..
# 12:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
sdboyer and mxuribe joined the channel
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ShishKabab, friedcell, erikmaarten, jedahan and JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 14:26 aaronpk !tell sandeepshetty whoa thanks for the crazy bug report! looks like some file permission error on my site. I don't think anybody has sent a webmention to an article yet. Try sending to one of my notes or replies and it should pull in your comment on the note's page
# 14:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
xtof and sandeepshetty joined the channel
# 14:46 Loqi sandeepshetty: aaronpk left you a message 20 minutes ago: whoa thanks for the crazy bug report! looks like some file permission error on my site. I don't think anybody has sent a webmention to an article yet. Try sending to one of my notes or replies and it should pull in your comment on the note's page
# 14:48 sandeepshetty gtg... just wanted to test this out... will be back in a couple of hrs :)
# 14:48 tommorris sandeepshetty, aaronpk: a few years ago, "privacy" was that. basically every discussion around OpenID and microformats, FOAF, DiSo eventually ended up with someone saying "yeah, but privacy is REALLY REALLY REALLY hard"
# 14:55 marjolein is away: taking a break, in the sun
# 15:01 JonathanNeal thanks, aaronpk. I am always looking to improve it. The home page could use a huge scoop of design / skeuminimalism.
# 15:01 JonathanNeal So, if you're a designer, and you like the project, please contribute :)
erikmaarten and tantek joined the channel
# 15:36 tantek now that I've done that let's what y'all were up to last night
# 15:37 tantek benwerd is tearing it up with his indieweb steps forward
# 15:44 JonathanNeal i'll be in and out for a little bit while i review our new house with the landlord.
# 15:45 JonathanNeal they are pull up the carpet right now because the last tenants got pee all over it.
# 15:49 tantek e.g. does that make you consider putting your replies in your stream of notes?
# 15:51 tantek the little vertical gray line is a bit curious
# 15:52 tantek I think I prefer the "indent/blockquote the original" approach
# 15:53 aaronpk yea, the gray line feels like it's adding some meaning that isn't there
# 15:56 tantek I kinda feel like, if you have to add grey lines, maybe your layout isn't quite right
# 15:59 tommorris shame that Ora Lassila is leaving - he's done a lot for semwebbish stuff
tantek-ipod and benwerd joined the channel
# 17:01 Garbee tantek, Awesome!
jfranusic joined the channel
# 17:21 benwerd Just catching up: congratulations Tantek! That's a really positive piece of news.
# 17:26 tantek And congrats to you on your very rapid indieweb progress!
pbeaulieu, scor, peck_lx, texburgher, sandeepshetty, mxuribe1, wycats_, Nabil, josephboyle1, marjolein_, bretolius, jfranusic and xtof joined the channel
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# 18:17 sandeepshetty aaronpk: might be a good idea to add a method that validates webmentions while accepting them (basically check target host against base uri)?
singpolyma, elf-pavlik, eschnou and moncky joined the channel
# 18:28 JonathanNeal Thank you. I don't fully understand what you want me to do, but I hope I can do it for you.
cweiske and heathjs joined the channel
catsup and ShishKabab joined the channel
# 18:38 JonathanNeal So maybe including the modified date of the document in the url could help.
# 18:38 JonathanNeal That way, if it matters when the document has changed, it can alert you.
jfranusi_ joined the channel
amblin and moncky_ joined the channel
catsup, tantek, bretolius, mxuribe and mxuribe1 joined the channel
# 18:55 JonathanNeal sandeepshetty: many "indie" sites that are dynamically generated forget to include modified headers.
xtof_, heathjs, amblin_, bret and lindas_ joined the channel
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texburgher, eschnou, Phae, morrocco_mole, jfranusic, saurik and tilgovi joined the channel
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# 21:36 marjolein is away: in my hammock ZZZZZzzzzz.....
cweiske and tantek joined the channel
# 22:08 JonathanNeal The <meta> element's value attribute can be anything, but the meta element's name has to conform to a list.
# 22:09 JonathanNeal The names will keep changing. Last night they added twitter cards, but what about opengraph, or the next thing or the next next thing.
benwerd joined the channel
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