#indiewebcamp 2013-06-10
2013-06-10 UTC
b0bg0d, andreypopp, christopheducamp, xtof, fmarier, bnvk, tantek and sandeepshetty joined the channel
sandeepshetty I'm done implementing receiving webmentions and looking for context for likes, repost, mentions and comments...
sandeepshetty still some work left to do on extracting other details like h-card info and actual comments but I'm storing raw content for now and should be done implementing that in a few days
sandeepshetty Looking forward to receiving some likes :)
bnvk, b0bg0d, jedahan and andreypopp joined the channel
b0bg0d, bnvk and JonathanNeal joined the channel
JonathanNeal Hello!
JonathanNeal Good morning, aaronpk.
JonathanNeal Is anyone using the <main> element in production that we know of?
JonathanNeal Well, that ends that discussion then. :)
JonathanNeal Next question, do <hn> elements section content by their very nature?
JonathanNeal In any context. If I put <h2>foo</h2><h3>bar</h3> then are any non-headings that follow it assumed to be about "bar", which is itself a subject of "foo"?
JonathanNeal I think this is why <hgroup> was introduced.
JonathanNeal So that instances of `<h1>Some Title</h1><h2>Some Slogan</h2>` wouldn't technically outline all the <h3> elements on the page as being subsections of 'Some Slogan'.
JonathanNeal Outside of writing valid, properly marked up HTML?
b0bg0d joined the channel
JonathanNeal Concrete as in introducing new HTML that somehow is properly understood by search engines instantly?
JonathanNeal Similar to the expression "I won't give you respect until you've shown me respect", if you need that kind of evidence followed to the T, then it is self-defeating.
JonathanNeal And the search engines will never care to support the code you refuse to write.
JonathanNeal Well, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote an outliner that shows you how markup is property formatted.
JonathanNeal And those who implemented <hgroup> were able to properly separate subsection headings from headings with multiple parts.
bnvk joined the channel
JonathanNeal aka <h1>Flowers</h1><h2>Roses</h2><h1>Birds</h1><h2>Eagles</h2> vs <h1>IndieWebCamp</h1><h2>Why Indie Web</h2><h1>CorporateWebCollective</h1><h2>Why the Borg are Right</h2>
JonathanNeal In some cases, headings are used for sectioning, and in other cases, they are used to rank headings that represent a single section.
JonathanNeal The immediate benefit is that you can mark those up in a manner where the difference is clear.
JonathanNeal Sorry, my examples were poor. I meant to say something like
JonathanNeal <h1>Team of Rivals</h1><h2>The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln</h2>
JonathanNeal In this case, the <h2> is not a sub-section of the <h1>, it is merely a subheading.
JonathanNeal it expands on or complements the real heading of the section. On websites, we see these as slogans, typically.
JonathanNeal So, the immediate benefit is, you can write a document where you can definitely determine that <hgroup><h1>Team of Rivals</h1><h2>The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln</h2></hgroup> is a collection of headings, rather than a heading followed by a sub-section heading (which is the default interpretation).
JonathanNeal But someone else might not. It might not be clear to the person who does not understand anything about what you're writing about, or the person who uses an accessibility engine to experience the web or the web outliner or the search engine that hasn't perfected algorithm for your subject.
JonathanNeal To know whether or not your <h2> is an elaboration instead of a subsection.
JonathanNeal For instance, iOS Safari has a built in reader that translates webpages into a pseudo-book format, so in this case, the <hgroup> helps it know whether your <h2> represents a subheading of one particular chapter, or begins a section within that chapter.
JonathanNeal Anyway, I hope that answers your question, and I'm sorry if it does not.
JonathanNeal I have, and I've been trying to think of an even better way to do it, but that will have to wait for another conversation.
JonathanNeal Examples like "Tim Burton's" "The Nightmare Before Christmas", and "Star Wars" "The Empire Strikes Back" (where the emphasis is on The Empire...), and "The Adventures of" "Tom Sawyer".
ShishKabab, cweiske, b0bg0d and bnvk joined the channel
julien51 joined the channel
bret aaronpk, you know much about the push for portland fiber? http://www.connectusmovie.com/2013/03/the-personal-telco-project.html

eschnou joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
@kyledrake @aley That's the plan! Right before @indiewebcamp
bnvk, julien51, b0bg0d, moncky, friedcell, erikmaarten and barnabywalters joined the channel
bnvk, peck_lx, julien51, b0bg0d and eschnou joined the channel
Garbee pdurbin, It is true in that context I think.
Garbee Pretty interesting view on it.
julien51 joined the channel
evaryont good bloody morning #indiewebcamp :)
b0bg0d, brbcoding and JonathanNeal joined the channel
evaryont bnvk: hah, it's just too early to be awake
evaryont Phoenix AZ - 5AM
barnabywalters evaryont: depends where you are :) this room spans loads of timezones

barnabywalters sandeepshetty is even in one of those cool :30 offset ones

evaryont lol awesome
evaryont yeah, by the way, new to the whole thing, and of course the wiki says Go To IRC! so.. here I am.
barnabywalters evaryont: great, welcome to #indiewebcamp! do you have a personal domain?

evaryont yeah, two actually, lol
barnabywalters evaryont: links?

evaryont evaryont.me & colin.shea.at
barnabywalters evaryont: nice, if you add rel=me to those external links you’ll be able to log into the wiki

barnabywalters with github

evaryont aw, no OpenID? :)
barnabywalters pdurbin: on indieauth? since when?

barnabywalters evaryont: we had oauth for a while but it was causing loads of problems :(

barnabywalters it’d be great to have it working again

barnabywalters aaronpk is the person to ask about that

evaryont barnabywalters: OpenID != OAuth :)
barnabywalters oops, my bad. typo

barnabywalters s/oauth/openid

barnabywalters pdurbin: woah, really? what’s your google plus URL?

pdurbin barnabywalters: it's on http://greptilian.com

evaryont nah, though sounds like neat people.
evaryont Could use with some programmer friends :)
barnabywalters no way! <a class="nX url UHHO0c" href="http://greptilian.com" rel="me nofollow" target="_blank" title="greptilian.com is my domain">greptilian.com is my domain</a>

barnabywalters there’s a rel me in there all right

scor joined the channel
barnabywalters there are auth providers I’d rather use, sure, but nothing bad about having more choice

evaryont yeah, some of the "anonymous developer" stories I've found online about the new Hangouts sounds a lot like that :/
evaryont also, hello tantek! :)
mxuribe joined the channel
evaryont bnvk: should I reach out to those devs?
barnabywalters tommorris: +1 for out-webbing facebook et al

barnabywalters reposted/quoted ;) and I remembered to use the web action toolbelt quote highlighting thing this time

julien51 tommorris great post! :p
b0bg0d joined the channel
barnabywalters any thoughts on giving each <p> (or similar) element within an article an @id so it has it’s own URL?

barnabywalters cweiske: yep, that would be the challenge

erikmaarten why does every paragraph need a URL?
grawity I remember a project named "Purple numbers" that tried this
barnabywalters cweiske: they should indeed, I just haven’t implemented them yet

barnabywalters I store my articles as HTML but wasn’t sure whether to store the IDs or add them dynamically

barnabywalters storing is more robust but makes editing noisier

barnabywalters cweiske: yep, that’s how I’m treating markdown (author in markdown, store the results not the original source)

barnabywalters so I’ll probably do that for paragraph ids too

erikmaarten cweiske: commenting on individual paragraphs or even on arbitrary text parts would be nice, especially when debating/arguing about something, is there any current implementation available like that?
barnabywalters another interesting implementation of per-p commenting is this: http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/why-functional-programming-why-haskell.html

tommorris another interesting per-blob-of-content-commenting is TheyWorkForYou - see http://www.theyworkforyou.com/lords/?id=2013-06-03a.937.4

barnabywalters tommorris: that sounds complicated ;) I think I’ll just initially generate them from headline and first few words, then deal with them manually after that

barnabywalters this is clearly enough of a thing to document

barnabywalters cweiske: yeah, medium’s UI is nice. it was one of the inspirations for the highlighting feature in web actions toolbelt

barnabywalters branch goes a step further and allows you to fork a conversation on a sentence

eschnou joined the channel
erikmaarten cweiske: sorry, checking now. Pity there aren't many notes left there though.
erikmaarten oh, I was just a bit unlucky when clicking random posts
bnvk joined the channel
tantek this one: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/1480

barnabywalters I’ll be watching from iceland — we have a few other people who’re interested in joining us so we’re opening the office up for the weekend

barnabywalters due to the constant sunlight and interrupted sleep patterns, our time zones actually match up quite well :)

scor, peck_lx, eschnou and sandeepshetty joined the channel
sandeepshetty Started work on showing comments and a better UX (than spitting out json) for showing the list of likes, reposts, mentions and comments :)
b0bg0d joined the channel
sandeepshetty oh and I successfully sent a *Like* from my Blogger blog (http://sandeep.shetty.in/2013/06/indieweb-like-test.html) to my converspace one (http://www.sandeep.io/39 - http://www.sandeep.io/39/likes)
sandeepshetty aaronpk: Looking forward to your Like implementation (http://indiewebcamp.com/p3k#Favorite_.2F_Like_.2F_Star_.2F_etc)
sandeepshetty eschnou: Did you get my messages about the broken link-handler and receiving pingback updates for http://eschnou.com/entry/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html
evaryont tommorris: curious, is Ferocity available?
brianloveswords joined the channel
eschnou sandeepshetty, no I did not, but I did see your mention (yeah!!) and noticed my link parsing code was not handling ) correctly.
sandeepshetty eschnou: I also updated my comment and resent the pingback... hoping that you might update it...
eschnou sandeepshetty, nha, unfortunately nothing that sophisticated on my end... too many things to implement.. too litle time
sandeepshetty I know the feeling :) I spent sometime adding a duplicate key to my webmentions tabls and doing "insert into ... on duplicate key update" to to take care of this...
eschnou sandeepshetty, ha, neat idea, should'nt require too much effort to implement something similar.
evaryont tommorris: ah, yeah, love Ruby, and you already did so much work with Ferocity, hoped to jumpstart
brbcoding joined the channel
sandeepshetty If it help here is the table with a duplicate key on the post id and source url hash (https://github.com/converspace/converspace/commit/2141426413658bc9340ab4ca6406c8e3a9ab97c1#L6R41) and hte code that does the insert into .... on duplicate key update (https://github.com/converspace/converspace/commit/2141426413658bc9340ab4ca6406c8e3a9ab97c1#L2R113)
evaryont tommorris: respect the latter, but what code base doesn't end up a hacky (but working!) mess? :)
barnabywalters evaryont: a good place to start would be to add a bio to evaryont.me, marked up with microformats + mf2

barnabywalters then add whatever makes the most sense to you — articles, notes, POSSE, etc

evaryont yeah. I don't think there's much of a POSSE wiki? I don't write coherent paragraphs often enough to warrant a proper blog :P
barnabywalters POSSE wiki?

evaryont but a bunch of sketches, aggregating concepts, that I can do :)
barnabywalters evaryont: sketches are always good!

erikmaarten evaryont: sounds interesting! I've been thinking a little about something a little less along the lines of a blog too, would definitely be interesting to see.
jedahan joined the channel
sandeepshetty eschnou: the direct install link on http://storytlr.org/ is very interesting...
sandeepshetty eschnou: where can I find the pingback comment code?
sandeepshetty I mean which branch?
eschnou sandeepshetty, it is on the master, here: https://github.com/storytlr/storytlr/blob/master/protected/application/public/controllers/PingbackController.php#L63
jedahan joined the channel
eschnou sandeepshetty, as for the direct install, more details and a screencast here: http://www.comodit.com/2013/05/15/direct-install-applications
b0bg0d, jedahan, tantek, peck_lx and julien51 joined the channel
sandeepshetty aaronpk: you've implemented sending webmentions right?
sandeepshetty :D
morrocco_mole joined the channel
b0bg0d and jedahan joined the channel
sandeepshetty there isn't a generally agreed upon way to send comments upstreams yet.... there were some discussions about it like following the in-reply-to and sending notifications upstream but no one has implemented something like this yet...
sandeepshetty For the in-reply-to technique to work you need to have a link to atleast the immediate parent on your site so that the webmention verification process by the parent of the comment you are replying to finds a link to itself.
sandeepshetty or rather each comment needs to send it upstream when it receives a webmention from a downstream comments.. there are lots of issues with this though...
cweiske or think of http://p.cweiske.de/47
barnabywalters cweiske: as assumptions go, that’s not a particularly bad one

barnabywalters pretty much h-entry with p-comment

barnabywalters certainly that is what I’m using

barnabywalters cweiske: several paragraphs? what exactly do you mean? you can have multiple in-reply-to URLs. or you could blockquote the part you’re replying to

evaryont question, to be a Good Neighbor in the Indie Web, what's the full stack neccessary? I imagine it's Pingbacks/WebMentions primarily.
barnabywalters evaryont: pingback and webmention are certainly great things to send+receive

barnabywalters we don’t really have a “stack” (in the “ostatus”) sense, but we have http://indiewebcamp.com/building-blocks

evaryont yeah, I realized.
barnabywalters cweiske: why? you can have one h-entry with multiple in-reply-to URLs

barnabywalters ah, I see what you mean

barnabywalters how do the pinged sites know which are which. good point

evaryont tantek: Not neccesarily looking to buy a 'stack' but know which ones are more defined, and thus, I should target to get connected to the indieweb ASAP
evaryont :)
barnabywalters evaryont: place to start is personal bio with h-card, then something resembling the “notes” we’re all posting as h-entry with pingback/webmention

tantek after /getting_started of course

evaryont tantek: ah, lol it would indeed
b0bg0d and morrocco_mole joined the channel
barnabywalters cweiske: potential solution for the comments-on-single paragraphs: if the <p>s have URLs, then you could put them in the <blockquote> cite attribute, then on receiving the comment the implementation figures out which parts of the comment are for which paragraph

barnabywalters but that is overcomplicated

barnabywalters well if anyone actually implements it we’ll figure it out then :)

sandeepshetty joined the channel
sandeepshetty barnabywalters: Do you have pingback comments working? want to test something...
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: I think I have pingback comments working, haven’t been able to test it properly yet

sandeepshetty commenting on your 2nd gurdy post...
barnabywalters tune or photo?

sandeepshetty photo
sandeepshetty give me 2 min.. I've come up with a way to make likes/reposts appear as comments if the receiver doesn't support them.
barnabywalters nice thing about mention being implicit is any unsupported response type falls back to it

barnabywalters provided it’s marked up decently

morrocco_mole joined the channel
sandeepshetty Sent.. don't see it on your site
barnabywalters :( I’ll check my logs

barnabywalters hm, it showed up at http://waterpigs.co.uk/mentions

JonathanNeal hello
barnabywalters ah! I know why. forgot to update my config file

JonathanNeal is there a bot in here that will leave messages?
barnabywalters JonathanNeal: yeah, !tell username message message

sandeepshetty barnabywalters: fixed? will I need to resend it?
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: let me just delete the current one so you won’t get an already-received error

sandeepshetty cool... I think appfog just went down... so I'll have to wait for a bit (hopefully)
JonathanNeal thanks barnabywalters
sandeepshetty barnabywalters: ok it's back.. let me know when to resend it
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: okay, I removed the mention, go for it :)

barnabywalters my first federated comment/like — thanks sandeepshetty!

sandeepshetty :)
sandeepshetty now I just need someone to implement webmention so I can receive them :D
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: I’m on it after work today :)

barnabywalters I have all the checking logic abstracted so it should be really easy

sandeepshetty barnabywalters: you can also do it manually: http://www.sandeep.io/39 ... I just sent that pingback to your site manually using the template aaronpk gave me yesterday
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: that’s handy

barnabywalters have you put that snippet on /webmention? very useful for testing

hmans joined the channel
sandeepshetty Nope, just wrote up that today... waiting for some feedback and more dogfooding before I add it
sandeepshetty Implementing likes and reposts made me realize WebMention needs the ability to also undo stuff.. turns out it's real easy to do.. will be updating the spec soon...
barnabywalters why wait? it’s useful for testing, if anyone has any problem with it they can just change/discuss it

barnabywalters +1 for updating the spec *based on implementations*

sandeepshetty I guess I'm waiting to see how these experiemtal classes and use-cases pan out... but your right in that it's good document even experiments... will update the wiki later tonight...
barnabywalters specifically I meant the cURL command

sandeepshetty Ah ok just adding that... I was going to add that to the spec as well
aaronpk and scor joined the channel
sandeepshetty aaronpk: Do you want to try liking this? http://www.sandeep.io/39
sandeepshetty Are you using php markdown extra?
sandeepshetty aaronpk: rather I meant trying it manually: http://www.sandeep.io/39
morrocco_mole and hober joined the channel
sandeepshetty aaronpk: how do i avoid auto linking in pre block on the wiki?
sandeepshetty what seems to be the blocker?
sandeepshetty aaronpk: re auto-linking I just used <nowiki>
sandeepshetty oh does it take markdown?
sandeep.io edited /webmention (+524) "Snippets to send Webmention and Pingback manually." (view diff)
sandeepshetty aaronpk: do you use php markdown extra?
sandeepshetty you can then do this (which is what I do): [Indieweb Federated Likes](http://www.sandeep.io/39)
spinnerin, ShishKabab, andreypopp and josephboyle joined the channel
sandeepshetty What is?
sandeepshetty yep.. you can show it as a like..
sandeepshetty with counts and stuff :)
sandeepshetty and since you store the original content and parsed json you can figure out that this was a like once you've implement it
sandeepshetty BTW, one of the reasons I don't differentiate between post type is to not have this issue of what is appropriate... I just want to post (re. articles are an overkill for sending likes)
sandeepshetty sandeep.io is all just one stream coming from me...
sandeepshetty maybe the difference is just in the feed presentation..
sandeepshetty 1 stream vs multiple streams
sandeepshetty also that post of your is another example of something I would like but not share :)
aaronpk so how is this not sharing my content? my text is on your site http://www.sandeep.io/40

sandeepshetty it is currently.. I think eventually I might de-emphasize likes because they are meant more for me than my readers
sandeepshetty re major/minor activity like in pump.io
sandeepshetty which is why I was asking evanpro about it yesterday
sandeepshetty also the fact that it's like gives a different signal to my readers as oppsed to a repost.
sandeepshetty s/it's/it's a
sandeepshetty is eagerly waiting for the likes here http://www.sandeep.io/39 to go from 1 to 2 :) anyone? :D
b0bg0d, spindrit1, andreypopp, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
@sandeepshetty #converspace now makes Likes/Reposts appear as sensible comments if receiver has not implemented them yet #indieweb (http://www.sandeep.io/41)
julien51 joined the channel
@fczuardi Life in the possibly bright future of the federated social indieweb http://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2013/06/08/bright-fedsocindweb/
evaryont aaronpk: What, if any, license is there on the pingback.me code? Would like to, in particular, copy the handling methods
evaryont er, process_* methods
evaryont Nope, not there.
scor and jedahan joined the channel
bnvk, mxuribe, andreypopp, Phae and wycats_ joined the channel
cweiske__ joined the channel
sandeepshetty Signing out for the day. Wrapped up testing of receiving likes, reposts and mentions on this post: http://www.sandeep.io/39 On to comments tomorrow. Later.
peck_lx and fmarier joined the channel
@sandeepshetty http://www.sandeep.io/39 has now successfully received federated Likes, Reposts and regular Mentions #indieweb #rssb #fedsocweb #converspace
josephboyle, brbcoding, jcinis and sandeepshetty joined the channel
sandeepshetty evanpro: pump.io clients are primarily just activitystream (feed) readers right?
evanpro Kinda
evanpro Each person has two main feeds
evanpro 1. Inbox
evanpro 2. Outbox
evanpro Inbox contains everything that you and your friends have done
evanpro Outbox contains just stuff that you have done
evanpro The API works kind of like the Atom Pub API
evanpro In that you do something new by posting an Activity to your own outbox
evanpro Which is kind of the RESTful way
evanpro Other people can post stuff to your inbox, also
sandeepshetty so the client post to the outbox, which is a pump.io server, which in turn delivers it to whoever it was addressed to?
evanpro There are a lot of details but that's the essence of it
b0bg0d joined the channel
evanpro sandeepshetty: exactly
evanpro And there's some default routing if you don't include an address
evanpro pdurbin: no, I am not
sandeepshetty yeah I saw that....
evanpro Usually pretty reasonable
evanpro Like most content creation goes to your followers
sandeepshetty so apart from posting to the outbox, a client is just a reader for the inbox?
evanpro And favoriting an object goes to that object's original recipients + the author
evanpro sandeepshetty: Ummm... more or less
jedahan joined the channel
evanpro Well, there are some interesting extra feeds that are attached to the objects
sandeepshetty like?
evanpro For example, every person has followers, following, lists, favorites feeds
evanpro Most content-like objects have replies, likes, and shares
evanpro Groups have members and their own inbox
evanpro Lists have members
evanpro That kind of thing
evanpro So a typical client will read the inbox feed...
evanpro ...and then if you click on a note or an image...
evanpro ...it will fetch all the likes and replies and stuff to show you.
evanpro A little more detail.
Loqi FETCH ALL THE LIKES http://loqi.me/7SA

evanpro https://e14n.com/evan <-- this shows most of the feeds attached to my profile
sandeepshetty ok I see that in the collection properties section
evanpro https://fmrl.me/habi/image/piA0wT5HSv-Hej64b5sYxw <-- here's an object with replies and likes and stuff
evanpro The objects in a feed usually have roll-up information like the total count of replies and the last 4 or so
sandeep.io created /pump.io (+89) "Created page with "
Evan explain pump.io on IRC: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-06-10#t1370892851"" (view diff)#
sandeepshetty evanpro: thanks. That helps.
evanpro sandeepshetty: Cool
evanpro I just thought of two other feeds
evanpro Every user has a feed of the objects they've uploaded
evanpro ...and there's a site-wide feed of all users
sandeepshetty right
evanpro I think that's it
evanpro There are some other administrivia endpoints like for Webfinger and OAuth and so on
sandeepshetty evanpro: ok figured it doesn't make sense to write a lib without figuring out how it's going to be used.. might make sense to write a client first then extract the lib.
evanpro sandeepshetty: interesting
evanpro I've done 3-4 clients at this point
sandeepshetty you mean like for the farm game and stuff?
evanpro 1. The default Web UI is just an HTML5 client in Backbone, Bootstrap, spit and grit and duct tape
evanpro 2. OpenFarmGame
evanpro 3. Pump2StatusNet
evanpro 4. ih8.it
evanpro (and hip2.it)
evanpro I think I'm falling into a pattern
sandeepshetty it looks like the api endpoints are not discoverable right?
eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
evanpro Uh
evanpro Dang
evanpro Well I'll just answer
evanpro https://e14n.com/.well-known/webfinger?resource=evan@e14n.com shows the two endpoints
evanpro "activity-inbox" and "activity-outbox"
evanpro There are also links in the Activity Streams representation of the person
{"links": [{"rel": "activity-inbox", "href": "..."}]}
evanpro I don't think there are links in the HTML representation
evanpro Really there should be
JonathanNeal Earlier, when I was talking about the use or misuse of <hn> elements, I was noticing that CNN's homepage had such an isue.
JonathanNeal <h1>Is this guy a hero or a traitor?></h1><h1>Edward Snowden says he exposed secret spy program</h1>
b0bg0d, tilgovi, jedahan, tilgovi_ and bnvk joined the channel