#tanteksandeepshetty - re: lost art of threading - I think the problems the author refers to bely the larger problem of email/discussion vs. capturing current state and iterating on current state.
#tantekthat is, it's not that threading is a lost art, it's that threading is both too hard in email, and frankly itself gets you into confusing contexts very quickly, especially for anyone trying to go back to a thread and read it as a series of deltas.
#tantekas soon as you feel a need for such deep threading, I think that's an indicator that you should be capturing current state on a wiki, rather than trying to improve email/forums. per: http://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email
scor joined the channel
#pdurbinI'll check it out but I'm not a huge believer in wikis, though I do like Wikipedia
#aaronpki like how twitter doesn't do any threading whatsoever
#tantekpdurbin - wikis are easier to search/discover than email threads. doesn't matter if you're not a big believer in wikis in any absolute sense, email lists/threads/groups are less believable :)
#tantekaaronpk - Twitter does one level of threading - or do you not count that as threading?
#aaronpkwell they show a list of replies to a single tweet, but that isn't really threading since they're all at the same level
#tantekI guess I count the replies and the original as a level of threading
#tantekeven if you connect only two things like that, you are still "threading" them together
#erikmaarten.comedited /why (+189) "/* Focusing on the Positive */ made a broader point about contents and made the note about Twitter a sub-item" (view diff)
#erikmaarten.comedited /why (+0) "/* Focusing on the Positive */ moved the item about broken links to end of list, is probably not the first concern for most people." (view diff)
#barnabywaltersI should also add all the new personal sites we’ve seen pop up over the last week
josephboyle and erikmaarten joined the channel
#erikmaarten!tell sandeepshetty My markup was faulty and I sent a mention/comment but there ended up being two mentions and no comment. And one with a faulty link at that - sorry! Think I've fixed the markup, and got better http reply this time. Give me a shout if my comment still wasn't parsed ok
#barnabywalterspfefferle: not actively on my website. I might refine them and making them into an icon font — or if you wanted to add any to your font that’d be great
#barnabywaltersI can’t remember if I CC licensed them, they certainly should be
#pfefferlewill add the google hub if they updated to the 0.4er spec
sandeepshetty joined the channel
#Loqisandeepshetty: erikmaarten left you a message 25 minutes ago: My markup was faulty and I sent a mention/comment but there ended up being two mentions and no comment. And one with a faulty link at that - sorry! Think I've fixed the markup, and got better http reply this time. Give me a shout if my comment still wasn't parsed ok
#pfefferlethe push worked perfect… have to add the mf2 parsing stuff now...
#Loqipfefferle meant to say: or we remove the body part from the constructor and add it to the sendSupportedMentions and parse it only if "target" is empty
#aaronpkpfefferle: you just want a way to make the post request to a URL you specify? Basically sending source=x&target=y as a pingback or webmention? and you know whether you're sending a pingback or a webmention and you know the endpoint?
#tantekI'm focusing more on the presentation / interaction side (for readers/viewers) than on my own posting UI (which I have tons of UI designs / brainstorms for)
#sandeepshetty_it doesn't look it has the latest posts atleast
#tantekit's not - it's returning just the first bim of posts
#@jarofgreen@benwerd Got any pointers to #indieweb thinking on events and rsvp's? Thinking about next stage for @OpenTechCal as we approach first bday.
#aaronpk|mbret: at my sisters house right now south of Milwaukie with a bunch of ppl, but were thinking about going somewhere to watch the fireworks later