bret"Prose itself is built with Jekyll and Backbone and hosted on GitHub. The browser side application interacts directly with the GitHub API for managing your repo's contents." holly shit yes
tanteksandeepshetty, I've successfully added h-entry, and put a link rel=author link in the header to so hopefully the authorship algorithm will get my hCard from there
tantekit's not scary stuff, it was inevitable when Facebook was innovating in user experience while *either* blogging tech stagnated (ahem, pingback), or web architects wanked about with XML or semweb data structures (neither of which matters a whit to users)
melvsterThe bigger problem is that they’ve abandoned interoperability. RSS, semantic markup, microformats, and open APIs all enable interoperability, but the big players don’t want that — they want to lock you in, shut out competitors, and make a service so proprietary that even if you could get your data out, it would be either useless (no alternatives to import into) or cripplingly lonely (empty social networks).
melvster'Google resisted this trend admirably for a long time and was very geek- and standards-friendly, but not since Facebook got huge enough to effectively redefine the internet and refocus GoogleÂ’s plans to be all-Google+, all the time.4 The escalating three-way war between Google, Facebook, and Twitter '
tantekboth Twitter and FB will eventually fall victim to the same thing that has led people to pay less attention to email - noise and a sense that there's no community there
bretI got an email from today after reading that blog post I wrote about IWC. He wants to start joining in on the fun! Is planning on going to IWC UK. I told him to join IRC, say hi if you see him
tantekas we build the indieweb into a higher value, higher signal-to-noise community than FB, more and more folks who want a higher quality experience will switch their focus accordingly
bretI guess It seems like it would be nice to have a running list of folks who have something running, maybe that isnt the right list or table for that
melvsterit's frustrating because tim berners-lee sat down with matt lee and told him exactly how to build it (close to indie web style) ... he even gave him a mug and GNU social had lots of interest ... then the web 2.0 advocates got their teeth into it and gutted it
melvsterthe deal breaker was that some ostatus code was donated to gnu social under AGPL so they thought they'd get a headstart, it turned out to be a black hole
melvsterbret: bloated it full of web 2.0 buzz protocols, most of which dont interoperate with themselves let alone anything else, and are so complicated that everyone implments them a different way
melvstertantek: he was with world leaders at davos for the world economic forum, and he checked in a code fix during his lunch break ... now that's what I call dogfooding!
melvsterthe original browser (actually called WorldWideWeb) was actually a browser / editor ... tim asked every browser since the beginning to keep the editor functionality but they all said it was too complicated
xtfoaaronpk Bonjour. I've a meeting next friday with href (indieweb creator in France) and would be happy to test on my personal site. Could you open me a demo account ?
melvstertantek: ted nelson invented hypertext, tim just added global variables ... in timbls words, 'when you add global variables to some programming languages they fall apart, when you add them to hypertext, you get The Web.' -- this was the great insight, especially as every computer scientist is taught globals are bad
bret.ioedited /Jekyll (+306) "/* Related Tools */ Added more tools I found today that acutally make jekyll way more viable as an indieweb participant" (view diff)
neuro`sandeepshetty: sites owner using indieauth should probably provide both client and server implementation to ensure a real decentralized system, but then it limits the use of indie auth to hardcore geks.
tommorrisyou can run your own indieauth instance. the code is open source. indiewebcamp uses but there's no reason you can't run you rown
tommorrisnow Flickr has been so helpfully redesigned, it uses infinite scrolling, which means I need infinite RAM and infinite time to load the oldest photo
neuro`I've spen the past 6 years in a company developing a product to eradicate email from the enterprise field. We've ben acquired by a company that trademarkeed "zero email company", and I've never been into that much mass mailings in my whole life.
tantek.comedited /silo (+287) "encouragement to document silos that your friends use (thus POSSE candidate), or for documenting data export" (view diff)
barnabywalterswe just need to tell anyone who like DBs that the filesystem is actually a mature, robust, portable NoSQL key-value storage database with high-speed native drivers which come with every programming language
tantekanyone here who actually used Google Reader to subscribe to feeds from silos, please stub pages for those silos and add examples of feeds from them. I've documented the few silos I apparently had subs to feeds thereon.
tantekcontrast that with how much progress has been made here in the indieweb community with so many people starting *their own implementations* first, and then looking to reuse just *bits and pieces* of code second
tantekselfdogfooding = it hurts everytime you look at your site and it looks ugly or awkward = you fix the UX of your site first, worry about protocols second.
tantekaaronpk - yes, re: interop with other sites - agreed. however, note that you got to the much later after getting posting and POSSEing your own content working.
tantekcapturing all our order-of-implementation success is important for helping newcomers who want to incrementally build / implement / deploy their own solutions
tantek.comedited /WordPress (+365) "/* Problems */ note explicitly: Maintenance Vulnerability, and list the independents who's sites have been publicly hacked by spammers etc." (view diff)
DemisHi guys, I'm trying to implement web-login following the instructions on the indiewebcamp site. I added rel="me" to the relevant links on my site, and my site to twitter/github. When I try to login with my site on indiewebcamp indieauth comes back saying No rel="me" links were found on your site! When I open my site and view the code in firefox the rel="me" links are clearly visible though. Any ideas? My site is running on node.js/expres
tantek.comedited /IndieMark (+139) "/* Level 3 */ general theme: receiving and displaying indieweb replies as comments on your posts in realtime" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /IndieMark (+187) "/* Level 4 */ general theme: support full CRUD for replies from indieweb sites and updates to comments presentation on your posts in realtime" (view diff)
DemisI just came across the indiewebcamp site yesterday after searching decentralized social networks, is anyone here into that at all or could offer some suggestions? So far I've tried diaspora and tent status.
tantekbret - not sure saying to check out project B if you're asking about project A is very helpful. sounds like you reached another conversational dead-end.
DemisI wanted an implementation where the code runs on my own server and meshes with other servers running the same. I have tentd and status running on my server but wanted to see if there is anything else I could try before committing to integrating that fully
tantekbret - because it sounds like the discussion channel is more of a "watching something on life-support" rather than active development type of thing.
Demiswhen I say the same, I mean any site capable of pulling content from my own. So the 'how' should be the same, the 'who' can be different, as long as my 'what' remains under my control.
DemisYou list on the monoculture page, is that because of the limitations on the current client software base? It certainly would seem like a monoculture if nobody else elected to implement the protocol on their service (i.e. twitter).
tantekit's because the Tent folks didn't bother to re-use existing working protocols, engage with existing healthy communities, and went down the path of solving it all themselves and expecting others to follow them (when they didn't bother to follow anyone else)
DemisI like the web-sign in approach, it would be great to have a social stream app running on my site, that other people can log into so that their own sites start pulling content when they view their stream.
Demisreading the POSSE page, makes an excellent point about staying in touch with current friends. That's definitely an issue I've seen with services like diaspora and tent.
tantekDemis, it's ironic really, it's as if those other services somehow lost focus of the fact that being *social* means prioritizing staying in touch with current friends.
Demisno worries :) Well thanks a lot for your help today, I'll keep reading up on the site and try out some of the content servers like p3k and falcon over the next while.
benwerd(there's already a private install in the wide, but this is the first third-party public site running it. unfortunately, running MongoDB turns out to be a bit of an obstacle)
tantek"I'd rather see folks write comments on their own blogs, or possibly in newsgroups, or some other place that is archived on the web. Just as I was encouraged, I encourage everyone who has something to say to start their own blog. "
tantek" I must ask - why is there any distinction in the presentation? I ask because many blogs present separate and different interfaces for their comments, trackbacks, and/or pingbacks. "
sandeepshetty"Why can't I synchronize state information to a server, so I can read feeds at home without having to re-read them the next morning at work? (Dear BlogLines users: shut up. Web apps suck.)"
tantekwhereby you the post, and comments on the post, and comments on those comments, and that's it. everything else gets flattened up to the 2nd level of commets.
sandeepshettywe decide to leave the presentation upto different impementations.. but the idea is that the it will follow the in-reply-to's and let you navigate the thread
sandeepshettynested comments haven't been done right (tree navigation, tree visualization and branch management) since the usenet days (conversation centered vs content centered)