#sandeepshettyso I'm guessing the 3+ enterprises constraint is there so that "standards" are not hijacked/biased by any one of them
#melvstersandeepshetty: most of the w3c membership are companies ... to have a charter you need at lest a *few* of the 600+ companies to show interest, or you'd just get tons of random stuff moved to working groups which normally takes up staff time
#melvsterin a community group you can do whatever you want
#melvsterif you make a decent spec, you are invited to write a charter and see if anyone is interested
#melvsterit's normally possible to get 1 or 2 universities and a couple of friendly companies to sponsor something half way decent
#melvsterbut most standards bodies have a bias towards deployment ... and big companies have an advantage for deployment because they tend to have bigger budgets
#melvsternow open source projects are starting to be able to write their own currencies thanks to projects such as bitcoin, this will give the fire power to get more things deployed
#melvsteronce we get crypto in the browser and Linked Data cloud storage we may not need much more in terms of standards at all
#tantekdid SOM, DSOM/CORBA, even DCOM in past live(s).
andreypopp joined the channel
#tantekmelvster - re: LDCloud/WebDAV 2.0: How quaint. it's ok, we've got simple HTTP CRUD working via webmention + microformats on the federated indieweb. Should have a dozen or so interop implementations by the time that workshop happens.
#melvstertantek: it's a working group ... they have 60+ people on it and 30 or so firms, including ibm oracle apache etc. it should go REC next year
#melvstertantek: yeah that's great we had a few implementations of semantic pingback working earlier this year too, which I think was one of the partial inspirations for webmention ...
b0bg0d joined the channel
#tantekmelvster - it was just plain "pingback" that was the inspiration AFAIK. sandeepshetty can clarify.
#tantekjust without the unnecessary (as it were) XML-RPC
#tantekin general it seems to be a good pattern to - drop all the XML
#aaronpkyea, I was saying for a long time that we should just use pingback and we could do all this cool comment stuff, and then started implementing it (which is where pingback.me came from), and finally sandeepshetty came along and simplified it to get rid of all the unnecessary xmlrpc crap
#tantekmelvster I'd be more interested in HTML cloud storage. oh wait that's called The Web. ;)
#melvstertantek: yes exactly ... 'cloud' was just a rebranding of technology we had for years
#tantekmelvster, it's quaint how people keep trying to reinvent HTML but in more complex and enterprisey ways so they can charge lots of consulting $ to "help" other companies deploy them and such.
#tantekanything "big *" is named such so that the consultants for it can charge "big $" for it.
#sandeepshettyI did look at semantic pingback and lots of other stuff, but it was more to simplify pingback (and avoid having to do xmlrpc) than anything else.
#melvstersandeepshetty_: rdfa has two flavours rdfa and rdfa lite ... both in HTML and XHTML ... I think they are RECs now, if not very close to REC
#tantekis there a specific h-card inside an h-feed case you're worrieda bout?
#sandeepshetty_tantek: on the homepage of sandeep.io, the h-card is now inside a h-feed (which is also a rel-author on post pages - same template)
#melvstersandeepshetty_: I mainly use RDFa so it's mainly just a case of putting the right "rels" in your documents, but some others like to use JSON LD and other turtle
#tanteksandeepshetty, note that the authorship algorithm doesn't say anything about "top level" - it works for whatever level the h-card is at inside the rel-author destination
#melvstertantek: I also wrote a mini spec on how you can do payments over the web, hence trying to align incentives with value creation ... http://webcredits.org/ ... but I need to add in some of the good ideas from bitcoin and ripple ... lots of things to build!
#sandeepshetty_melvster: ah so the blogrool stuff is just rels
#aaronpkmelvster: odd...what is the point of the spec then?
#tanteksandeepshetty - yes that makes sense - per document order
#melvsteraaronpk: it's a lego piece that can be put together into a greater mosaic ... there's other specs that document how you use digital signatures, and im dong one for proof of work, but you can even have a trusted relationship, say with a spouse of family member, in that case you might not need verification
#sandeepshetty_tantek: something doesn't "feel" right (intuition) about the algo will get back to you when I have something concrete though.
#melvsterbret: payswarm is pretty good ... they have a commercial implementation and are working closely with mozilla to get it into the browser ... i think it's pretty good
#melvsteryou generally sign things to make them portable, same is true in the real world, when you sign a letter
#melvsterso in this way I could not impose a signing strategy and keep the system modular
#melvsteri dont believe in imposing any one auth system 'to rule them all' but rather, have building blocks that people can fit together for their use cases
#brettantek: do you recommend any good reading on history of xml and/or why it failed?
#sandeepshetty_tantek: one aspect (I asked barnabywalters about it earlier today) is that with reply-context and stuff like like counts, etc we have child h-cards to h-entry that shouldn't be considered
#bretthanks melvster, I'm new to a lot of webstuff still :p
#melvsterone tiny error in his explanation and that is that JSON was not a complete subset of ECMAScript (and hence a standard) ... there are tiny differences, but only someone really pedantic would know that
#tantekWhen we get around to all the portable/privacy type stuff, I'm fairly certain we'll just end up using camlistore (or something similar)
#tantekmelvster - I don't buy the building block excuse you gave for that spec. Something has to be minimally useful on its own to be a building block.
#tantekif not, it's not a building block, it's a part of something
#melvstertantek: IOUs between people are useful ... just think of bar tabs
#tantekmelvster - I expect the system that aaronpk and co have at geoloqi is more practical
#tantekhe gave a good talk / demo on it at OSBridge
#tantekI have more faith/expectation in aaronpk figuring out how to distribute the working system he has deployed than in something from a spec-first perspective.
#tantekspec-first usually means too overgeneralized.
#tantekwe'll see when it gets brainstormed/implemented
#melvsteralso you dont need to "tip" or "IOU" in an existing currency, you can create new currencies
#melvsteri find traditional payments and tipping dull
#melvsterit's much more interesting when individuals or projects create their own money systems ... that happend this year with ripple.com ... they are an open source project less than a year old, but their new currency, the XRP, is worth between 1 and 2 billion USD already ... not bad for a startup in its first year!
#bretthanks tantek, ill read some of his stuff too
#sandeepshetty_client follows rel-author_link.. doesn't find u-url == u-uid = rel-author_link or u-url that is also rel-me so it now checks on the post page for an h-card that is (this is part that I'm not clear about)
#sandeepshetty_tantek: sorry forgot to address that last msg to you
#@erikastotleRT @t: that thing where you Publish Elsewhere &
#LoqiSyndicate Everything To A Silo (like Tumblr): #PESETAS #indieweb #ownyourdata (ttk.me t4Qn2)
#sandeepshetty_tantek: I think I understand now.. if there is rel-author on the post page, looks for a h-card on the page that also links to rel-author href?
melvster, scor, b0bg0d, andreypopp and caseorganic joined the channel
#aaronpkmelvster: I've lived inside an alternative currency system for 7 years, so naturally you can see why I'm interested in this and may have one or two opinions about the tech behind it ;)
#aaronpkand theres also the usability side of course
#aaronpkthe "coffee as currency" system tantek referenced is interesting. its somethijg that has actually stuck around a significant amount of time in our group
#aaronpkas long as you trust that the currency will always be exchangable even within the system its fine
#melvsterwhat web credits aims to do, is be able to link together lots of systems
brianloveswords joined the channel
#aaronpkmaybe next year at indiewebcamp we can all self-dogfood alternate currency systems if we're forced into a situation of needing to lend small amounts of money to each other like to buy lunch/dinner/drinks during the event
erikmaarten joined the channel
#melvsteryes we did that last year at unhosted conf
#tantek.comedited /PESETAS (+516) "/* Use Case */ exception, if you're using Tumblr as your content host, then you're PESOSing, not PESETASing" (view diff)
melvster joined the channel
#@tGoogle Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#@benwerdRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#@frayingRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#@kevinmarksRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#@joshuajuranRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#tantekat this point we should treat "pingback" purely as legacy
#tantekand build everything on webmention because it's simpler
#tantekusing pingback.me for compat only when needed
#breti building off of pingback.me, which does webmentions too
#neuro`I'd go that way too, the word "pingback" has a too long story and spammy / tech debt (plus I don't think the term is acurrate regardin what Web mentions are) even though no one under 30 remember what pingbacks were.
#breti guess its not dependant on that, but the model I am using is some kind of webmention hub style thing
#breti guess thats a detail aaronpk would need to decide on
#neuro`aaronpk: too bad indiauth.com doesn't find rel="me" at http://t37.net even though it has one. Maybe a small parser issue?
#tommorrisI really need to clean up the WP article on BarCamp
#tommorrisand now I no longer organiser BarCamps, I don't have a COI :)
#tantektommorris - I actually made an attempt at cleaning up a bunch of the BarCamp article using citations and such a while ago and most of my changes seemed to stick reasonably well. Though I haven't looked at the article in a few months.
#tommorrisfor some reason, my edits seem to stick around longer. may be because admins are whitelisted from the anti-vandalism tools like Huggle
#tantekone thing that I have no idea what the right way to fix is credit (as in listing and direct linking by name) for the BarCampFounders for creating BarCamp
#@xtof_frCh. #designer #créateur #carreleur ou maçon pour carreler ma #cuisine ? #indieweb
#neuro`After 1 year or so, Barcamps Paris turned into "I'm here to pitch you my cool innovative startup and do my personal branding" events. Or over specialized non conferences (like Xtof Barcamp Bank), which were awesome brainstorming sessions on the future of banks
#neuro`The way it turned to is one of the reasons why I'd like to start over with indie Web camp, which is much more focused on hacking and getting things done, and gives less room to "personal branling" (french joke with personal branding and "branlette" which is a word to define masturbation")
#tantekyeah, neuro` we had similar problems with marketing/sales pitches in some US barcamps
#tantekwe had to make announcements in the opening sessions asking for no such sessions
#erikmaarten"erikmaarten: re: "I figured I'd just write everything on my own, incrementally, because it's a nice feeling to build everything bottom-up" welcome to the club :)" - thanks tantek :)
#tantekwe also created an opportunity at BarCampBlock (2007, Palo Alto) for anyone who had a product or startup to pitch to do so at a sponsored happy hour after the first day.
#tantekby providing that opportunity, it got most of the sales/marketing folks to do their brief pitch on a projector while everyone else drank at the bar and enjoyed snacks.
#tantekrather than having sales/marketers use entire sessions
#tantekand they all got bigger audiences too - so everyone was happy
#tantekI don't know if we ever documented that technique
#neuro`I wish you had, this would have avoided barcamps to die here.
#tantekouch - I'm sorry to hear that. yes we tried to document so many things. I'm sure we missed many things too. :/
#neuro`No problem, I think we also were unable to renew ourselves.
#tantekit has made me more diligent in documenting more and more on wikis over time
#tanteke.g. with microformats, and most recently with indiewebcamp.com
#neuro`For me, generic Barcamps in Paris died at Yahoo! in 2007 when it turned to a fight betwen 2 identity certification startups.
#neuro`We then had some tech barcamps like Rails ones, then it slowly died.
#tantekwow - are either identity certification startups still around?
#tantekneuro yes with indiewebcamp we have a strong Creator focus / requirement which tends to scare away most marketing/sales people
#@haverholmRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#neuro`tantek: just checked and no. One of them survived up to last year thought.
#tantekneuro` community management and curation is quite challenging.
#tantekthe default path is toward a lower lowest common denominator and spam (sales/marketing pitch people)
#tantekit takes a challenging combination of energy, cleverness, and compassion to keep things at an optimistic level
#neuro`So true. The new hack*.* trend is less likely to attract big idea people because you're forced to produce something, and startup week-end like events are a good mix of business - ideas / tech / design.
#neuro`But I miss the mix of ideas and passion that was leveraged at Barcamps
#tantekeven the hack* events are trending a bit too much toward beer and startups rather than ideas and passion
#Loqibarnabywalters: sandeepshetty_ left you a message 8 hours, 5 minutes ago: replace raw.github.com with rawgithub.com to server the pages with text/html
adactio joined the channel
#tantektommorris - twitter is quite futile for discussions in general
b0bg0d, sandeepshetty, bnvk and jMCg joined the channel
#@kevinmarks» @benguild: @kevinmarks keep the dream alive« the Web dream of the 90s is alive in Portland #indiewebcamp #xoxofest
brbcoding joined the channel
#@sandeepshettyRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
bnvk joined the channel
#neuro`tantek: for online discussion and brainstorming, hackpad is one of the best thing since sliced bread, a pity it's not open source.
#tantekneuro` I think I found the login stuff on hackpad just annoying to dismiss it
erikmaarten, b0bg0d and tkadlec joined the channel
#@markuslanthalerWebMention, a modern (and minimal) alternative to Pingback http://webmention.org/ Can be used for distributed #indieweb comments, likes etc.
sandeepshetty and seyz joined the channel
#@lapriceRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
bnvk, bnvk_, sandeepshetty, xtof and josephboyle joined the channel
#benwerdaaronpk: Tonight I'll build in the concept of notifications to idno, so that when (for example) someone comments on a post it'll ping me in Firefox
#tantekbenwerd - is that a browser add-on for RSVP?
#benwerdtantek: that's the Firefox Social API with a share extension that automatically detects the kind of content on the page and displays a different form appropriately
#benwerdthe way it works is: the share pane determines what kind of indieweb comment / reply is appropriate, then asks installed plugins if they can handle it
#benwerdit goes ahead and displays the edit form for the first one that replies, filling in link and body details as appropriate
#benwerdI've got a sidebar, and my logged-in user appears in a Firefox contextual menu when you click that "idno" button
#@tabatkinsRT @t: Google Reader is dead. The answer is not another SPOF, but integrated indie aggregation. Crazy? Join us: #indiewebcamp (ttk.me t4Qo1)
#benwerdagain, notifications to follow (which will also show up in that sidebar, as part of the wider activity stream)
#benwerdtantek: anyway, wanted to get your thoughts because we were talking about it the other evening
#tantekhey aaronpk, was Ben Atkin at IndieWebCamp 2013? I'm doing a bit of scrubbing the Guest List per who actually showed up and who we missed
#aaronpkoh thanks. meant to do that the other day.
#tantek.comedited /2013/Guest_List (+0) "move a few folks that didn't show up to the Missed You section, note Joel gave notice ahead of time" (view diff)
#neuro`tantek: which feed reader did you switch to?
#tantekI'm not going to bother switching to another SPOF
#tantekneuro` - the answer is to build/integrate feed reading into your own site
#@gregoire@xtof_fr oui parlons :) …hasard du calendrier : j’ai parlé de toi et de #indieweb sur le chan’ IRC #barcamp avec @t aujourd’hui :) Bisous
#@Hack_in_a_BoxRT @gregoire: @xtof_fr oui parlons :) …hasard du calendrier : j’ai parlé de toi et de #indieweb sur le chan’ IRC #barcamp avec @t aujourd’h…
#neuro`tantek: definitely agree, but all the self hosted feed readers are in PHP, and hosting PHP on my server goes against my religion (even though I'm working - but not for long - for a company that does a PHP based Web app)
#neuro`But first, I need to finish the rebranding of our blogging engine since we've changed its name after 7 long years.
#neuro`Typo was 1/ a stoopid name for a blogging engine where you should deliver quality content 2/ too much typography related 3/ not searchable 4/ too cose to Typo3, another publishing tool
#neuro`Gandi.net is the best domainer I know, been there since 96 or 97, consider themselves as stealign people because you shouldn't charge anyone for domain names. Founder are well known French interenet activists.
#tantek.comedited /sign-in-use-cases (+448) "yet another use-case, show "message me" form to folks who've signed in with Web Sign-in / IndieAuth. cc: aaronpk" (view diff)