#indiewebcamp 2013-07-01
2013-07-01 UTC
tantek joined the channel
tantek.com edited /webmention (+256) "happy to draft a rel-webmention spec if we decide we want that" (view diff)

caseorga_ joined the channel
bret another indieweb implementation :) http://publog.stuifzandapp.com/

b0bg0d joined the channel
Loqi 7 files modified, 1 new files in aaronpk/IndieAuth/master by aaronpk https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth/compare/5cb8670bcc9a...e05ab84edacf

caseorganic joined the channel
tantek.com edited /responses (+638) "re-order points to flow better, note liked-item sounds better than "thing" or "object"" (view diff)

tantek hey I noticed in Barnaby's UI http://indiewebcamp.com/Taproot#Notes that he has a "Bookmark" button

tantek but there's no mention of bookmark on http://indiewebcamp.com/Taproot

b0bg0d joined the channel
aaronpk I do here http://aaron.pk/bookmarks/ and am planning to move them to aaronparecki.com soon

tantek aaronpk - care to start a stub? http://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark

caseorganic tantek: aaronpk: i'd like to write a paper on indieweb for an IEEE journal with you. i can do a significant portion of the writing if desired. thoughts?
tantek aaronpk - bug is also documented here: http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/#Bug_Fixes

tantek note the TWO places that link to the OpenID login (documented on http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/#Bug_Fixes )

aaronpk there it is http://indiewebcamp.com/MediaWiki:Logouttext

aaronparecki.com edited /MediaWiki:Logouttext (-2) "remove reference to OpenID plugin" (view diff)

tantek interesting, well apparently I can edit http://indiewebcamp.com/MediaWiki:Logouttext

aaronparecki.com deleted /MediaWiki:Watchnologintext "remove openid"

aaronparecki.com deleted /MediaWiki:Nosuchuser "remove openid"

aaronparecki.com deleted /MediaWiki:Nologin "remove openid"

aaronparecki.com deleted /MediaWiki:Nocreatetext "remove openid"

aaronparecki.com edited /wiki/ (-493) "/* Bug Fixes */ removed references to OpenID login page from all system messages" (view diff)

b0bg0d joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
aaronpk oh i found a nicer one http://www.stannp.com/developers.php

caseorganic joined the channel
bret Great now we have a needed citation for your Wikipedia page http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2013-06-30/line/1372646234

b0bg0d joined the channel
tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+4417) "incorporated all idea areas into specific axes with levels - still editing across levels / axes for consistency" (view diff)

brixen joined the channel
tantek http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark#draft_axes is sort of the most up to date if you're curious about the areas and what each level in each area entails

andreypopp and tantek joined the channel
b0bg0d and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+2479) "sync/merge Level 1 overall requirements with axis-specific Level 1 requirements, note other Level overall requirements need similar such syncing, a bit more intro/summary/intent text" (view diff)

b0bg0d, xtof and tantek joined the channel
bret.io edited /How_to_set_up_OpenID_on_your_own_domain (+3) "/* Delegating your domain to myOpenID */ Added question about the safety of removing non-valid html5 code from the openID header" (view diff)

pfefferle joined the channel
xtof and elf-pavlik joined the channel
seyz joined the channel
andreypopp joined the channel
xtof joined the channel
friedcell, erikmaarten and melvster joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Falcon (+31) "/* Working On */ Show actual original tweet user (instead of just _) got working as of yesterday, just tested it." (view diff)

sandeepshetty, laurian, adactio, bret, jaso, bnvk, Guest7377, xtof and barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: it worked! https://packagist.org/packages/tantek/cassis#v0.1.15886.2 — so the next thing is getting it to autoupdate when you push — that’s an even simpler one-off task

scor joined the channel
JonathanNeal good morning
erikmaarten morning!
JonathanNeal what's new, erikmaarten?
erikmaarten JonathanNeal: nothing much today, I think ... saw some talk about IndieAuth getting support for "Google Authenticator" though I haven't tried it.
JonathanNeal erikmaarten: cool.
erikmaarten And my own site is getting closer to useful, added a good tag filter that catches arbitrary number of tags from the url to filter posts ...
erikmaarten :)
xtof joined the channel
JonathanNeal I'm going to try and log in to the site again. I keep dropping the protocol on my URLS and it makes the authenticator sad.
JonathanNeal *try to log in
erikmaarten ah
JonathanNeal erikmaarten: what's your site?
erikmaarten what's your website, by the way?
erikmaarten I was gonna say ...
erikmaarten erikmaarten.com
JonathanNeal jonathantneal.com
erikmaarten your're not on http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC-people right?
erikmaarten by the way, my home page doesn't actually lead to anything, it's a bit of a work in progress
erikmaarten (haven't decided about a front-page feed yet ...)
JonathanNeal What do your site run on?
JonathanNeal I do not have permission to add myself to http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC_People
JonathanNeal But I did log in successfully.
erikmaarten oh, you're using disqus
@julien51 @beaulebens @cfinke #indieWeb FTW! cc @t
bnvk joined the channel
erikmaarten that's odd, when I added myself there no special permission was required
erikmaarten perhaps something happened during the latest round of modifications to IndieAuth, but if you're logged in successfully that shouldn't be the problem ...
erikmaarten my site runs on ... my home-brewed code, in php
erikmaarten and a database
erikmaarten what about yours, JonathanNeal?
JonathanNeal it runs on wordpress :\
JonathanNeal but i'm in the process of writing my own cms
erikmaarten I had a Wordpress(.org) site some while ago, it's very nice because it's easy to get going and everything works well out of the box ...
JonathanNeal Agreed. The PHP is really messy though.
JonathanNeal Writing a plugin or a theme is not worth the trouble.
erikmaarten when I encountered indieweb a little while ago though, I figured I'd just write everything on my own, incrementally, because it's a nice feeling to build everything bottom-up (when it works ...) :)
erikmaarten what are you using for writing your own cms?
JonathanNeal I'm writing that myself, too.
JonathanNeal I'm working on a spec for pages, and I finished a spec for content @ https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/5889625
@xtof_fr #indieweb #fr http://www.egad.in/
erikmaarten JonathanNeal: That's a nice and structured approach. So you're not going to use a dbms, then?
JonathanNeal I have nothing against a database, and something like this could be worked into MySQL. I don't know much about Mongo, but probably that too.
erikmaarten I chose MySQL simply because I have used it before and I don't have any practical experience with other good ways of storing information. I think barnabywalters stores everything in flat files, though I don't know exactly how.
JonathanNeal What are you hoping to learn these days?
erikmaarten indeed!
erikmaarten I'm hoping to get more experience of web development in general, from the website project. Not a very accomplished developer yet. So I guess that's a broad goal ... I might go over to learning Ruby later, hope that might be time well spent, and I didn't actually intend to write my site in PHP from the beginning.
erikmaarten any learning goals, JonathanNeal and pdurbin? :)
JonathanNeal Those all sound like good goals. I like the last goal, because it will involve working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
pdurbin erikmaarten: sure, that's what http://irclog.greptilian.com/wonderstudy/2013-05-11 is all about :)

sandeepshetty joined the channel
erikmaarten I was actually planning to write it in Python first, but support for Python is so-so on web hosts so I dropped it.
erikmaarten pdurbin: nice! will keep an eye on it!
pdurbin erikmaarten: the short answer (about learning goals) is that I'm working my way through these: https://github.com/pdurbin/wiki/commits/master/java/javaone/2012.mdwn :)

pdurbin .mdwn extension but it's actually yaml :) ... see also http://wiki.greptilian.com/markdown/as-yaml :)

pdurbin here's the yaml/markdown rendered as html: http://wiki.greptilian.com/java/javaone/2012/

JonathanNeal Immediately, I would love to find a job, then (perhaps unrelated) to complete the spec for this simple CMS and to implement it. Ultimately, I would love to make anything that makes the web more accessible to everyone.
erikmaarten pdurbin: that's a rather hefty collection!
erikmaarten JonathanNeal: sounds like a good plan. What kind of job are you looking for?
JonathanNeal I am looking for a job involving HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and innovation, in an OpenSource or OpenSource-friendly company, leading or working in a small team.
erikmaarten I imagine a fair deal of the job postings on hackernews might satisfy those criteria, haven't looked too closely though.
erikmaarten anyway, off to bed now
erikmaarten good night
erikmaarten and pdurbin, some broken links here: http://wiki.greptilian.com/vim/
erikmaarten for your vim dotfiles, perhaps that's not a very big priority haha
JonathanNeal goodnight erikmaarten
friedcell joined the channel
brianloveswords joined the channel
b0bg0d joined the channel
andreypopp and b0bg0d joined the channel
@laVeilleTechno RT @egadenne: Ma nvelle identité sur le Web est basée sur un nom de domaine ultra-court inspirée par le mvt #IndieWeb =>
@veganstraightedge Last night I dreamt of #indieweb improvements I need to my site and woke up with "Volcano Girls" by Veruca Salt in my head.
texburgher, xtof, friedcell, barnabywalters, brbcoding, andreypopp, sandeepshetty and ozten joined the channel
tantek, seyz and b0bg0d joined the channel
tantek.com edited /How_to_set_up_OpenID_on_your_own_domain (+209) "create issues subsection, respond" (view diff)

sandeepshetty joined the channel
ozten aaronpk: One thing that confuses me about http://news.indiewebcamp.com/ is comments. Is displaying them a TODO?
ozten http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/06/28/1/indieweb has comments but http://news.indiewebcamp.com/post/aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/06/28/1/indieweb only has the instructions for commenting
caseorganic joined the channel
aaronpk uhoh, my site does not follow the new authorship rules and now sandeepshetty's reply is blank, heh http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/06/28/1/indieweb

tantek right, something that applies the /authorship and /comment-presentation algorithms and shows you what it finds

barnabywalters aaronpk: already working? actually mostly done

sandeepshetty FYI, I'm also working on an /authorship lib based on the latest edits to that page along with some html pages to test it out.
barnabywalters it’s not perfect but I’m using it and it hasn’t gone wrong so far

barnabywalters mine doesn’t fetch the rel-author URL yet, only looks in the current context

caseorga_ joined the channel
aaronpk hey we now have 5 different domains on indienews! http://news.indiewebcamp.com/

barnabywalters is working on a friendly wm+pb sending+debugging UI which includes a visual h-entry validator

barnabywalters aaronpk: both

barnabywalters sandeepshetty: you mention you have HTML pages to test authorship — I do to, we should make a public compliance suite

barnabywalters *too

sandeepshetty I don't have them yet... working on it... maybe I could use yours?
barnabywalters mine are mostly embedded in the test files in my php-mf-cleaner repo

barnabywalters but as I mentioned, only test one-page authorship, no fetching of remote rel-author URLs yet

barnabywalters mf-cleaner is purely functional, no side effects

ozten aaronpk: I wrote up instructions for using Squid as an outbound proxy cache https://etherpad.mozilla.org/browserid-squid-proxy
b0bg0d joined the channel
sandeepshetty barnabywalters: I was inspired by something pfefferle did the other day.... Will be hosting the html pages on gist so ppl can quickly fork and test.
sandeepshetty I don't write tests :p
aaronpk facebook's new hashtag thing is cool https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/indieweb

sandeepshetty joined the channel
sandeepshetty well that was foolish of me to expect that to be public (not require a login)
bnvk joined the channel
sandeepshetty requires fb login
andreypopp, tilgovi, benwerd and melvster joined the channel
aaronpk apparently so did everyone else https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Google+Alerts+no+longer+supports+RSS+delivery%22

barnabywalters wait, why is that happening?

barnabywalters has never used google alerts

barnabywalters not really

barnabywalters looks it up

barnabywalters they email you search results? ???

barnabywalters fair enough

@xtof_fr #Orange #1 sur les #silos sociaux. Un moyen de contourner les centres d'appels. http://business.lesechos.fr/directions-generales/numerique/0202861228898-orange-bon-eleve-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux-7719.php #telemarketing #indieweb
barnabywalters and people pipe that into their blogs

caseorganic joined the channel
melvster joined the channel
aaronpk !tell tantek check this out -- google is killing off RSS delivery of google alerts... a final step in deprecating RSS, and taking out a chunk of the web in the process https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Google+Alerts+no+longer+supports+RSS+delivery%22

barnabywalters I’m all for downplaying RSS, but that’s downright disrespectful

barnabywalters they could quite easily have just given email notice and turned the service off, instead of sending a dummy message out

brianloveswords and b0bg0d joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 34 minutes ago: check this out -- google is killing off RSS delivery of google alerts... a final step in deprecating RSS, and taking out a chunk of the web in the process https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Google+Alerts+no+longer+supports+RSS+delivery%22

@silverton @aaronp not to mention killing XMPP in Hangouts. #indieweb more vital than ever.
benwerd joined the channel
tantek and b0bg0d joined the channel
@AndrewKorf @theinferno congrats on the “acquisition” look forward to seeing where you head with @bebo #open #indieweb #federated ?
poppy joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
tantek huh, I think we have a few more silos to document: http://www.conversationprism.com/

aaronpk wow I didn't realize you could make a completely custom tumblr theme http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_themes

caseorganic joined the channel
caseorga_ joined the channel
tantek anybody here POSSEing to Tumblr? How are you doing it? http://indiewebcamp.com/Tumblr#POSSE_to_Tumblr

andreypopp joined the channel
aaronpk either of which will aid in the move to create the new standard." http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fedsocweb/2013Jul/0013.html

sandeepshetty every time I see a reference to the acct URI scheme I feel :(
@shawnokeefe RT @t: that thing where you Publish Elsewhere &
bnvk joined the channel
@MGZALLP RT @xtof_fr: #Orange #1 sur les #silos sociaux. Un moyen de contourner les centres d'appels. http://business.lesechos.fr/directions-generales/numerique/0202861228898-orange-bon-eleve-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux-7719.php #telemarketing #indieweb
tantek I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this (or both) http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/

aaronpk heh, oh yea and the invitation on the list http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fedsocweb/2013Jun/0200.html

b0bg0d joined the channel
tantek oh I guess to demo we need to submit a position paper: http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/participate.html

barnabywalters joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Tumblr (+1072) "How to Add microformats support, start with some h-entry tips" (view diff)

barnabywalters tantek: nice

barnabywalters RE that W3C social thing — by opensocial, they mean the thing at opensocial.org, right?

barnabywalters I tried to figure out what it was but there were so many redirects, leading to a broken page :/

barnabywalters google -> opensocial.org -> “documentation” -> wiki -> broken page

caseorganic joined the channel
sandeepshetty tantek: why is authorship part of iwc wiki & not the uf wiki?
barnabywalters friending and messaging? hm, assuming you mean private messaging, I don’t think any indieweb creator so far has prioritised those two building blocks

bnvk joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: are either of those implementations still working, are you actively using them, did you prioritise that over identity and publishing?

barnabywalters I’m guessing yes, no, no

barnabywalters AFAIK the closest anyone here’s come to anything resembling “friending” is http://waterpigs.co.uk/contacts, which is one of the lowest priority parts of my site (and it shows)

barnabywalters oh would you look at that, it’s actually broken

barnabywalters is not sure he should be happy his point is proven or sad his site is broken ;)

sandeepshetty if following = friending then it's what I'm working on (reader)
sandeepshetty is wondering if that was a compliment?
sandeepshetty :)
tantek melvster - here you go, I maded you an h-card: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Findiewebcamp.com%2FUser%3AMelvincarvalho.com :)

barnabywalters tantek: thanks for writing a spec which was super easy to implement :)

barnabywalters melvster: wait, first you say that friending “is a challenge, and throws up many issues”, then you demonstrate the contrary, that all it requires is some well-marked-up hyperlinks? I’m not sure I understand what point you’re trying to make

tantek.com edited /blogroll (+454) "add melvster's blogroll to list of examples, barnabywalters to a "previously" subsection (until he fixes it ;)" (view diff)

barnabywalters tantek: I’m working on it ;)

bnvk joined the channel
barnabywalters WOAH indieauth is fast now — great work aaronpk!

sandeepshetty rawgithub.com is awesome :) https://rawgithub.com/sandeepshetty/authorship-test-cases/master/h-entry_with_p-author.html
waterpigs.co.uk edited /blogroll (+8) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ my example is working and well marked-up" (view diff)

barnabywalters hah

b0bg0d joined the channel
melvster tantek: it really depends on what use cases you are trying to solve, if you are happy with a central registry of terms and that does everything you need, that's fine, but if you want to create features that may not have previously been anticipated, having your own terms can be useful ... one driver for me is payments, and i need my own terms for that, because they are not part of the registry, and probably never will be
waterpigs.co.uk edited /blogroll (+921) "added brainstorming section with overdue braindump" (view diff)

sandeepshetty tantek: every time it says rel-author or h-card it means top level rel-author & h-card right? or do I need tests cases where they are children (rel-author on sandeep.io is now inside h-feed!)
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: rels are page scoped, there are only top-level rel-authors :)

barnabywalters can’t tell is that was sarcastic or not :)

sandeepshetty right sorry my bad. the question still stands for h-card though
sandeepshetty melvster: it's designed by silo ppl for silo accounts
barnabywalters accnt: is syntatic *sugar*?!

scor joined the channel
sandeepshetty tantek: thinking I'll need tests for rel-author pointing to a page where h-card is inside an h-feed. so the authorship algo should qualify which h-card (top-level+ inside h-feed)
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: ftr, mf-cleaner::getAuthor flattens page h-cards and walks through them

melvster sandeepshetty: that the acct scheme was invented by people that build silos is sort of a coincidence ... it because they wanted to query data where email was the object, and their technology meant they had to provide a subject, the choice was between mailto: and acct: and acct seems to be winning
sandeepshetty barnabywalters: by flattens do you mean pulls out all h-card at any depth?
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: yep, including properties, so h-feed.author would still pop up in the flattened lsit

barnabywalters *list

sandeepshetty what about h-cards of reply-context?
barnabywalters sandeepshetty: they’re included but should be ignored as their domains aren’t the same as the root domain. actually I hope to get rid of that particular bit of code, just thought it was worth mentioning

sandeepshetty melvster: the *real* choice should have been just a URL
barnabywalters argh Numbers doesn’t do HTML export — any recommendations for a good data table authoring application, mac/web, with HTML export?

sandeepshetty I mean an http url
melvster sandeepshetty: sure, i suggested 18 months ago that the solution to webfiger was as simple as : user@host -> http://host/@/user ... or something like that ...
sandeepshetty what pisses me of even more is that all the silo ppl asking for it... will not end up using it.
tilgovi joined the channel
sandeepshetty like we saw with activitystreams as well
sandeepshetty but they'll just end up complicating stuff
barnabywalters hm, turns out you can just copy/paste numbers charts into textedit and save as HTML. that’s tolerable

sandeepshetty it's telling that the webfinger spec has hypothetical examples of "possibilities" "
melvster sandeepshetty: what will be real useful is going to be to discover meta data from an email address, e.g. avatar, blog, homepage, name etc. ... if you have to jump through a few hoops to get it, i guess that's ok, it's useful information ... but webfinger probably isnt robust enough to be the foundation of a web scale identity or discover system, time will tell ... it's a good tool for discovery, if it ever ships ...
scor joined the channel
sandeepshetty it's sad that they didn't just use web linking and went the known path way
sandeepshetty no I meant get the domain from the email address and do a head on it to get a link rel
sandeepshetty tantek: think you missed my question about qualifying h-card?
melvster well id say the first decade of the web was quite grass roots, but now the enterprise is much more dominant, and we seem to be seeing more centralization as a result, but I could be completely misreading the situation ... it seems very few people now promote the properties that made the web take off such as decentralization and freedom to publish
sandeepshetty search for "qualify"
sandeepshetty tantek: love the idea of using tumblr. thanks to it's blogging roots is pretty open.
sandeepshetty enterprise = maximize stakeholder profits != maximize benefits for everyone.
scor joined the channel